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Ante que Dios les bendiga mucho mis queridos tíos Lemos, espero que al recibo de este

mensaje se encuentren en bendición espero que esta navidad sea prospera para ustedes, así
como para Keren y su bebe. Quiero agradecerles por acordarse siempre de mí y de nuestra
familia mi mamá Eida les manada saludos y se siente muy agradecida por ustedes mi hijo Lucas
ya tiene 3 años y está bien de salud gracias a Dios me gustaría saber cómo le va a Keren con su
bebé y que me dijeran si es varón o hembra y si pueden me manda una foto me imagino que
deben estar súper contentos con nieto o la nieta ah díganme que nombre le pusieron. Por otra
parte, si me pueden dar el un número de móvil de ustedes para poder comunicar por
WhatsApp para poderles ver si es posible denle saludo de mi parte a Keren y estamos
contentos por su bebe.

Toda mi familia les manda saludos, así como mi papa Elio todos estamos bien.

Dios les bendiga mucho y gracias por acordarse de mi


Les quiere Lia.

Momentum (feat. Su Presencia)

I can see it coming

a wave of His power
You won't find me running
‘cause this is the hour
That I am going deeper
To places that I've never been
I believe for greater
To see things that I've never seen
Our God is moving
and His love is unstoppable
So keep the party going
no stopping
Caught up in momentum
Lift Him higher
Lift Him higher
Lift Him higher
We're gonna sing louder
Sing it louder
Sing it louder
I can feel it rising
a flood of His glory
His love is overwhelming
and I know its drawing
So I am going deeper
To places that I've never been
I believe for greater
To see things that I've never seen
Our God is moving
and His love is unstoppable
So keep the party going
no stopping
Caught up in momentum
Lift Him higher
Lift Him higher
Lift Him higher
We're gonna sing louder
Sing it louder
Sing it louder
We'll never stop
no we'll never stop
Giving praise to You
We lift You up
Lord we lift You up
You make all things new
We'll never stop
no we'll never stop
Giving praise to You
We lift You up
Lord we lift You up
You make all things new
Our God is moving
and His love is unstoppable
So keep the party going
no stopping
Caught up in momentum
Lift Him higher
Lift Him higher
Lift Him higher
We're gonna sing louder
Sing it louder
Sing it louder

Through It All


It's the way You move

And everything You do
The way You touch my heart again
I'm in love with You

This is why
I praise You, I praise You
I lift You high
I praise You, I praise You

Through it all
I will keep on singing to You
Through it all
I will keep believing in You
Whatever happens
There is one thing that I know
You are with me
Everywhere that I may go
I will trust You
And I'll praise You through it all
Yeah, I'll praise You through it all
Yeah, I'll praise You through it all

As I lift my eyes
Your light is shining bright
And I choose to sing again
For You give me life

This is why
I praise You, I praise You
I lift You high
I praise You, I praise You

Through it all
I will keep on singing to You
Through it all
I will keep believing in You

Whatever happens
There is one thing that I know
You are with me
Everywhere that I may go
I will trust You
And I'll praise You through it all
Yeah, I'll praise You through it all
Yeah, I'll praise You through it all

Even on the darkest day

Nothing will stop my praise
Nothing will stop my praise
Whatever may come my way
I'll lift up Your name
I'll lift up Your name

Even on the darkest day

Nothing will stop my praise
Nothing will stop my praise
Whatever may come my way
I'll lift up Your name
I'll lift up Your name

Whatever happens
There is one thing that I know
You are with me
Everywhere that I may go
I will trust You
And I'll praise You through it all
Yeah, I'll praise You through it all
Yeah, I'll praise You through it all

//Mi corazón se regocija en el Señor

Mi fortaleza en el Señor se exalta
Mi boca cantará sin temor contra mis adversarios//
Por cuanto me regocijo en su salvación
Diré que no hay Dios como mi Dios.
Por cuanto me regocijo en su salvación
Diré que no hay Dios como el Señor.
//No hay santo como el Señor,
No hay santo como el Señor,
No hay santo como el Señor, nuestro Dios//

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