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The famous king of rock and roll, Elvis Presley, said that "Values are like fingerprints.
Nobody's are the same, but you leave 'em all over everything you do". Our values define us,
guide us, and provide us with meaning in our daily lives. They define and guide us in our
daily decisions.

We each have our own mind, and they are unique. The same is true for our values. I might
value one thing a little more than the others, but value something else a little less than the
other else. Those values will show in our choices, our motives, our desires, and our actions.
Those things which we don’t value, we won’t put any effort into protecting or preserving. In
fact, we might actively work against things that go against your values.

SEA's core values which is serve, adapt, run, commit, stay humble are a few values I hold
most dear. I strongly believe that these values are not only a vital part of a person's
character but also the key to success in the future.

To be a successful person, one must be committed to something that they does.

Commitment represents the motivation to stay and to work for something. Commitment is
the feeling of responsibility that a person has towards the mission and goals of an
organization. When an individual has commitment, they are more likely to perform tasks
and responsibilities to serve, adapt and run to help an organization achieve a goal. But do
not forget that successful people should not be arrogant and must remain humble. In
addition, being humble generally leads to better work performance. So even if you’re a little
overconfident on the inside, practicing humility can actually get you ahead.

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