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Turkish delight


 385 g(1¾ cups) caster sugar

 1 tspcream of tartar
 2 tsplemon juice
 50 g(⅓ cup) cornflour
 2 tbsprosewater (see Note)
 ¼ tsppink food colouring
 320 g(2 cups) icing sugar mixture

Cook's notes
Oven temperatures are for conventional; if using fan-forced (convection), reduce the temperature
by 20˚C. | We use Australian tablespoons and cups: 1 teaspoon equals 5 ml; 1 tablespoon
equals 20 ml; 1 cup equals 250 ml. | All herbs are fresh (unless specified) and cups are lightly
packed. | All vegetables are medium size and peeled, unless specified. | All eggs are 55-60 g,
unless specified.

Place sugar, cream of tartar, lemon juice and 160 ml water in a pan over medium heat. Stir until
sugar dissolves. Bring to the boil. Cook for 10 minutes or until mixture reaches 115˚C on a sugar
thermometer. Remove from heat.
Meanwhile, place cornflour and 185 ml water in a small saucepan and stir until cornflour
dissolves. Place over medium heat and cook, stirring vigorously, for 2 minutes or until mixture is
the consistency of glue. Cook for a further 5 minutes or until mixture starts to come away from
side of pan and resembles thick mashed potato; remove from stove every few minutes and stir
vigorously to avoid lumps.
Add sugar syrup to cornflour mixture, about ½ cup at a time, stirring after each addition. Place
over low heat and cook, stirring occasionally, for 1 hour or until golden and mixture starts to form
a ball when stirred; as mixture starts to thicken, stir more frequently.
Add rosewater and colouring, and combine. Pour into a greased loaf pan lined with plastic wrap.
Refrigerate for 4 hours or until firm.
Turn out onto a chopping board dusted with icing sugar mixture. Using an oiled knife, cut into 18
squares. Toss in remaining icing sugar mixture until coated. Store for up to 1 month.
• Rosewater is from Middle Eastern food shops and selected supermarkets.
Almond Turkish delight
Chop 150 g blanched almonds and add with food colouring in Step 4 of the recipe above. Or,
using the tip of a small oiled knife, insert 15 whole blanched almonds into Turkish delight at
regular intervals before refrigerating.

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