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in the name of Allah, most gracious, most beneficent.

Hello everyone, before we begin, allow us first of all to thank you, the
honorable members of the jury, for your reading, your attention and
your observations.
We also would like to express our deepest gratitude to our supervisor
for her follow-up and her efforts throughout the year, we would also
like to thank all those who have given us the pleasure of coming here
Dear friends, family and attendees, you are most welcome to take part
in our Master 2 degree in Architecture, option ''Architecture in urban
coastal areas'' graduation.
we are honoured to present to you our modest work entitled
(Sustainable Tourism development and plannings in coastal areas)
carried out by my partner Bouache Mohammed Islem and myself
Ouchene Mohamed.
Before we present to you our work-plan, we’d like to quote the
legendary architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, in which he points out how
important architecture is for the development of our civilization.
“The mother art is architecture. Without an architecture of our own we
have no soul of our own civilization’’
- Our work-plan is as follows:
*An introductory phase, in which we will present you with our
speciality and our motivations for choosing it, and as well as our city.
* analytical phase, where we will present our site of intervention, on
the architectural and urban plan, which will allow us to leave with a
diagnosis. And to respond to this established diagnosis, we will move
on to the intervention phase, which is as follows:
An Urban Actions Plan
A schematic diagram
A management plan designed according to the schematic diagram.
And lastly, the simulation of our project.

Introducing the Speciality:

 Our speciality, entitled Architecture in coastal urban areas or as
it’s shortly referred to in our institute as A,Z,U,L, is interested in
the site/project relation, because a good project in this speciality
is one which integrates judiciously into its environment. The
particularities of a given site, no matter how insignificant they
are, must be taken into account in our way of thinking,
producing and organizing our public and private spaces,
B. Objectives of this Speciality:
 Identify the indicators that have marked the architectural and
urban production in the coastal urban areas, particularly in the
case of small and medium-sized coastal cities, through their
development in terms of organization and production of the built
and non-built landscapes
 The identification and explanation of the problems that coastal
cities in general - small, medium and large - are experiencing
today, particularly in terms of architecture and urban planning.
 A better adaptation to the particularities of the coastal
environment, in our way of producing and organizing its spaces,
 Planning and designing while taking the sustainable
development approach in consideration, this for a better
protection and development of the prospects of our coastal areas.
and give it back its architectural and urban image and, as well as
the pleasant life they once enjoyed. It is crucial today that our
country expresses its willingness to develop tourism.
C. Our motives for choosing this speciality:
 In the last two years of the curriculum, we chose the Speciality
of architecture in coastal urban areas (A.Z.U.L) for the following
 Our collective interest in coastal cities and areas and the fact that
we are inhabitants of a medium sized shoreline town
 It allowed us to deepen our knowledge of the coastal city and its
 It gave us the opportunity to figure out the potentialities of
coastal cities and their touristic resources and the means to
develop it as best as possible,
Our choice of city was motivated by:
Its rich and diverse touristic potential due to its geographical location
in the Mediterranean region, its magnificent coastline, its landscapes -
beaches - mount of Sidi Merouen and its very fertile agricultural land,
Its history.
the city of Tenes is composed of 3 major entities:
-East Central part
-Western Part
-new extensions

Western part :
This western part crossed by the National Road N°11 is composed of
extensions developed in the post-colonial period: Chaarir city, Bergie
city, high school city, and Agricultural Lands that are occupied by
illegal constructions on Mount Dahra
It can be seen that there is a lack of articulation between the different
the National road n°11 does not have the image of an urban boulevard,
it is always considered just as a simple mechanical axis
In summer there is a traffic problem on this side.
Eastern part:
This part crossed by the National road n°11 which consists of :
The port area:
The port area is composed as follows:
The port, the cliff, the Customs, theater, individual and collective
housing, administrative facilities.
The development of this area is not well planned.
It can be seen that:
There is a lack of entertainment at the port, particularly in the
consumer and leisure areas ( terraces, restaurants and children's
playgrounds.......... etc.)
Existing facilities are in a state of disarray.
The cliff which is in its natural and undeveloped state
Many projects are in progress.
To get to the port, you have to go through the city, which causes
heavy traffic.

the new extensions:

We note:
Urban-sea break-up and lack of articulation between the new
extensions and the waterfront and between the East and West parts of
the city.
There is a high clustering in the historical core
The new extensions are made in a way that does not meet the
particularities of coastal cities:
the new extensions infringe on agricultural land.
Absence of breakthroughs in new extensions.
an irregular grid
According to the analysis of the architectural characteristics of coastal
cities, we can see that:
The New extensions are made in a sloppy way. The government then
turned to an emergency policy (to overcome the lack of housing) that
did not address the real problem of urban planning.

3/ The current situation in the city of Tenes:

We see:
The discontinuity of the seafront
Urban-sea disruption.
Lack of articulation between the East & the West and historical core
and old Tenes
Lack of city port articulation
And extreme lack of touristic infrastructure especially in the west side
of the city.
action plan:
Before proceeding with this action plan, we will present you with a
reminder of the situation:

N.R.11 is the only East-West axis located on the coastal strip, linking
the agglomerations of the territory.
N.R.19 is the only North-South axis linking the agglomeration of
Tenes and the capital of the State of Chlef.
The lack of planning along these two axes.
The road system does not provide Sufficient links between the city's
The railway, which could be another way to enter the south of the city,
is not functional.
The Valleys divide the city into several parts.
Presence of housing on the shores of the Valleys (Floodplains).
Poor neighborhood structuring.
Degradation of the architectural heritage (destruction of the ancient
Roman ramparts gates and bridges).
The absence of a sea-city relationship (the discontinuation and rupture
of the seafront).
The lack of various activities and infrastructures in old Tenes.
The Lack of touristic infrastructure.
The Presence of pre-manufactured cities (Bergui city, the Cellar city,
the Station city and the Virgin's city) that have exceeded their lifespan
and have become a danger to the inhabitants.
Poor structuring of the road network, especially in the city of Riacha
and Ain Louz
The Lack of green spaces, public spaces and recreational areas.
The pollution of Allala valley by sewerage (discharge point).
The presence of a large number of urban discharges and solid waste of
anthropic origin that degrade the quality of the environment and
natural resources of Tenes.

We came out with Actions to be carried out in the city of tenes are:
-management, conservation, protection, renovation, demolution,
restoration, valorization, preservation.

to be more specific:
-Restructuring and animation of breakthroughs in new extensions.
-articulate the different entities of the city.
Restructuring along the RN11 and RN19.
Valuation of the main axis RN11
Development of existing secondary roads
the creation of secondary axes perpendicular and parallel to RN11.
the expansion of roads for a better structuring and functioning of the
Restoration and Restructuring of the colonial city.
Renovation of some buildings (mosque sidi maiza)
Renovation of prefabricated housing estates
destruction of illegal dwellings
development of the port and Facilitate accessibility to the Port's
activity and take into consideration the expansion of the Port
Development of the western part (the beaches).
Redevelopment of the eastern part (port area).
Ensure the continuity of the track on the coastal bunghole
Waterfront development
Enhancement of the tourism function
Restoration and renovation of the old building.
the expansion of roads for a better structuring and functioning of the
Objective :
For a better profitability of the city of Tenes.
To animate the city of Tenes.
To facilitate mobility within the city.
A better urban environment.
A better tourist image of the city of Tenes
For a better living environment.
Safeguarding heritage.
For a better preview of the city.
Forest management to safeguard and enhance the natural heritage.
Boost the port.
Boost the waterfront.
Create an articulation between the sea and the interior fabric
Provide a better urban environment.
To animate old Tenes.
Safeguard this historical heritage.

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