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Samba Paria

A long time ago in Mandar, West Sulawesi, lived a beautiful girl called Samba Paria. She
lived with her younger sister in a hut. Because her hut was covered by paria trees so people
called her samba paria. Samba paria loved her younger sister very much. They always
helped each other. One day she asked her lovely sister to have lunch together outside of
their house.

Samba: “Hey, lets having lunch together, outside is better”

Sister: “Okay, sounds great, do you any food for our lunch?”

Samba: “Yes, of course, I have prepared some food for us, there are cassava boiled, corn
boiled, and rice”

Sister: “I want cassava boiled, Samba”

Samba: “Good choice, I love too, lets take a plate of cassava boiled, brings out of our home,
then we can eat it together outside”

Then they went to the kitchen to take a plate of cassava boiled. Minutes later, they was
going to eat it, but when samba paria gave her sister a piece of cassava, her sister didn’t
ready to hand it because of the hot cassava boiled.

Sister:” Sorry, Samba I didn’t ready to hand the hot cassava, so it fell down”

Samba:”No problem sister, we still have some”

Sister:”But why you didn’t take it?

Samba:”I didn’t want it, because of the dirt”

After that they finished their food because they felt full then they went home. While that
there was a dog of the king came and ate the cassava and bring it to the king. The king was
hunting for animals. Then the king saw his dog brought a piece of hot cassava, with
curiously he thought that the owner of the food was not so far from here. Then by his body
language, he asked the dog to go to the owner of food with hime also bring his soldiers.
After that they reached to samba paria house. Then the king knocked the door.

Samba:”Good afternoon my king, its surprised me that you came here, please come to my

King:”Actually im just going around, then I saw my dog brings a hot food and it looks so

Samba:”Oh my majesty, its only a baked cassava that I and my little sister cooked together
last moment, maybe my sister fallen it down.

King:”The smell is so delicious, where is your sister?”

Samba:”Let me call her first”

Then samba paria went to the back of her hut to find her little sister.

Samba:”Hey where are you?”

Sister:”Im here, whats going on?”

Samba:”Come on, the king si looking for you”

Then they came into their inside hut to face the king. While that the king was waiting for
them and lookin around. The king was amazed by Samba paria beauty, he never saw a
beautiful girl like her and the king fell in love with her.

Samba:”My majesty, she is my little sister”

King:”oh she is beautiful, just like her older sister. Are you living here only with her?”

Samba:”Yes, since our parents passed away, we both lives here until now.

Finally the king heard the answer from sabma paria, he had a bad idea to kidnap samba

King:”Anyway, I want to drink, do you have some water for me?

Samba:”Im so sorry, I have no water. But wait for minutes let my little sister takes the
water at the river”

King:”Well, a good idea, im waiting it”

For a while the king asked his soldiers to kidnap samba paria and they will bring out to the
palace. But samba paria didn’t accepd it for granted, she asked to the king that she wanted
to take some paria leafs.

Samba:”Hey before your soldier bring me out of my hut let me take some paria leafs
because I really like to eat it”

King:”Just take as much as possible”

Samba:”Why you did this to me? I think you are a wise king, but the fact you are a bad

Actually samba paria is a smart girl, she has thought for the next steps happen, the leaf was
for the direction of her trip for her sister in order she would see it and follow her then.
Then samba paria spread it down along the street until the palace. On the other hand her
sister has come into their house but she didn’t see anyone at home, so she become panic
then she cried and looked around but she didn’t find her sister. After that she looked up on
the street, there were much paria leafs. She has got sure that the paria leafs were from her
sister and the king was kidnapping samba paria, so she followed the direction of the leafs.
After she walked up for 2 days, finally she arrived to the palace but the king has arrived to
the palace first and he locked up samba paria in one of the room inside the palace. Then
samba paria sister called her for many times.

Sister:”Samba, samba, samba, im here to see you where are you, i miss you”

But there wasn’t a replyment from the palace so she cried and she felt very sad.

Sister:”Hey king, where is my sister? Where is she? I want to meet her

Because there wasn’t any vouce, the she cried and spoke up loudly samba paria name for
many times. Because of her sadness and her anger she asked samba paria to show half of
her body.

Sister:”Samba are you there? If you are in the palace please show me yourself in the

The king heard that, then the king wanted the sister to think that samba paria didn’t want
to see her anymore, so he put a cat in the window. The sister was surprises to see a cat in
the window. She thought samba paria didn’t want to see her anymore.

Sister:”well if you don’t want to meet me, I will go home”. Actually samba paria heard that
but she couldn’t do anything. “I will plant a moringa tree if it is die, it means that I die too.
The sister went home crying. Samba paria felt very sad but there were 2 soldiers so she
cant get out. Finally by the various ways, she could she the withered moringa tree, so she
thought that her sister was sick. After thinking hard, she found the way how to get out from
the palace. It was when the king went hunt to the forest. She asked the maids to take
shower in the river, while that she fell her ring down the river and asked the maids to find

Samba:”Help, help , help, my ring fell into the water,” quietly she ran out from the river and
she reached her home and found her sister was sick, then both of them felt very grateful
and happy but samba paria thought that soon the king would come into her home. So she
prepared the trap to face the king. She mixed chillies peppers and moringa leafs then she
mixed it with water. When the king really really came into her home she wanted to throw it
to the king face. The king immediately went up to the house and knocked the door

King:”Hey samba open the door please or I will break this door”

Samba:”Okay I will open the door”

Samba paria opened the door and threw the water to the king face. The king screamed in
pain. He fell and his head hit a big stone. He died instantly. Since then samba paria and his
sister lived peacefully.

The moral value from the story is don’t be a to other people. If we do bad things that bring
bad things to us, other people can repay too and can worst than we have done. We have to
be better and get respect to everyone no matter who they are.

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