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Audit Program Guide (APG)

Audit of Cash in Bank


1. Completeness: To ensure that there is no unrecorded cash.

2. Existence: To ensure that the cash exist at a given date. Including the cash amount
3. Accuracy: To ensure that the amount is correctly recorded in the proper accounting
4. Valuation: To ensure that the cash belongs to the company at the yean end date.
Checking to ensure no cash receipt are post dated.
5. Ownership: To ensure that the company has a right to the cash
6. Presentation: To ensure that the cash balance and related income statement entries
are correctly disclosed in the Fs in accordance with legislation and accounting

1. Completeness: Compare cash book entries with bank statements.

2. Existence:
3. Accuracy:
4. Valuation:
5. Ownership: Check ownership of the cash
6. Presentation: Check post balance sheet transactions

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