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1. 1 kg fresh scraped coconut meat

2. 1/4 kg brown sugar
3. 2 tbsp condensed milk
4. 1 cup evaporated milk
5. 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
6. 1 1/2 cup water

1. I started from scratch. I have 2 coconut and i opened them to get the coconut meat. I
scraped it inside.

2. Wash it and put it on a pot together with the water.bring it to a boil. You need time and
patience to do this because you have to make sure that the coconut will soften. Mix it
from time to time until it absorbed half of the water.

3. Put the brown sugar and mix it well. Mix it for 3minutes non stop. Let it simmer for a
minute and start mixing it again. You will do it multiple timea until it becomes thick.
4. Put the evaporated milk and the condensed milk then mix it well. You have to reach a
certain consistency by mixing it well. Add the vanilla extract while you slowly mix it.
5. When it thickens and has the consistency of a jam, you can turn off the stove and let it
cool. In my case, to save some gas i cooked it on charcoal.

6. You can eat it while it is hot or you can put it in a jar and refrigerate it.

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