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Oregon Trail (10 pts.)

The oregon trail was a wagon route settlers used to travel
westward. It was made so the settlers could travel more easily
through the lands. It went through what is now Missouri, Kansas,
Nebraska, Wyoming, and Idaho.

Mentally Ill Reforms (10 pts.)

Before this movement occurred, the mentally ill were given little
respect and care. This movement was to fight for fair treatment
and care for their illnesses. Some people involved were Dorothea
Dix and Elizabeth Packard. Fairness to the ill and care to the ill
was the outcome of this. It made the US better because the ill
got better treatment and began to get better.

Gold Rush (10 pts.)

The gold rush was started in January of 1848 when James W.
Marshall found gold at Sutter’s Mill in Coloma, California. The
news of gold brought around 300,000 people to California. This
helped the expansion westward because the people were heading
to California in hopes of gold, which was westward.

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