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Fifth Year: Electrical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering
Teacher: Hadjer Boumaza
Elements of a Research Proposal
A research proposal presents a research project, which answers a clearly defined research
question. Its main aim is to convince the reader of the significance of that research project.
The main Elements of a Proposal
I. Title
A meaningful title of your work.
II. Introduction
The introduction provides a brief description of certain basic facts, and an explanation of the
research area. The main point that should be covered are:
 Your research area,
 The motivation of research,
 How significant is it for the industry practice/knowledge advancement?
III. Problem Statement
There should be a clarification of the research problem that will be addressed.
IV. Research Aims
Provide the main objectives that will be achieved through the suggested research.
V. Literature Review
Give a summary of the research studies which are related to your research work. There should
be a reference to the importance of your work.
VI. Methodology
Indicate the research methods that will be applied.
VII. References
Provide the references and sources for the information used in your research proposal.
 The proposal should be concise and precise.
 Font style should be Times New Roman with size 12, and line spacing 2
 The proposal should be written in your own words (use your own style of

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