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Analisis y Desarrollo de Sistemas de Informacion.


Estudio de Caso

Construcción de un Glosario Técnico en Ingles para el Área Ocupacional


Amparo Garcia Aldana


Carlos Alberto Tamayo Castañeda

Technical Glossary

Data sheet (noun): Document which summarizes the performance or other technical features of a
machine, product, component or software

Device (noun): A machine or object intended for particular purposes.

Gadget (noun): A small mechanical or electronic device or tool.

Hardware: Computer hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer and related devices.
Internal hardware devices include motherboards, hard drives, and RAM. External hardware
devices include monitors, keyboards, mice, printers, and scanners.

High-tech (adjective): It is technology that is at the cutting edge: the most advanced technology

Software: It is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute
specific tasks. Opposite of hardware, which describes the physical aspects of a computer, software
is a generic term used to refer to applications, scripts and programs that run on a device. Software
can be thought of as the variable part of a computer and hardware the invariable part.

Technical specifications (noun): Document which defines a set of requirements that a product
should meet or exceed.

Warranty (noun): A written guarantee, issued to the purchaser of an article by its manufacturer,
promising to repair or replace it if necessary within a specified period of time.

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