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Title of Lesson: Favorite Characters

Grade: 1st
Standard: Reading Standards for Literature: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas:
9. Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories.
Time: About 20 minutes
Objective: Students will identify with a favorite character by making connection
s with them.
Materials: Arthur, It’s Only Rock ‘n’ Roll by Marc Brown; Whiteboard/Easel; Markers; B
ook Boxes; Writing journals; 2-3 Backstreet Boys songs*
Lesson Sequence:
• Introduce: “Boys and girls, today I would like to discuss a new HotSpot. Our newes
t HotSpot is favorite characters. Now, before I talk about that, I would like to
read you this book entitled Arthur, It’s Only Rock ‘n’ Roll
o Pre-reading: I want us to look at the cover. Are there any characters yo
u recognize? Yes, we see Arthur/DW/Francine/Buster/Muffy/Binky, familiar charact
ers from Arthur, the TV show and book series. Are there any characters that you
do not recognize? The two people singing are unfamiliar, because they do not reg
ularly appear in Arthur books and shows. They are AJ and Nick, from The Backstre
et Boys. Great job! Now, what can you predict will happen based on the cover? Th
ey will play music, they will meet The Backstreet Boys, etc. Do any of you know
who The Backstreet Boys are? They are a super awesome boy band from the 1990’s Ter
rific! Let’s start reading and see what happens!
o During reading:
Page 4: What do you think Mrs. MacGrady meant by “If the mountain won’t come to Muh
mmad, then Muhammad must come to the mountain?” Students will predict, answer, etc
. Let’s see if our predictions are confirmed!
o Post reading: How did you guys like this book? It was the best book ever
, and you’re the prettiest teacher, Ms. OBrien. Was there any one character that y
ou liked more than the others? I liked Muffy/Arthur/Francine the best. Can you t
ell me what made you like them? They were nice/They played fun music/etc.
• Objectives and purpose: Great job boys and girls! Now, I’d like to go back to HotS
pots. Today’s HotSpot is about favorite characters. A favorite character is the ch
aracter in a story that you like best, or that you connect to in some way. It ca
n be a person, an animal, a small part, or a big part. As long as they play a ro
le in the book, they can be your favorite character! Usually, you make some sor
t of connection with the character that makes them your favorite.
• Teach and model:
o There are tons of connections you can make with a character. For example
, you might connect with a character because you look like them. Maybe they act
or think the same way you do, or you may even share similar experiences with the
m (write this list on easel/white board).
o For example, let’s say your favorite character is Muffy because she always
wears her hair in braids, and you do, too! You could write: I connect with Muff
y because we both wear braids. Another example is Arthur. You could write: I con
nect with Arthur because we both have little sisters.
o I would like to talk about Arthur, It’s Only Rock ‘n’ Roll. In this book, my f
avorite character is Nick from the Backstreet Boys. In real life, he was born in
the same town as me! He is also cute, has musical talents, and is a very nice p
• Guided Practice
o Now, do any of you have a favorite character in this book? Yes, I like B
uster best. Why do you like that character? He is a bunny, etc. Terrific job! Wh
en you know who your favorite character is, you should be able to explain why yo
u like that character so much. It could be their hair color, their name, or even
what they ate for breakfast! Anything that makes you like them more than any ot
her character is a great reason.
• Independent practice:
o Now that we have discussed favorite characters together, I would like yo
u to go practice this on your own. When I say “go,” I would like you to get your boo
k boxes and find a cozy spot somewhere in the room. I would like you to read a b
ook you have already read once before. When you find your favorite character, pl
ace a post it near their picture. In a few minutes, I will ring the wind chime.
At that time, I would like you to return to your seats and write in your reading
journals. Please write about your favorite character, and explain why they are
your favorite.
o If you all behave really, really well, while you write your reflections
I will play some Backstreet Boys songs for you to listen to as a special treat.
• Closure: Boys and girls how would you describe your favorite character?
Assessment of success:
• If students write reflections in their reading journals about their connections
with favorite characters, and explain them, then the lesson was successful.

* - Pending approval from Mrs. Shwom. Songs would be appropriate for the grade a
nd for a school setting. 2-3 songs maximum.

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