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Nama: hamza dinata

Nim: 2019D1D057

my biography
My name is Hamza Dinata, born in Rhee Loka Village, Sumbawa Besar district, January 13,
2001, I am the third of three children, the fruit of the couple Mr. Saparuddin and Mrs. Hasia.
Hamza is my nickname, I was born in a very simple family, my father is an entrepreneur who
routinely receives orders for house making and all kinds of household furniture, while my
mother works as a tagga housewife. Since childhood, my father always advised me to always be
diligent in worshiping, honest and kind to others.

When I was 6 years old, I started education at SDN 1 Rhee, Sumbawa Besar, then after
graduating I continued my education at SMPN 1 rhee loka in 2013. After graduating from junior
high school in 2015, and then I continued my education at SMAN 1 Rhee Loka.

When I was in class X SMA, I participated in an inter-school karate competition in the city of
Sumbawa, and thank God I was able to advance to the final round and beat many athletes from
other schools. Not long after the final round started, but in the first match I lost points to my
opponent due to many violations of movements that were not allowed to be used in the match. Of
course this made my heart sad and chaotic because I had struggled to the point where I felt like I
was going to win but the reality was different. I am fortunate that the environment is one of the
important aspects in recovering my enthusiasm to rise from adversity because the environment is
one that shapes me to become a strong and good human soul.

In addition, I am also active in various activities at school, I joined the Scouting and Paskibraka
2017-2018 organizations, I have also served as editor in chief of the school wall magazine.
Now I have graduated from SMAN 1 Rhee Loka and become a member of the S1 Mining
Engineering student at Muhammadiyah University Mataram (UMMAT).

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