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MGMT180 - In-Class Assignment - Ethics and Professional Conduct

PART 1: Research

In teams of 4, provide answers to the following questions:

Ensure that your answers are in complete sentences, with accurate citations. Professionalism matters. Include a cover page and
table of contents. Figures, tables, etc must be properly labeled and numbered.
You and your team are responsible for the format of your submission of this In-Class Assignment (ICA). Remember, you are the
project manager. You control the message and the interpretation of the message. You are in a leadership position, and as such you
are a key shaper of the message you send through the professionalism of your assignment.

What is meant by credibility and reputation?

What are Codes of Ethics and why do many professional associations have them?

What is a "standard of conduct"?

Who or what is a practitioner?

What is the difference between an aspirational standard and a mandatory standard?

Explain why we accept only those assignments that are consistent with our background, experience, skills, and qualificaitons?

What is the difference between and error and an omission?

What does it mean to "take ownership" in a professional sense?

What is the difference between proprietary and confidential information as it relates to project management?

What is meant by "informing ourselves about the norms and customs of others"?

What does it mean to negotiate in good faith?

What is a conflict of interest?

Give three examples of a conflict of interest.

List five other organizations that also have a code of ethics. Provide a clear citation to each organization.

What is an ethical dilemma? Give two examples.

When faced with making a challenging ethical decision, what does it mean to "accept responsibility" for a decision?

After you have determined what your decision will be, what does it mean that "you are ready to act"?

Submit your assignment to the dropbox "In-Class Assignment 04".

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