Speaking Sub Test 3

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Phrases to persuade a patient to your advice

Ex. It is vital that you consider making these changes to your lifestyle.
It is imperative that you lose weight, else it can make you susceptible to serious complications for
the future
It would be beneficial if you can…..
It would be helpful…
It is strongly recommended that…
It is necessary for you to cut down on some of the foods in your diet that are not particularly
healthy. For instance, fried foods or foods rich in cholesterol.

Checking patient’s acceptance/thoughts

EX. Is that okay

How does that sound?
How do you feel about that?

Reassuring statements (avoid false reassurance like everything will be okay, don’t worry)

Ex. I will do everything I can to make you feel comfortable during your stay.

I know you are concerned that your progress is slow, but you are making steady progress and would
recuperate soon.

It’s ok to cry when you feel like it. I can wait for you.


EX. I understand how you are feeling, tell me more

I can see you are anxious about making changes to your routine.

I understand it is challenging for you to cope up with this situation. And it is a reasonable reaction.

I understand/see why you are worried. However,…….

I’m sorry this has happened, and I understand how it would make you feel that way.”

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