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Freedom of speech is the right of people to express their

opinions publicly without governmental intrusion.
It is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual
or a community to express their opinions and ideas
without fear of retribution, censorship, or legal approval.

Article 19 of the UDHR

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes the right to hold
opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any
media and regardless of frontiers.
Article 19 of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973
Under the Article 19 of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973, every citizen shall have the right to
freedom of speech, freedom of expression and freedom of the Press, subject to any ‘reasonable
restriction’, imposed by law in the interest of the glory of Islam or the integrity, security or
defense of Pakistan or any part thereof, friendly relations with foreign states, public order, or in
relation to contempt of court or incitement to offence.
You have a right to speech but not abuse anyone. Use your
right in a proper way.
Citizens have right to speech and expression but subject to
condition such as heckling include prohibitions on contempt of
court , disturbance of public order or safety, defamation, hate
speech, insult and violation of human dignity .

Freedom of speech in Islamic point of view

Islam advises the right to freedom of thought and opinion to all human being. Freedom of
expression is not only given to citizens when fighting injustice but also for the citizens of an
independent Islamic State to have different opinions. Freedom of expression should be used for
the purpose of making welfare and not for spreading evil and wickedness. Freedom of expression
that arises in an ideal society is under the leadership of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. For
example, the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W during his life had given freedom to the Muslims in
their different opinion to him.

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