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The Role of the Great Pyramid in Ancient Site Alignment

By Konstantin Borisov, PhD

Jan 30, 2021

A number of ancient sites show remarkable alignment. There is a band of about 40 miles wide spanning
around the globe and a few ancient archeological sites such as Giza Pyramids, Machupicchu, Nazca
Lines, ancient Sumerian city Ur and others are aligned on that band [1-2]. Many other enigmatic sites
including Gobekli-Tepe, Tiwanaku, and Sacsayhuaman - located nearby. Jim Alison, a mathematician,
presented a very comprehensive mathematical analysis of this alignment, the details of which are
available at [2]. Not many hypotheses were proposed to explain such an alignment. Ancient equator was
proposed as a possible scenario. This seems, however, very unlikely knowing that at least some sites on
this band are aligned with our current planet’s geographical north south orientation with incredible
accuracy [2]. There has to be another rational explanation.

Tassili n’Ajjer,
Easter Island,
Aneityum Island,
Preah Vihear,
Sukhothai, Pyay,
Mohenjo Daro,

Figure 1. Ancient Site Alignment.

Before I share my insights on this alignment. Let me digress for a moment and give some very basic,
one-paragraph-crash-type-info on aurora and some physics behind it. As I am sure you all know aurora is
the light which is commonly present in the vicinity of the magnetic poles of our planet. It is well known
that the light is caused by the electric wind released by our sun. As electric charges (to simplify, let’s
assume electrons) emitted by our sun approaching our planet, the charge carriers get trapped by the
magnetic field of our planet and pulled toward the North Pole as shown in Figure 2 (a). This typically
happens in the helix motion as I show in Figure 2 (c). As electrons get close to the North Pole, they
collide with the air molecules, exciting those, which are normally de-excited creating light. As aurora
lights unfold, we see a shimmering glowing light in the sky. The aurora lights can be create naturally by
the solar wind and also artificially with charge carriers injected from our planet to ionosphere as was
recently done by HAARP research program [3].
Now, let’s assume that an electron is approaching the earth magnetic field at the right angle (in other
words emitted near the magnetic equator, approaching magnetic flux lines at the right angle as shown in
Figure 2 (d). From Electrophysics [4], we know that under such condition, the forces pushing electron to
the poles of our planet will cease to exist. However, there will be a force pushing the electron along the
magnetic equator. The much lower magnetic field strength at the magnetic equator compared to the
North and South poles of our planet would also be beneficial to thrust the electrons in a circular path
around the globe.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 2. (a) Electron trajectory trapped in Earth Magnetic Field, (b) Aurora Borealis, (c) Electron trajectory-Entering magnetic field at an angle,
(d) Electron trajectory-Entering magnetic field at right angle.

What it all boils down to, if we have a lot of free electrons injected to ionosphere from the surface of
our planet at or vicinity of the magnetic equator at relatively high speed, we will have a distribution of
those in a circular path around the globe. Having those at high speed and collision with the air molecules
will create the light in a circular path. One caveat here to mention is that magnetic and electric field of
our planet have a very complex distribution and we only now start building relatively accurate models
representing those. So, the electrons approaching upper layer of atmosphere most likely will be
influenced by the earth’s magnetic and electric fields, so the distribution of the electrons may not
exactly align with the magnetic equator.

Now, having the light, it’s not inconceivable that ancient population would tend to migrate to the area
close to that light. So, over a long period of time, there would be a natural formation of the sites close
to this light circle. It is also possible that there would be a migration along the path of this light, which
probably would help to explain why so many ancient civilizations share so many similarities in aspects of
religion and megalithic structures. So, may not be a surprise that civilization thousands of miles away
share the same constructional aspects and others with closely resembling features.

To create a band of light (at least hypothetically) there has to be a strong electric field and abundance of
charge carriers. The charge carriers need to be injected into that electric field, and accelerated enough
to reach ionosphere. Looking through all structures along the alignment path, I see the Great Pyramid is
the only structure that at least hypothetically could fulfill that objective. I will dive in detail next.

I am sure the readers know the Great Pyramid plan and design features. Thus, I will not spend much
time on this just provide a few points.  At the Great Pyramid’s middle section, there is the King’s
chamber, made entirely of granite blocks. The top portion of the chamber has a few layers of granite
beams arranged in layers as shown in Figure 4(a). The question often arises why so much effort building
the chamber of the granite which is very hard stone to work on, unless it serves a particular functional
purpose. One important aspect of the granite is the Quartz crystal present in granite (typically 50 %)
which is known to possess piezoelectric properties. That basically means that any mechanical stress
imposed on the granite material that causes its deformation will cause electric charge and electric field
built up on its surface. The King’s chamber has also airshafts, monolithic coffer and one entrance
restricted by the portcullises.

I will explain below how but for now let’s assume the hydrogen gas is entering the King’s chamber
through its main entrance. The hydrogen molecules have only two electrons and require verily little
energy to strip those from atoms, in other words very little energy to get charge carriers/free electrons.
This can be done with the source of the ionization, placed where the hydrogen gas is. I believe the coffer
was used for that.

Figure 3. Aurora Borealis.

Now, the word “ionization”, sounds very technical but in reality a very simple concept stands behind this
word. For sure, the source of ionization can be attained with a very primitive tools and technology that
Ancient Egyptians had at their disposal. One option is to use a monolithic granite coffer with ferment
and starch placed inside that with the CO2 gas released by fermentation process would build pressure
inside, causing mechanical stress on Quartz crystals. The process will result in voltage build up on the
granite surface at very low current [5], [6]. In other words, ionization or release of charge carriers from
the Hydrogen atoms would occur.

Hydrogen gas is not combustible unless it is combined with the air. I believe the air shafts in the King’s
chamber extending to the exterior of the pyramid played that role. As hydrogen gas comes in, the
granite coffer ionizes hydrogen atoms that release electrons. But at some point the hydrogen and air will
combine reaching a proper combust ratio, so the spark from the ionizer causes the hydrogen and oxygen
mixture to combust. The granite stones in the King’s chamber weight 20-80 tons and a few feet thick
and tall, so really not much damage can be expected from the combustion.
When the hydrogen combusts, the pressure wave puts mechanical stress on the granite beams with
Quartz in the upper portion of the King’s chamber, deformation of which will create the electric field
creating a force pushing charge carriers out of the Kings chamber and out of the pyramid. Electrons
coming of the pyramid need to have some substantial acceleration to reach the ionosphere. I believe the
granite beams in the relieving chamber were essential to achieve that goal. The beams at the first course
in the chamber show damage. It is possible that at some point in the past either wear or excessive case
of combustion would cause this damage. One other point to make here, as was mentioned in [7], the
granite coffer in the King’s Chamber shows discoloration due to heat. This could be caused by repeated
combustion in that chamber. Also, the nummulites present at the top course, of what is known the
reliving chambers on the floor as mentioned in [7] are likely a fall off from the limestone slabs due to
combustion and pressure wave.

For electrons to reach the ionosphere, a strong electric field is needed between the pyramid’s peak and
the ionosphere. One way to substantially increase the electric field strength is to have a structure which
culminates with the peak at the top, as this allows concentration of the electric charges at the apex.
Thus, the pyramid shape structure is ideal for this process. Also, in my opinion the Queen’s chamber was
used to create an electric field between the pyramid apex and ionosphere, as I explain below…

The Queen’s chamber does not have a coffer presently, though I believe at some time in the past it was
there. This at least seems very probable, knowing that all pyramids which have chambers with gabbled
roof made up of a pair of large limestone slabs, had coffers. This include all pyramids of the 4 th and 5th
dynasty as shown by Mark Lehner in [8]. From the point of emission, the gabbled roof helps to
concentrate the charge carrier at the apex of the chamber, so making emission process efficient. The
electrons need to pass from the Queen’s chamber to the pyramidion at the peak through the limestone
core. This however is not an issue with some moisture present in the limestone material.

Queen’s chamber also played another role. Hydrogen gas is needed for King’s chamber. If you look at
the subterranean chamber [9], you cannot help but notice intelligent design with arrangement as shown
in Figure 4 (c). Two platform reminiscent of two terminals can be seen there. The distribution of the
charge carriers from the Queen’s chamber will not be the same on two terminals, causing the voltage
difference between two. The voltage and moisture between the terminals will cause water molecule
split on Oxygen and Hydrogen gas with what is known electrolysis. Only a few volts difference between
the terminals will be sufficient to start electrolysis, though the voltage difference will likely be
substantially higher. Hydrogen gas is much lighter than Oxygen gas and will flow through the passages
toward the King’s chamber.
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4. Great pyramid sections: (a) King’s chamber, (b) North-South section of the pyramid, (c) subterranean pit

In summary: Many ancient sites are aligned on a circle around the Globe. This alignment cannot be
accidental. Some technical background was provided in this article which may help to explain the role of
the Great pyramid in the alignment. In the opinion of the author a light was created in the path of this
alignment causing migration of ancient population to its vicinity, causing this formation over time.

[1] Ancient Code Team “There is an alignment between ancient Sites”

[2] Jim Alison “The prehistoric alignment of world wonders: A New look at an old design”

[3] HAARP research program

[4] Rice University “Introduction to Science and the Realm of Physics, Physical Quantities, and Units”

[5] Konstantin Borisov “Serapeum of Saqqara. Alternative Theory for the granite coffers”

[6} Konstantin Borisov “The Coffers of the Serapeum of Saqqara - simulation results”

[7] Chris Dunn “The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt Paperback – Illustrated, August 1, 1998

[8] Mark Lehner “The Complete Pyramids”

[9] John Edgar and Morton Edgar “The Great Pyramid passages and chambers Vol 1”

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