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Assignment #1

In each following problem, state step 1 – step 4 in program development.

Problem 1

Supposed 6 people in a group are playing game. Each person should count every numbers from 1 to
50, with following rules:
- If the number is divisible by 6, the person should say: I’m great.
- If the number is divisible by 11, then skip to next person.

The expected output of this game are:

The first person say: number 1
The second person say: number 2

The sixth person say: I’m great
The first person say: number 7
And so on…

Problem 2

A file of student records contains name, sex(M or F), age (in years) and marital status (single or
married) for each student. Design an algorithm that will read through the file and calculate the
numbers of married men, single men, married women and single women. Print these numbers on a
student summary report. If any single women are over 30 years of age, print their names and ages
below on the report.

Expected Output:

Student Summary Report

Total Married Man : …..
Total Single Man : …..
Total Married Women : …..
Total Single Women : …..

Single women over 30 years of age are:

Maria Fatima : 31 years old
Seo-Yun : 33 years old

Due Date : Friday, 28th September 2018 23:55 WIB
Format : PDF

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