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Do you feel stuck?

Alistair Smith once said, “Getting stuck is not a problem. Staying stuck is.

Good learners practice getting unstuck,” Tell a little bit of your story staying


Many people want something better for their lives, but they don’t know where

to start. Others have done amazing things in the past, they are struggling in

the present to be awesome again. Life just feels off.

The good news is, it’s just a feeling. Yeah. And that mean you can change

that. How? That’s what I’m gonna be sharing in this video.

If you make a positive movement forward, the feeling will


When you are stuck, Bruce Chant recommends that you ask yourself three

important questions to re-calibrate and get moving in the right direction again.

Those three questions are:

1. What do you want? Name it. Define it. Call it out.

2. What is stopping you? A belief or mindset. Fear.
An excuse.

3. What do you need to do to obtain it? Now you can

work to address the issue, but do so by starting small.

You’re convinced that something must change, whether in your work or personal 
life. But you are struggling to figure it out. 
Sometimes an area of your life — or perhaps more than one — has gone 
completely off track and you feel like you can’t move forward. 
The power of resetting is that at any given moment in life, you truly can reset 
yourself, career, or relationship. 
You give yourself an entirely fresh start, a clean slate to begin your efforts anew; 
it completely clears your mind of all the unfinished to‐dos, burdensome 
distractions, and nagging questions in life. 
If predictable patterns in your life are not given you the results you seek, change 
course. Don’t do what you’ve always done. 
Switch off the usual things and embrace a new challenge. 
The golden opportunity to change is now. 
Hit reset. Start over. Start a new chapter. 

The essence of life is living it to the fullest. If you are not 
doing so then something is not entirely right. 

Are you living a meaningful life right now? 
A reset is your personal empowerment “button” — accessible anytime you 
desire change – you intentionally have to hit the button. 
A reset allows you to make improvements in your daily life in any shape or form 
you choose, at a pace you can comfortably commit to. 
Hitting the reset button is the only way to avoid hitting a permanent wall. 

1. Audit Your Life. 
When life is audited, performance improves 
And when you start to feel this way, trust me You are probably due a life audit.  
Do some introspection. observation of your own mental and emotional processes. 
What is the most interesting /important thing to you right now?  
Do you even have any? Does anything still interest you? 
Are you working towards that? 
Reexamine your goals in life as needed, and refocus where necessary. 
Trust me, this is not going to be the only time you do this. So schedule a time for 
your life audit – monthly, quarterly, yearly – but schedule a time. 
Ask yourself these questions: 

What went right? What went Wrong? What can I do


You don’t even have to spent an hour auditing yourself.

You can quickly assess how you performed each week or month, with
questions like:
How is this helping me achieve my goals?
What am I gaining by having this on my to-do list? Could I achieve the same
gains another way?
What would I lose by taking this off my list? Do those things play a large role
in me achieving my long-term goal?
Did I consume more than I create?
How about my time management? How did my screen time affect my
If you are future-focused, this is a helpful reminder to look back, even for a
few minutes, and think about how far you’ve come and what you need to do to
be better, and smarter in the future.
Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping.
It’s a better approach to redefine personal progress.

Auditing yourself can help you sustain a ruthless level

of prioritization and cut out load of crap!
It’s a practical way to achieve meaningful progress.
Tracking improves everything.
Analysis of work and life brings ideas for progress.
Many people are held back because they simply don’t know how to improve.
They aren’t tracking their life enough!
The more you track, the more you know about your situation, your behavior,
and your projected future.
You can even track bad behaviors, and habits.

An unhealthy behavior is something that, if unchecked, could possibly spiral

out of control and negatively affect your life or derail your purpose and plans.

2. Accept the past and keep moving

Brian Tracy once said, “It doesn’t matter where you are coming from. All that

matters is where you are going.”

Apostle Paul told it better, “One thing I learn to do, forgetting those things

which are behind and pressing on for the mark of the higher calling…”

Yes, you may not be happy about your past.

But remember, failure is not final or fatal.

It’s the willingness to keep moving that matters.

Bad memories will come back.

Instead of dwelling on them and relieving the situation, try to accept it, and

focus on the future.

3. The unessential? Chisel them away!

Is there anything that takes up a lot of your time and energy but you don’t

really enjoy doing it? A Studies? A relationship? A Job?

Sometimes you feel stuck because there are too many things that do not

advance your long-term goals.

Create a short list of these things and eliminate them from your life ASAP.

You’ll feel much lighter and you’ll be able to concentrate on what’s really

important. If you plan to start afresh it’s good to declutter your life completely.

4. Define YOUR NEW PURPOSE and

REDESIGN the goal
When you lose your purpose, when you become stuck, you signal to your
brain and body that you have no reason to live. (Tell about trees that die when
people stop plucking fruits from them).
When you no longer challenge yourself mentally or physically, deterioration
will set in. You start to decay – mentally and physically.
Only by continually challenging yourself will you keep both your body and
mind sharp.

There is a study that was done of Harvest students in 1979.

The graduate students were asked if they had set clear written goals for their
future and made plans to accomplish them. 13% had goals but didn’t write
them down. 3% had written them down. 84% had no goals.
10 years later, the graduates were interviewed again.
The 13% who had goals were earning an average of twice as much as the
84% who had no goals.
The 3% who had clearly defined and written their goals, were earning an
average of 10 times their classmates.

Clearly, setting goals is powerful. It keeps you going. Nothing is worse than a
man who knows not where he is headed.

Plan your life out. Thinking about your future

isn’t nearly as effective as writing down your

You can only witness change and progress by defining a strong purpose for
your life and working effortlessly to achieve it.
Without concrete, measurable, and achievable goals and a working system to
help you reach your goals, your days lose their flavor and life becomes boring.

You’ve got to have excitement for the future to do something worthwhile with
your life and career.

5. Set Course, starting today! and Adjust the

sail as you go.
Changing course can be challenging, but what makes it exciting is the
restoration of hope.

Give yourself a new and significant

challenge. What you need is a
something to get rid of inertia.
To get that momentum back, give yourself something to pursue and find an

accountability partner to help you take actionable steps. There is story told of

the drag and lift effect of a plan.

Your pursuit should be meaningful to you. That may not be enough to keep

you on course but it sure will give you a WHY to keep going.

Why you pursue something is equally as important as what you pursue. Start

something greater than yourself. Something you truly believe in.

Just doing something different can boost your mood, change your perspective

and give you a sense of optimism to move forward.

Pursue something that bring out the best in you. That way you will enjoy the

journey and the process.

Move beyond mere talk and commit to specific actions that will move your

goals forward.

Take the easiest step you can imagine to change


Once you start moving, you’ll feel unbelievably better.

You’ll feel the power of motion, you’ll feel the rut moving behind you. That one

step — it’s all it takes to start moving and creating again.

You don’t have to be stuck.

You can choose to take action today to move yourself forward, making

progress towards your ultimate goal in life.

1. Know what you want

2. discern what’s stopping you,

3. and take the next smallest step to get there.


Choose to make your life better, even when you are not stuck! If you want to

make big changes, meaningful changes, don’t wait for a perfect day.

You have the power to hit the reset button on your life.

Don’t wait for the first of January every year. Don’t wait until you’re fired. Don’t

wait until there is a breakup or a business collapse. You can hit the reset

button now.

Life has a reset button, but it’s up to you to push it Any. Time. You.


It’s never too late for a do-over, just like you can get a makeover. Hit that reset

button and never look back. Choose you. And rewrite the story.

1. Perform an audit on your life – what I call a “life audit”
2. Accept the past and press on to the future
3. Separate the LIFE and TIME wasters from GAINERS
4. Define YOUR PURPOSE and reDESIGN the goal
5. Set Course, starting today! and Adjust the sail as you go.

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