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The decline in production of baby powder PT Sakura was beautiful as a result of the covid-19


Director : Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Good day everyone

Contestants : Wa’alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, good day.

Director : Thank you all for coming. Let's start this meeting by reciting Basmallah

Contestants : Bismillahirrahmanirrahim

Director : Thankyou. I hope the meeting today goes well and gets what it will bring. Amiin.
All right, at this afternoon meeting I will personally lead this meeting. And today I call upon
managers of production, marketing managers and finance managers to evaluate the impact
covid-19 on our product production. First I will ask the production manager to report on the
production activities of the last 2 months

Production manager : thank you for the opportunity that was given to me. Well, I'll report on
production activities in the last two months after my evaluation, but it turns out the company's
product production dropped by 25% in March and dropped by a long time in April of 45%. As a
result, much raw material had to be used quickly but was delayed by declining demand. That's my

Director : What? how can production go down when we've just added the raw materials to
increase production?

Production manager : We have been trying to increase company production, but the more
production day continues to decline

Director : Thanks for the clarity. With that explanation, I'd like to hear a report from the
marketing manager. How's our product marketing going over the last two months?

Marketing manager : Thank you for the opportunity that was given to me. I'm reporting on
marketing activities in the last two months. In march, market demand declined, but it was still
under control. But in April, demand went very far from march. As for the problem with our
marketing activities on the market, the PSBB (heavy social restrictions) is being implemented
that makes it difficult to market the product and that many consumers are in greater need of self-
protection tools such as hand sanitizer, hand washing soap and masks.

Director : Thanks for the clarity. We have to take action on this case. And if anyone wants to
propose first?

Production manager : I'm interested in innovating a new product in the middle of this pandemic

Finance manager : Look. um... If we pull out a new product, it's sure to raise the funding. The
manager of the Marketing Department said that the market demand was down. In my opinion, it will
definitely affect consumer consumption. I have a suggestion that we should focus on the old
products or maybe innovate on the old ones. With old product innovation, we will use many raw
materials. But we are only adding the raw materials just now to supplement innovation. How?

Production Manager : It's definitely there. We will innovate the old product into a product that is
also needed at either the ovasi covid-19 or after the outbreak is finished. We will add an inoffensive
antibacterial ingredient to the baby's skin, but it remains in the form of talcum powder. As the hand
sanitizer needs are so hard to come by, we bring out this innovation. Even his gifts would protect
babies from viral outbreaks. With this innovation we can increase our production.

Marketing manager : What about the marketing of our innovation products?, in the face of the
covid -19 pandemic, our product is very difficult to get into areas that are implementing PSBB. Is it to
be marketed only to a specific area?, and if in those particular areas our product increases then this
problem will be quickly resolved.

Director : Indeed, we must select an attractive and appropriate marketing strategy to keep
things in perspective

Finance Manager : I think we should create an online trading system in view of the current
conditions, and in order for these products to be known quickly, we can advertise through social

Production Manager : If that's what it is, it doesn't need to be marketed in a certain area, but it's
only made in public because it's an online sale.

Finance Manager : All right, permission to respond also, the expense of the AD will increase
the funding to be issued. Whether it will affect the price of the product

Director : Yes, of course, will have an effect on our products, because we will certainly
supplement the material that will be used for the launch of this product. Then how finance our
company, if we can finance the launch of this product

Finance Manager : If I take a look at the settlement last month, our finances are still stable,
ma 'am. And as for bringing out this new product, it can still be done with funding

Director : I'd like to see our company's financial records, if you could send me a copy

Finance manager : Yes ma 'am, I'll send it right away

Director : And how it goes for the production team as well as marketing?

Production Manager : We'll work with a chemical company to get an anti-bacterial ingredient to
add to the product that we're going to produce. Me and the production team will try to achieve
success in this product, ma 'am.

Marketing manager : And our team will set up an interesting AD and will be splashed across
some social media as soon as the product is ready.

Director : Well let's make sure to get this product set up properly. And may the product we're
bringing out be a success accepted by the public and be able to meet our goals and we can reclaim
the market. Perhaps this is as far as our meeting today, should any development or constraints in
the production activity report immediately. I'm ending our meeting today. Assalamu’alaikum
warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Good day and thank you

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