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The robbery

This is a simple transformation type activity to give restricted

practice to the past passive (for when the agent is unknown). Tell
the students the following story:

Last night some people robbed the school. They took some
supplies. They broke a window. They stole a television and two
computers. They also urinated the principal´s office and took some
important soccer trophies from his showcase. Finally; they
photocopied all the final exam papers and scratched his coach.

When they left the school, they painted the principal`s car and
punctured the tires

When you finish, ask them to retell the story to each other, but this
time using the passive. Give them the first sentence: Last night the
school was robbed. Let them continue in pairs. Students can then
make their own story for each other (sample titles: the kidnapping,
the murder, the corruption scandal).
I was taking a shower when the phone rang

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