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42.2021 Pitch Yaw Roll - Sven Manor Skies Rendering Gefault Func Sounds Useful Commands Mapping P Tutorial Pitch Yaw Roll ch Yow ond Roll are required when setting up @ rotation diferent thon by using only Yew rotation, what Textures & Model compos in object properties: s9eful Cammand = Usfoult Func Sound! — crs Yow represent x/y top view Ne fovocnte || (rotation around Z axis) Gory Reecicid e a [acest Some Entities tke trigger_camera needs specified X YZ rotation for camera torget, But it can be done in eo info_target enttytrigger_camera target keyvalue Setting Up Pitch Yaw Roll Firstly, check out your view settings. The Picture below sh 42 42.2021 Pitch Yaw Roll - Sven Manor ‘So the Yow is a rotation around Z a2is, Pitch is @ rotation around Y axis, and Roll rotate eround X Aas Go into Entity properties, and check Pitch Yaw Roll: First Value Represent Pitch second value is ¢ Yaw and t! Positive Piteh values wil rotate Entity Counter Clockwise in SIDE /Z) view: eo™ 000 ‘So Value 135 has rotated Soldier Counter Clockwise 185 degrees. For brush: Value -90 is UP, and 90 i DOWN, Use these for setting up direction for some entities. Positive Yaw values will rotate Entity Counter Clockwise in TOP OXY) view: - ‘50 Value -90 has ratated Soldier Clockwise 90 degrees. (Writing 270 gives the same results) Positive Roll values will rotate Entity Counter Clockwise in Front (¥/2) view: + O00 ‘So Value 180 has rotated Soldier Clockwise 180 degrees. (Writing -180 gives the same results) ‘or brush: Value -90 is LEFT, and 90 is RIGHT. Use these for setting up direction for some entities, Combine the diferent Pitch, Yaw and Roll values to achieve desirable results, Start witch Pitch and/or Roll, ‘Yaw. Brush entities Pitch and Rall works differently Picch/Yaw/Roll setting may acts diferently in ecch entity or entity type. Sometimes you will need to experimer Kommentare 2

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