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According to a study published in the Journal of Experimental Criminology (2008).


hit by a Taser suffer “significant reductions in several measures of cognitive functioning,”

Researchers measured memory, leaning, and coordination three hours before new police recruits

were tasered, and then five minutes after and 24 hours after. The researchers noted the

participants seemed to be back to normal after 24 hours. However, they noted concern for what

could happen if police decided to arrest an individual directly after they'd been tased--unable to

fully waive or understand their Miranda rights.

"Tasers are perfectly safe and have never, ever killed anyone," writes Dr. Matthew

Stanbrook (2009), an assistant professor, researcher and specialist in respirology at the Toronto

Western Hospital. We know this because Taser International . . . says so, claiming 'the taser . . .

cannot stop the heart.' And Taser International is an honourable and, for most of its existence,

very profitable company.

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