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Source: https://www.ziprecruiter.


2. Pay attention to your lighting and background. ​Of course, none of us lives in a 
Hollywood studio. And nobody expects your background to look like a magazine 
cover. But you do have some control over your environment when you do a video 
interview. Make sure your background is neat and tidy, and try to be lit from the front, 
not the back. ​Avoid showing your interviewer an unmade bed or a messy room​.


General Clutter
You might think nothing of the piles of paper behind you or the trinkets haphazardly

placed on the shelf, but to a recruiter, they may be a sign of questionable organizational
skills. Even if you know the clutter has no bearing on how you work—after all, it may not
even be yours—​the interviewer might wonder if the lack of organization is likely to carry
over into your job.


2) Wear your background like an accessory 

You dress up for an interview, right? And in all likelihood you’ve dressed appropriately
for your video interview. ​Don’t spoil your appearance with a messy background.

You can take one of two approaches to backgrounds. One is to keep it simple. A blank
wall, for instance. It’s boring, but it’s neutral. The other—better— option is to create a
background that says something about who you are as a candidate. I find it’s especially
important to at least appear to be in a home office if you’re applying for a remote
position. This communicates that you’ve spent time and resources creating a space that
allows you to work effectively.
Source: ​

1. Not Setting Up A Good Background Shot 

When you have on online interview, the background of your shot matters 
quite a bit. The interviewer is going to judge you by the things that are 
happening in the background. Plus, your interviewer is probably going to 
have the usual arrogant conditioning that almost all humans have, and is 
going to believe that he or she can read things about you personally by the 
things in the background. This occurs when you have things in the 
background that may be rather telling about you. Things such as shelves full 
of DVDs about girl fights or hundreds of different perfumes. And, ​the worst of 
the worst, a mess in the background​. Your best bet is to have as little in the 
background as humanly possible. The less they have to look at in the 
background then the more they are looking at you. 

4. Find a Neutral Background

More than any other tip,​ pros said that careful attention to your background is absolutely
crucial​. A bedroom with a sloppy bed, a home office full of clutter, a kitchen table … all of
these connote information about you to the interviewer, none of it good. It’s not only
unprofessional, but it also distracts the interviewer, who’ll be busy analyzing your dirty
laundry instead of listening to what you have to say.

Finally, the technology isn’t quite there. All it takes is for you to move your arm quickly,
and suddenly, that ​pile of dirty laundry behind you becomes momentarily visible, which
is at its best distracting and at its worst embarrassing. 

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