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Nama : Diana Putri

Class : XI. Nurse

Give your opinion about our country problem, corona.

1. What do you think about it?

2.What should you do as a student to help our goverment?

Answer :

In my opinion corona virus is very trouble some because it easy to spread like contact with
people. In corona virus we have neither positive and negative side.The positive side we can
avoid corona disease with certain rules as well as hand washing, etc. The negative side is that we
sometimes cannot fulfill assignments on time and sometimes not all students can work on a
problem without an explanation from the teacher or mentor.

Tell them what is corona and how to avoid it like drink vitamin and avoid contact with someone.
And drink vitamin . Also to avoid the corona virus we can wash our hand and we also wear
mask . we can learn about corona and what was said by the government about teaching and
learning activities carried out in the house so that we avoid exposure to the virus. Don’t create
unrest in our environment. Don’t do panic buying because it can make it difficult for medical
staff to find the medical devices they need. Avoid the crowd. When talking you should keep your
distance. Much rest. don't go out of the house too often. Eat and drink in a clean place. And wash
your hands before eating.

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