Chapter I Introduction

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Training is simply a process of assisting a person for enhancing his efficiency and
effectiveness to a particular work area by getting more knowledge and practices. Also,
training is important to establish specific skills, abilities and knowledge to an employee. For
an any organization, training and development are important as well as organizational
growth, because the organizational growth and profit are also dependent on the training. But
the training is not a core of organizational development. It is a function of the organizational

Training is different form education; particularly formal education. The education is

concerned mainly with enhancement of knowledge, but the aims of training are increasing
knowledge while changing attitudes and competences in good manner. After good training
programme, all different type skilled one group of employees can get in to similar capacity,
similar skilled group. That is an advantage of the trainings. Every organization has its own
culture. People in an organization are most important assets. They can make or break the
fortunes of an institute. So, a well-planned training program will develop the creative
faculties of the trainees and orient them to the practical aspect of today’s technological
growth. Therefore it is important for any organization to train more and more of its
employees to develop skills and abilities relevant to the assigned job.

Training and Development is the framework for helping employees to develop their personal
and organizational skills, knowledge, and abilities. The focus of all aspects of Human
Resource Development is on developing the most superior workforce so that the organization
and individual employees can accomplish their work goals in service to customers.

Knowledge and skills development is vital to the health of organizations. We live in an

information age today, and organizations are routinely valued not just on their physical but on
their intellectual capital. Training is one of the chief methods of maintaining and improving
intellectual capital, so the quality of an organization’s training affects its value. Untrained or
poorly trained employees cost significantly more to support than well-trained employees do.

Training affects employee retention and is a valuable commodity that, if viewed as an

investment rather than as an expense, can produce high returns. Training is organizational
effort aimed at helping employees to acquire the basic skills required for the efficient
execution of the functions for which they are hired. Development, on the other hand, deals
with activities undertaken to expose employees to perform additional duties and assume
positions of importance in the organizational hierarchy.

Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing particular
job. Training is a short-term educational process and utilizing a systematic and organized
procedure by which employees learn technical knowledge and skill for a definite purpose.

Training improves changes and moulds the employee’s knowledge, skills, behavior and
aptitude and attitude towards the requirement of the job and the organization. Training refers
to the teaching and learning activities carried on for the primary purpose of helping members
of an organization, to acquire and apply the knowledge , skills, abilities and attitudes needed
by a particular job and organization.

Training improves changes and moulds the employee’s knowledge, skills, behavior and
aptitude and attitude towards the requirement of the job and the organization. Training refers
to the teaching and learning activities carried on for the primary purpose of helping members
of an organization, to acquire and apply the knowledge , skills, abilities and attitudes needed
by a particular job and organization. Employee development is the important subsystem of
human resource development. Employee development is the specialized function and is one
of the fundamental operative functions for human resources management. Management
development is a systematic process of growth and development by which the managers
develop their abilities to manage. So it is the result of not only participation in the formal
courses of instruction but also of actual job experience. It is concerned with improving the
performance of the mangers by giving them opportunities for growth and development.


 To provide the basic knowledge and skills to the newly joined people to perform the tasks
as designed by the organization.
 To develop the existing employees by exposing them to latest concepts, information and
techniques, and there by strengthen their skills.
 To develop second and third line executives to strengthen the working links and levels, so
that they can occupy higher positions.
 To improve the outlook of senior level managers and other policy makers enabling them to
look into new horizons of the organization
 . To make employees more effective and productive which increase the image of
employees earning power and job security.
 To mould the employee attitude with the purpose of achieving a better co-operation with
the company a develop loyalty to the organization.
 To ensure smooth and efficient working of a department.


Training need identification is a tool utilized to identify what educational courses or activities
should be provided to employees to improve their work productivity. Here the focus should
be placed on needs as opposed to desires of the employees for a constructive outcome. In
order to emphasize the importance of training need identification we can focus on the
following areas: -

 To pinpoint if training will make a difference in productivity and the bottom line.
 To decide what specific training each employee needs and what will improve his or her
job performance.
 To differentiate between the need for training and organizational issues and bring about a
match between individual aspirations and organizational goals.

Identification of training needs (ITN), if done properly, provides the basis on which all
other training activities can be considered. Also requiring careful thought and analysis, it is a
process that needs to be carried out with sensitivity as people's learning is important to them,
and the reputation of the organization is also at stake. Identification of training needs is
important from both the organisational point of view as well as from an individual's point of
view. From an organisation's point of view it is important because an organization has
objectives that it wants to achieve for the benefit of all stakeholders or members, including
owners, employees, customers, suppliers, and neighbours. These objectives can be achieved
only through harnessing the abilities of its people, releasing potential and maximizing
opportunities for development. Therefore people must know what they need to learn in order
to achieve organizational goals. Similarly if seen from an individual's point of view, people
have aspirations, they want to develop and in order to learn and use new abilities, people need
appropriate opportunities, resources, and conditions. Therefore, to meet people's aspirations,
the organization must provide effective and attractive learning resources and conditions. And
it is also important to see that there is a suitable match between achieving organizational
goals and providing attractive learning opportunities.
Training improves changes and moulds the employee’s knowledge, skills, behavior and
aptitude and attitude towards the requirement of the job and the organization. Training refers
to the teaching and learning activities carried on for the primary purpose of helping members
of an organization, to acquire and apply the knowledge , skills, abilities and attitudes needed
by a particular job and organization. Employee development is the important subsystem of
human resource development. Employee development is the specialized function and is one
of the fundamental operative functions for human resources management. Management
development is a systematic process of growth and development by which the managers
develop their abilities to manage. So it is the result of not only participation in the formal
courses of instruction but also of actual job experience. It is concerned with improving the
performance of the mangers by giving them opportunities for growth and development.

Organizations are unwilling to invest in training program that has not been sufficiently
evaluated in terms of its potential contribution to the organizational strategic goals and
mission, and its effectiveness and uses on job to achieve the desired objectives (Noe &
Schmitt, 1986). Chang and Ho (2001) however, considered training and development as an
expensive investment. They often stated that training is unnecessary because most
organizations are not sure about the actual contribution of training and development toward
organizational performance due to lack of evaluation. Furthermore, Bramley and Kitson
(1994) define training as a planned effort by an organization to increase employee’s learning
work related competence. Employees’ training has become an important tools through which
organization can improve its service quality, decrease labor cost and increase productivity
and profitability (Kim, 2006).

The impact of training programme is to would the employee’s attitude and help them to
synergies individual goal with organizational goals. It also helps in reducing dissatisfaction,
complaints, absenteeism and above labour turnover. Training is a practical and vital
necessary because it enables employees to develop and rise within the organization and
increase their market value engine power and job security.

Training is practical and vital necessity because it enables employees to develop and rise
within the organization and increase their market value earning power and job security.
Training the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular
job. Training is a short-term educational process and utilizing a systematic and procedure by
which employees learn technical knowledge and skills for a definite purpose.
Training is the integral part in the whole management programmed, with all its activity
functionally inter-related. The need for training people is important so that new and changed
techniques may be taken advantage of an improvement affected in the old method.

The importance of training has been expresses in this world:” Training is widely accepted
problem solving device. Indeed, our national superiority in manpower productivity can be
attributed in a number of small measures to the success of our educational and industrial
training programme. This success has been achieved by a tendency in many quarters regard
training as a panacea”.

Dale S.Beach defines “the training as the organized procedure by which people learn
knowledge and the skill for definite purpose.


Training and development has become an essential component of most organizations for a
number of reasons:

 From an organizational perspective, training provides the means to maintain the

organization's competitive advantage by attracting and retaining its employees. For
example, the Gartner Group has discovered that those organizations spending over four
percent of their salary budget on training and development for informatics staff tend to
retain twice as many employees as those who spend less. The competition for staff is so
stiff in certain areas that the willingness of an organization to provide the commitment to
develop and train its staff provides a powerful incentive to remain. Training and
development is an indispensable strategy that helps facilitate the achievement of an
organization's mission or to successfully complete any large-scale change.
 The locus of organizational functioning has changed from the traditional rules-based
approach to a more decentralized and empowered mode of operation. Employees must use
their skills, abilities and creativity to solve problems, work in teams and resolve conflicts.
With training and development, employees can improve the quality of their work, make
fewer mistakes, evolve toward more progressive responsibilities and serve their clients
more effectively. In the future, levels of training and development will likely increase as
change accelerates with new personal productivity tools and different ways of
communicating and coordinating activities.

Training is encompassing everything that is expected for the enhancement of organizational

development and competencies. In order that the total performance may be improved,
organizations need to have trained and experienced people. Sound organizations move along
and administer training and development programs for the employees. These programs are
purposive and meant to equip the employees with the necessary skills that are required for
particular jobs. Besides, failing to reach an expected or required level of performance of the
employees or declines in the productivity or changes due to technological breakthroughs also
necessitate training and development programs to be administered in the organizations. Also,
the complexities of various jobs emerge the importance of training and development

Training is a process of learning as well as the application of acquired knowledge aiming at

better performance of the employees, while development involves not only the related
process but also helps the employees in building up their personalities, at the same time as,
improving their progress towards the actualization of their full potentials. It is training and
development programs that bring about tremendous change in terms of knowledge, attitudes
and behavior of the employees. Owing to these programs, the employees are not only well
acquainted with what is expected of them and how they need to enhance their skills and
competencies but also it is a way to achieve overall organizational development,
effectiveness and efficiency in a desired manner.

Management appoints leaders, the managers, who influence the employees so that they can
make goal directed efforts to produce the desired results. They inspire the employees for the
accomplishment of organizational goals. They build up competencies and ethical standards.
They direct the employees towards defined objectives of the organization while providing
effective training and development programs. They enthuse and motivate them so that the
tasks can be carried out effectively and efficiently. Before the training programs being
implemented, the need of training is identified. It is ensured whether training can serve the
purpose. Depending upon the needs of various jobs, different methods of training programs
are conducted, such as, on-and-off the job methods, special lectures, conferences and
The purpose of on-the-job method is to involve the employees in learning while they are at
work, whereas through off-the-job training program, the employees need to leave the work
place so as to spend the required duration in the learning process. Special lectures are meant
to create the awareness of fundamental knowledge. By way of arranging conferences, various
discussions are held on the points of common interest, in regard to the organization and
various issues, ideas are collected and experience is shared in order to deal with the problems.

With critical discussions, the participants of seminars study the various aspects and the
complexities of particular jobs. The sole purpose of training and development programs is to
build the necessary skills of the employees and to create positive feelings among them.

Purpose of Training

Training is defined by Wayne Cascio as “training consists of planed programs undertaken

to improve employee knowledge, skills, attitude, and social behavior so that the
performance of the organization improves considerably.”
Improving Quality of Work Force
Training and development help companies to improve the quality of work done by their
employees. Training programs concentrate on specific areas. There by improving the
quality of work in that area.
Enhance Employee Growth
Every employee who takes development program becomes better at his job. Training
provides perfection and required practice,  therefore employee’s area able to develop them
Prevents Obsolescence
Through training and development the employee is up to date with new technology and
the fear of being thrown out of the     job is reduced.
Assisting New Comer
Training and development programs greatly help new  employees to get accustomed to
new methods of working, new     technology, the work culture of the company etc.
Bridging the Gap between Planning and Implementation
Plans made by companies expect people to achieve certain  targets within certain time
limit with certain quality for this employee performance has to be accurate and perfect.
Training helps in achieving accuracy and perfection.
Health and Safety Measures
Training and development program clearly identifies and teaches employees about the
different risk involved in their job, the different problems that can arise and how to
prevent such    problems. This helps to improve the health and safety measures in the
Identifying Training Needs

Training need is a difference between standard performance and actual performance. Hence,
it tries to bridge the gap between standard performance and actual performance. The gap
clearly underlines the need for training of employees. Hence, under this phase, the gap is
identified in order to assess the training needs. 

Establish Specific Objectives

After the identification of training needs, the must crucial task is to determine the objectives

of training. Hence, the primary purpose of training should focus to bridge the gap between
standard performance and actual performance. This can be done through setting training
objectives. Thus, basic objective of training is to bring proper match between man and the
Select Appropriate Methods

Training methods are desired means of attaining training objectives. After the determination
of training needs and specification of objectives, an appropriate training method is to be
identified and selected to achieve the stated objectives. There are number of training methods
available but their suitability is judged as per the need of organizational training needs.
Implement Programs

After the selection of an appropriate method, the actual functioning takes place. Under this
step, the prepared plans and programs are implemented to get the desired output. Under it,
employees are trained to develop for better performance of organizational activities. 
Evaluate Program

It consists of an evaluation of various aspects of training in order to know whether the

training program was effective. In other words, it refers to the training utility in terms of
effect of training on employees' performance. 

Finally, a feedback mechanism is created in order to identify the weak areas in the training
program and improve the same in future. For this purpose, information relating to class room,
food, lodging etc. are obtained from participants. The obtained information, then, tabulated,
evaluated, and analyzed in order to mark weak areas of training programs and for future


Training and development is a continuous process as the skills, knowledge and quality of
work needs constant improvement. Since businesses are changing rapidly, it is critical that
companies focus on training their employees after constantly monitoring them & developing
their overall personality.

Steps for training and development processes are:

1. Determine the need of training and development for individuals or teams

2. Establish specific objectives & goals which need to be achieved

3. Select the methods of training

4. Conduct and implement the programs for employees

5. Evaluate the output and performance post the training and development sessions.

6. Keep monitoring and evaluating the performances and again see if more training is

Importance of Training and Development

For companies to keep improving, it is important for organizations to have continuous

training and development programs for their employees. Competition and the business
environment keeps changing, and hence it is critical to keep learning and pick up new skills.
The importance of training and development is as follows:

• Optimum utilization of Human resources

• Development of skills like time management, leadership, team management etc

• To increase the productivity and enhance employee motivation

• To provide the zeal of team spirit

• For improvement of organization culture

• To improve quality, safety

• To increase profitability

• Improve the morale and corporate image

Need for Training and Development

Training and development of employees is a costly activity as it requires a lot quality inputs
from trainers as well as employees. But it is essential that the company revises its goals and
efficiencies with the changing environment. Here are a few critical reasons why the company
endorses training and development sessions.

• When management thinks that there is a need to improve the performances of employees

• To set up the benchmark of improvement so far in the performance improvement effort

• To train about the specific job responsibility and skills like communication management,
team management etc

• To test the new methodology for increasing the productivity

Advantages of training and development

Training and development has a cost attached to it. However, since it is beneficial for
companies in the long run, they ensure employees are trained regularly. Some advantages are:

1. Helps employees develop new skills and increases their knowledge.

2. Improves efficiency and productivity of the individuals as well as the teams.

3. Proper training and development can remove bottle-necks in operations.

4. New & improved job positions can be created to make the organization leaner.

5. Keeps employees motivated and refreshes their goals, ambitions and contribution levels.

1. Training

This method includes developing employee skills through a combination of lectures, hands-
on-exercises, videos, podcasts, simulations, and individual/group-based assignments.

It includes both formal (classroom-based, instructor-led, eLearning courses) and informal

(watching YouTube videos, reviewing educational blogs and posts on peer-group forums like
LinkedIn or chat rooms, self-study) approaches to skills development.

Each option will be specific to an organization’s needs, and the subject at hand.

For example, a hands-on, instructor-led training may be the best option to teach a detailed
process or trade e.g. a complex manufacturing process or preparing a signature dish for a

These extremely specific tasks cannot be taught via YouTube or research, which may suffice
for more general subjects such as building codes or IT support issues.

Employees must actively undergo training (either paid for by themselves or by the
organization) throughout their career to enhance skills they (in consultation with their
managers/supervisors) deem necessary for the role they are performing.

However, organizations must also actively support employee skills development for future
roles/responsibilities that the company hopes to entrust these employees.

Ideal for:
Training is an ideal employee development method when it comes to addressing both Hard
(technical) and Soft (communications, conflict resolution, time management) skills.

2. Task/job rotations

Employees could volunteer to rotate roles with colleagues on a shift/team, to put some of
those new skills into practice.

Employers can also encourage job sharing as a method for employees, who have indicated
their desire to get practical experience, to develop some additional skills.

The goal is to rotate the tasks and roles to learn something new or have a chance to practice
what has been learned.

Stretch assignments: This method involves management working with employees to

understand where they wish to improve, and then finding assignments for employees to
develop those skills.

Typically, the assignments will push the boundaries of an employee’s existing

role/responsibility, to expand its scope to include additional skills needing development.
Stretch assignments could either be horizontal (tasking an employee to use additional skills to
do more work similar to – though not the same - their existing role), or vertical (extending the
scope of an employee’s role to cover down-stream or up-stream responsibilities).

Ideal for:
This employee development method is the best way to train flexibility and adaptability.

It is also great for extending an employee’s technical skills but, depending on the type of
stretch goals set, could aid in developing other ancillary skills such as Time Management,
Stress Management, and Conflict Resolution Skills.

Everything depends on the role/job for how applicable this is. For example, if you ask a
developer to talk/negotiate with clients, he probably won’t be as great as the manager, but at
least he’ll gain the project management skill to some extent.

3. Coaching

When talking about various employee development methods and their benefits, we can’t
stress the importance of helping employees polish their skills through coaching.

This method of skills development typically involves senior staffers working one-on-one with
less experienced individuals.

This can fast-track an employee's understanding of a variety of topics, but be mindful that
this approach can be both times consuming (taking up the assets of seasoned/valuable staff)
and result in a clone-like knowledge of the subject – as opposed to an employee learning the
subject his/her way or through input from a broad range of coworkers and mentors.

Ideal for:
Depending on the emphasis of the coaching involved, this can be a fast-track way to learning
very specific leadership and team management skills. It can also be focused on particular
organizational skills.

Coaching is usually a very hands-on approach to skills development and ideal for developing
skills like Technical and Analytical skills. Through employer-sponsored coaching camps,
employees could also pick up invaluable Interpersonal and Conflict Resolution skills.

4. Mentoring

This method involves senior leaders/management taking junior staff under their wing to help
develop important skills that the mentored individual might lack.

The more formal mentoring programs are typically used for senior executive/leadership roles,
while less formal structures might be implemented amongst junior management as well.

As with Coaching, be mindful of the time asset, and the even narrower funnel of a one-on-
one teaching model.
Ideal for:
Because it requires senior leadership commitment, Mentoring is typically used to develop
high-level skills such as Leadership, Strategic Management, Communication, Critical
Thinking, and Long-term Vision articulation.

Mentoring isn't very effective in developing skills required at lower levels of the
organizational structure – such as Shop Floor Assistant or Accounting Supervisor. Coaching
might be a better method for skills development at those levels.

More experienced employees can mentor less experienced, younger employees and isn't
necessarily restricted to management. It can be done at any professional level and is ideal for
communication skills, leadership skills, and organizational skills. It can also be applied to
teaching something new or even teaching creativity.

5. Workshops/Committees/Working-Groups

These are methods that give employees an opportunity to interact with peers/colleagues from
within and external to the organization.

The benefit here is rich access to similar colleagues (internal) and dissimilar colleagues

This broad range of input and knowledge can be useful in gaining new insights,
troubleshooting, and opening up communication on best practices.

This is ideal for communication skills and teamwork but can also be applied to anything else.

Ideal for:
Workshops are great for developing a range of soft skills, such as Communications,
Teamwork, Presentation, Public Speaking, Networking, and Leadership skills. It can also be
used to polish Research and Analytical skills.

6. Simulations

These are becoming very popular due to both how engaging and effective they have become.

In its simplest form, a simulation could be role-playing a customer service interaction, for
example, learning how to diffuse an irate and confrontational client in person, or responding
to an emergency situation such as mock first aid scenarios.

At its highest level, simulations can involve completely virtual worlds, such as fire rescue or
flight training where employees can learn the skills required in a nonconsequential setting.

This is extremely useful in taking conceptual or textbook knowledge and applying it to the
real world which gives the employee both the know-how as well as the exposure and
comfortability in handling such tasks.
Ideal for:
Works for all types of skills. Group simulations can even be utilized to teach social skills.

7. Conferences

Much like workshops and committees, conferences are a useful way to network and gain
exposure to a vast knowledge base of both interdisciplinary and outside industries.

Specific sessions are generally available to increase awareness and training of relevant topics,
often in a pick and choose a format that can be of interest/usefulness to particular subgroups
within an organization.

Ideal for:
Dependent upon the conference’s applicability and specificity, they work for all types of
skills, including hard and soft skills and personal development. It can additionally assist with
communication skills.

8. On-the-job development

Employees who have attended some basic training on a technical skill (whether it be in
operating a new machine, or learning new financial analysis methods) will often find on-the-
job development a great method to hone those skills.

This is basically learning by doing, which is typically done right after the training.

The main goal of on-the-job development is to provide everything to the employee for self-
study while at work. Employees learn how to use something or apply the methods as they
complete the assigned tasks.

This is a very popular way to develop employees as companies typically don’t have the time
to train every single employee on every single skill especially if that skill does not require
specific/advanced knowledge.

Ideal for:
While on-job exposure is typically good for work-specific skills development, this method
can also develop a broad variety of employee skills, including hard and soft skills.

These range from technical skills, leadership development, and analytical expertise as well as
organizational skills such as time management, multi-tasking, and prioritization.

9. Self-study

This can be accomplished through different methods: reading/researching, taking classes, etc.
outside of work hours.

The subject doesn't always relate to the skills that an organization needs, but rather something
new that they believe will improve their performance.
While the time invested for self-study isn't directly compensated, if an employee purchased a
course that will improve his performance, the company should compensate him by paying for
that course.

The benefit is that the employee decides what’s of interest, and pursues it independently.
Conversely, it is often difficult to motivate employees to spend off-work time devoted to
work-related endeavors.

Ideal for:
This is a great means to develop creativity and curiosity, as employees will naturally choose
topics of interest/passion. Depending on the material studied, however, it could be applicable
to all skills.


10. 360-degree performance review

This method involves getting feedback about an employee, from a cross-section of peers,
subordinates, supervisors and external vendors, and then identifying skills development
opportunities based on those inputs.

For more information on this type of feedback consider this article: Performance Appraisal.

Ideal for:
Because of the fairly broad scope of feedback, this method relies upon, it is typically good for
identifying skills gaps in people-facing roles, including Conflict Resolution,
Communications, Tactfulness, and Interpersonal skills.

11. Career planning

While this method is usually viewed as something that is "employer-driven" – where HR

decides which employee should fill what role – it shouldn't be so!

Employees can also suggest future/alternative career paths for themselves, to their
supervisors/managers, and initiate career planning discussions.

Through discussions with management, individual employees should then analyze their own
strengths and shortcomings, and volunteer to take on some of those roles. Individual career
plans can then be mapped out, in consultation with HR, with specific skills development
milestones identified for each role.

Ideal for:
When used in conjunction with other employee development methods, Career Planning can
help identify and develop a broad spectrum of cross-organizational employee skills.

Typically, Career Planning sessions identify soft skills like Communications, Interpersonal
Skills, and Time Management for development in leadership roles, while hard/technical skills
manifest themselves for development in front-line rank and file roles.

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