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Q3 LESSON 3 Student’s name:..................................................... Class: 8A.............

Corrector’s name:..................................................
I. Use “both…and, either…or, neither…nor” to complete these sentences about the hotel rooms.

1. A deluxe room has ………………………….. a shower ………………………….. a bath.

2. A standard room has ………………………….. a shower ………………………….. a bath.
3. An economy room has ………………………….. a shower ………………………….. a bath.
4. A deluxe room has ………………………….. a radio ………………………….. a TV.
5. A standard room has ………………………….. a radio ………………………….. a TV.
6. An economy room doesn’t have ………………………….. a radio ………………………….. a TV.

II. Rewrite the sentences using so or such at the beginning of the sentence.
7. As the exams were difficult, many students complained.
So ......................................................................................................................................
8. His dream was so strange that his psychiatrist wrote about it in a medical journal.
9. The explorers took such a long time to find the tomb that they had nearly run out of supplies.
Such ..................................................................................................................................
10. Many people think she’s English because she speaks the language so fluently.
11. She is so ignorant that she has never heard of Shakespeare.
Such ..................................................................................................................................
12. He was so surprised that he nearly fell off his chair.
Such ..................................................................................................................................
13. The dancer moved so gracefully that he appeared to be skating.
So ......................................................................................................................................

III. Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each gap.
Victor Gruen, an American architect, revolutionized shopping in the 1950s by creating the type of
shopping centre that we now call a shopping mall.
Gruen’s (14) ……………. wasto provide a pleasant, quiet and spacious shopping environment with
large car parks, which usually (15) ……………. building in the suburbs. He also wanted people to be
able to shop in all kinds of weather. He (16) ……………. on using building designs that he knew people
would feel (17) ……………. with, but placed them in landscaped ‘streets’ that were entirely enclosed and
often covered with a curved glass roof. This was done to (18) ……………. some of the older shopping
arcades of city centers, but while these housed only small speciality shops, Gruen’s shopping malls
were on a much grander (19) …………….

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0944 225 191 1
Access to the whole shopping mall was gained by using the main doors, which (20) ……………. the
shopping ‘streets’ from the parking (21) ……………. outside. As there was no need to (22) …………….
out bad weather, shops no longer needed windows and doors, and people could wander (23)
……………. from shop to shop. In many cities, shopping malls now (24) ……………. much more than
just shops; cinemas, restaurants and other forms of entertainment are also (25) ……………. in
14. A. direction B. aim C. search D. view

15. A. resulted B. sought C. intended D. meant

16. A. insisted B. demanded C. requested D. emphasized

17. A. favorable B. agreeable C. comfortable D. enviable

18. A. model B. imitate C. repeat D. shadow

19. A. measure B. height C. size D. scale

20. A. disconnected B. withdrew C. separated D. parted

21. A. strips B. lines C. areas D. plots

22. A. hold B. get C. stay D. keep

23. A. freely B. loosely C. simply D. entirely

24. A. contain B. concern C. consist D. compose

25. A. becoming B. growing C. raising D. advancing

Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS or A NUMBER for each

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0944 225 191 2
Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm
27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0944 225 191 3

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