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z “0, ‘THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS - ° PHOTODUPLICATION SERVICE PHOTODUPLICATION SERVICE 202-707-3640 (VoIce) 202-707-1771 (Fax) photoduplicaton@loc gov (EMA) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the collections of the Library of Congress contain a publication entitled THE PUBLIC STATUTES AT LARGE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, volume 8, and that the attached photocopies - the ttle page, the verso of the title page, and pages 100 through 105 ~ are a true representation from that work. ‘THIS IS TO CERTIFY FURTHER, that the work is marked with a Library ‘of Congress stamp that bears the date September 26, 1990, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the seal of the Library of Congress is affixed hereto on November 8, 2007. Library of Congress Photoduplication Service PUY CUB a MUL oSSE cr} POT Ciccmu me Cuneta or UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Cn oe Re eR eer Pee ccs oe eee ee Oe CORSE wu) ener d COPIOUS NOTES OF THE DECISIONS Cec mum Uae Hun its CO ee eee errs ce ee cer SSE Ros aro ae RRL Dee ee ene etn cena se oie ttt Presa eg RICHARD PETERS, ESQ, Clana BOSTON: LITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY. oe a ee cn ee ee eee and Bae Cs TUN ee SCL One SOS Less Se aS Se Ca Fe eae ese) Te rere Ea air hee permit eet Peon ape oe een pte ert oe SR Eee ee eee E Ry toy Pee en er eee PO eer ea eran Ape ve ee eet area cemented oo Fro eng oon ere a Re pore gen keg ogee ane TT pees oe Oper MI tree ht 5 reer bates Feet ar erect ang a POS ea ance ee eee Ren Mie ernie Eee Sporn Beer nb eer pete ed pheey beet pet ae per ed Par berniericea epee perry omer eet cn ere yr Ten ener Earner notperehierer rr business aforessid giving ‘him the powers therein, which, by the seid Pee ee Crore br arate ees ORCC Roger amity and commerce betwen the United States of America, and his Majesty the Boperor of Morocco, which article, written in the Arabi langage, confirmed by his said Majesty the Emperor of Moroceo, and Pace men pea meontenn te oot Serer eetts United States of Ameriea, together with the attstations thereto annexed, Porn setae ea erecta ‘This ia Treaty of Peaco and Frisndsip extabishod hotwoon ux Pea eerie Comments Penny paneer: : axon eed 7 FUL n ea We dectare that both parties have agreed that thie treaty eee eee eet Per Tren ee eee ern tat Ero na rotor arse malian rane Peep astro 178 etre Peer ee ees the Honorable Thomas Barclay, the agent of the United States, now at ‘our court, with whose approbstion it has been made, and who is duly ‘uthorized on their part to treat with us concerning ess PVC If either of the partcs chall be at war with any nation whatorer ee ree eee od Pee ener eek ee Pepin en crn meter ee rier rel tt ace eee ee Sern eer ieee re omen at ey ae Sentences Sena peal eres eee Coos " * PV aaa neu rere tr ego by which they are to be known when they mect at sea; and if the come Peer eee eres a eg his convoy, the deelaretion of the cominander shall alone be sufficient paee Oe eo PUN a ee Peet oe eee oe belonging to the other, it is agreed, that if an examination is to por ae LY nding a Boat with two or three men only; dnd if any gun shall be fired, and injury done without reason, the pee ee enor snus Puan Af any Moor shall bring citizons ofthe United States, or their effects, tohis Majesty, the citizens stall iimediatoly bo ect at liberty, and. the pete ere errs Come n cin ‘ominions, shali make prize of any of the citizens of America, or their Per eet rg he eT ROS ee ear re ee Cay PV aso noaLtd of either party shall put into @ port of the other, snd Prec nots nm rt ne ed erieretrmerinitet Per ee Ue Penner et nee a Brice! cargo, without paying any duty whatever. ea ae See ena Pree rl Pee neta aca Poona Potty gtr Pr Perec) Pir pod pio cos een Pay Paes Veni wet asc ry pone Prien praaer: etd poor ered Ships of war Pee canoe ph Ship of wae Pieris te pater ed pa erred Con rie Bes U STOO om LA vessel belonging to any of the Christian powers within gun shot of the PUB ee Ifa ship of war of either party shall put into a port of the other and salute, it shall be returned from the fort with an equal number of guns, Pree Pome commerce with tho United States shall be on the same foting Seren for the time being and thelr citizens shall be respected and esteem and have fll libery o pass and repass our county and seaport whe or eee ee eens Poe aa Merchants of both countries shall employ only such interpreter, and de Toei te et eran ee ee ee re tee pene aiery nother vessel; he shall not be detsined in port longer than he may oo OR ier er raeeee Se ee ead Eee sre EU ne a5 In cate of a war betweon the parties, the prisoners are not to be Pepe ei cen en ae ed Cr err ee prove a deficiency on either side, it shall be made up by the payment ee ne OCS a a ay ‘agreed thot all prisoners shall be exchanged in twelve months from the RR a ee nye ee ior mv COCs ce ee eee a e ‘TREATY WITH MOROCCO. 1787, PU AOe ssid Merchants shall not be compelled to buy or sell any kind of goods 2 een ee rca e cnr Peer ee Ee see eet ke eee PNR arm All goods shall be weighed and examined before they are sent on Con Lorn as errr TE ae wards be made, unless it shall frst be proved thet contraband goods have been sent on board, in which ease, the poreons who took the con- ‘raband goods cn bosrd, shall be punished according to the usage and ee Rae ee em hae Sg TES tees Soa ere eee een eee ce FUTUR ad Re re oR en Cee eer non ey Pore esc i Perret pen es Pasco If any of the citizens of the United States, or any persons under their protection, ehall have any dieputes with each other, the consul shall ride between tho parties, end whenever tho consul shall require any aid oF assistance ftom our government, to enforce his decision, it sll Porcine etree es PV abo er nh ee a ees coe the contrary, if a Moce shall kill or wound a citizen of the United Seon nen Cee eee i Peter rece eee Pees eee eres setae ss poeereae teas PVR. 318 Tf an American citizen shall die ia our country, and no will shall appear, the consul shall take posession of his effeots and i ‘Beno consi, the effects shall be deposited in the hands of some person. Part CR nll eke eee ot eer them} but if the heir to' the person deceased be present, the property Peer ents upon: Snr ae te ke Denn nti serra igre FV Gaon. oc18 De ET eee oc Pear ren rn ee er errr gd Fespected, and enjoy all the privileges which the consuls of ‘any other nation enjoy; and if any of the citizens of the United States shall con- tract any debis or engagements, the consul shall not be in any manner Pea a een errr erty forthe payment or fulfilling thereof, without which promise in writing, Cape eer nec etEs Gouda be Preiss fire sem oa sees oar ania Pare price te Poe Rain) corn Bers yuan Pere Ce ee ee Ty Ce 'Of this treaty, peace and harmony shall remain notwithstanding, ee eee nto ‘arrangement, and until that application shall be rejected, no appeat shall made to arms. And if a war shall bre he shall be granted to all the subjects of fran omer erent eon ranted to aay of the Christiaa Powers, the citizens of the Ui Pipers eer ets PUY ne oad eres a es oo ee ere ee ‘Thomas Barelay, on the first day of tha ble the year one thousand two hundred, ee ee Perna ao Cardoza Nunez, interpreter at Morcoco, of the treaty ber Peers eens CoM nD E rons THOMAS BARCLAY. Cree Pee ey perio Pras rm rece ec United States of Americt, has ordered me, the better to. compleat it PC ee rg ee enn a eee ent eT vessel belonging to the United States, shall be in_any of the ports Sere eer ee tee eas ee cy Sree eke eg ad poy emer nis See rere Se Coerr rs ‘And, in obedience to hie Majosty’s commands, I certify tion, by putting my hand end seal toil, on the elghieeath PaO Ee ee ne rae it et ‘Tho corvant of the King, my moster, whom God preserve, LDR IE CU ea eee Ree en BOR ero enis Trae aCe eae ea Coe a ey Sonera Pome ae ea Cee eae cen eon BO eOR TU Dec ee ge cnt ener ren tos eee eee Poti a Pee UN a Te eC CMe CT Ae ee ee Cee ees 10m, Ministers Plenipotentiary aforesaid, do epprove and conclude the said treaty, and every article and clause therein contained, reserving the same nevertheless to the United States in Congress assembled, for CCST Cee Aan eee eT! PO eres artes eerie eee res expressed under our signatures respectively Re Ue (ors aC EUR yy ae) om recA Some

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