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Zarak khan Q2: Write a research proposal on a topic:



 Introduction:
The goal of this study was to examine why African American
high school students in the Sacramento River Valley have declined their
academic achievements. The school's administrators have already
acknowledged during the 2011 Western Association of Schools and
Colleges' six-year accreditation review the need to evaluate and
address the negative increase in their student population's state
performance testing. The administrative team, however, did not have
enough research to effectively formulate an action plan for reform
about the causes of the low achievement of African American students
on campus.
The goal of this researcher was to study the following questions:
1. What are the views and viewpoints on the university success of these
African American students of the workers of this high school?
2. Do racial differences or stereotyping exist within school and, if so,
what effect is it on African American students ' academic achievement
on the campus?
3. What opinion and perspective can African American students have
---- about their academic achievements and failures concerning high-,
moderate- and low-performance teachers, policies, and programs?
4. Which school improvements can be made to better respond to the
university needs of African American campus students?

 Study establishment:
Suburbia High School, a public secondary school that served
students between 9 and 12 years of age, conducted research. The
school district contains 19 public elementary, mid, and secondary
schools in Sacramento River Valley in California. The surrounding area is
known as suburban, and in the city in which it sits, both the Bay Area
and Sacramento have become a bedroom town.
It is largely surrounded by single-family houses and a variety of mobile
homes in the school area and apartment complexes. Suburbia High, the
second high school to be built in the area, is one of two major high
schools that most of the school students attend. It began as a satellite
campus at the first high school in the town in 1969 and then became a
secondary school in 1973, during grades 7 to 9. 1983 saw the move of
Suburbia High to a
Comprehensive secondary school, which graduated with a full diploma
in 1992. In 2012-2013, the school population of Suburbia High was
1.666, Around 300 fewer students than the other primary-secondary
school in town. In the last 3 years, Suburbia High has gained ground by
rising student success, calculated by its APIs, including student
achievement and growth in multiple standardized testing in California,
along with graduation and dropout rates.
 Research Design:
The researcher applied a mixed methodology approach to
design this analysis, gathering quantitative and qualitative information
to address research questions. Staff and current African American high
school students were included in the report. Data from workers were
collected by using a survey, while data were collected through
individual interviews from student participants. Personnel was
questioned about their values and views on African American students '
achievement and behavior.

 Population and Sample:

Suburbia High School retains over 90 university support
personnel for the 2013-2014 academic year, according to the school
office coordinator. Other members of the staff include administrators,
instructors, advisors, professionals, education counselors, and a school
psychologist. The platform in 2012
100% of its administrators and 81% of its teachers have been identified
as white. Suburbia High's demographic composition is for eligible
professionals and offices or clerical workers
It was primarily white, with 71% white and 23% Hispanic.

 Design of the study:

The investigator employed mixed research techniques, and
through the use of an online survey and individual interviews, collected
qualitative and quantitative data. The survey was carried out online and
compiled. It surveyed staff at Suburbia School about their expectations
and views on African American students ' academic achievement and
behavior. Statistical data on the academic success and suspension rates
of staff members were presented to students from African America
asked to clarify these differences.

 Data collection procedures:

The participating staff members of the study were
automatically chosen via the online survey sent to each of the school
staff by e-mail. At a monthly staff meeting with the permission of the
director of the school, the researchers announce the purpose and
method of the report. Candidates attended Suburbia High School based
on their present jobs at all levels. The survey was conducted and
willingly conducted, 57 of the 90 team members had the opportunity to
participate. An informed agreement was reached with an online survey

 Limitations:
The study in Northern California was restricted to only a high
school. The findings of this study therefore only apply directly to staff
and high school students. The findings made by the researcher which
provide insight on the factors which affect the academic achievement
of Africa American students in other California high schools, but they
cannot be generalized beyond the reach of the population. Because
Suburbia High School has graduated with a limited number of African
American students. It was not possible to randomize student
2)Data Analysis:
 Introduction:
This study aims to examine the reasons behind the decreased
academic level. The output of African American high school students in
1. What do the teachers and the faculty think about the academic
success of African American students from Suburbia High School?
2. In terms of their reasons, academic success, and contributors to their
academic achievement, what are the thoughts and experiences of
Africa students at Suburbia High School?
3. What factors impact Suburbia High's academic achievement?
African American School students?
4. To encourage more favorable educational outcomes for African
American students, which causes can be discussed directly or indirectly
by school leadership. In this chapter, the data of this study are
presented and analyzed. It consists of the responses of the participating
staff and the responses of students. A short analysis is included in-
question from the staff survey and the student interview procedure,
most often with the inclusion of a table with data results.

 Presentation of data:
This segment includes data from surveys and interviews with
the students. An overview of the data is submitted and accompanied by
each query from both instruments. Data from the surveys,
accompanied by an analysis of the data obtained during the interviews,
will first be presented and analyzed. The effect of these data on the
four research issues resulting from this report.
Question 1: In your view, what can the negative growth in the API
scores for the 2010-2013 sub-groups in the Suburbia High School be
due to? API data for the three key ethnic groupings of Suburbia High
have been given to participants over the last 3 years and asked to
classify potential triggers
The Black / African US subgroup is losing its rise. Fifty out of 57 people
answered the question with the most suitable responses, citing various
explanations for African American students' lower API rankings. -- of
the investigators was deconstructed complex answer for one or more
statements that give rise to 98 statements of response.
Question 2: How will the number of suspensions of the Black / African
American student relative to the White and Hispanic / Latino students
be almost equal to that of the Black / African American student
population in WCW compared to the other two Sub-groups? Issue 5: 44
of 57 participants answered this question, which resulted in 65
statements of reaction that consisted of common sentences or themes.
One of the 10 popular subjects was assigned to sixty-one of the 65
answers. These subjects and the number of responses
Over half of the family-influenced factors (5%) were indicated as the
cause of the excessive number of declarations allocated to each of
Question 3: With whom are you living? This question was answered by
all 15 participants. Five students have been reported to live with two
biological parents, six to live with their mothers, and a student has
confirmed living with their single biological parent. Two students
reported living with a biologic parent and a step-parent in a mixed
family, and one student reported living with his aunt.

 Findings and Interpretations:

This section interprets and addresses the essential results of
data obtained from workers and student participants. Five were found
by the researcher. Themes that seem to contribute much to the poor
output of Suburbia High School African American students. Can include
weak socioeconomic status, lack of care by parents or friends,
misinterpretation of school behavior. Staff, the lack of dedication to
students and participation in the culture and community of the school,
and the lack of school assistance and support services Suburbia's
African American population's social and educational needs.

 Low socioeconomic needs:

In evaluating data gathered by workers at Suburbia High School,
many conclude that African American students are mostly affected by
their families or student performers in the Suburbia High School. In the
group of family-influenced factors, more than twice that of school
factors, there was the greatest frequency in employee responses to
factors that led to a decrease in API scores for Suburbia High African
American students.

 Misinterpretation of Student Behaviors by

School Staff:
Although all employers and students share the view that
parental involvement facilitates the best educational results, they do
not believe that children and parents are worth studying. The student
and parent indifference to the importance of education as the fourth
highest cause of decreasing African American API scores was recorded
in the survey. However, 100 percent replied yes, multiple follow-ups,
when students were asked if their education was significant.
Quotes that education was the best way to "get out of here" or to "go
somewhere in life."

 Lack of student involvement:

African American students in Suburbia High School may have a
lack of relative control and low results because of inefficiencies in
Integration into school culture and the development of its African
American students. Results from participants in the sample suggest a
low degree of involvement by student applicants in the mid-level class
of students in extracurricular activities.

The goal of this study was to examine why African-American
students at Suburbia High School have earned fewer academic
achievements. The purpose of this study to explore the following
questions of research:
1. What are the thoughts and expectations of the high school workers
on their African American students ' academic achievements?
2. Does the school have social disruptions or prejudices, and if so, how
much does this affect the academic success of African American
students on campus?
3. What views and perspectives African American students have about
school personnel, practices, curriculums, and services are strong,
moderate, and underperformance? What their academic achievements
and shortcomings contribute to?
4. What improvements should be made to help meet the learning
needs of students on campus in African American countries?
In reviewing the literature, the study was relevant and several key
aspects of student academic success were addressed: the influence of
the family system and Socio-economic standing, parental involvement,
institutional and instructor prejudice, unequal instruction, pupil
discontinuation, and engagement in non-school events.
Concerning the academic success of African American students,
the emphasis was important in determining the attitudes and opinions
of staff and students at Suburbia High School. The investigator carried
out both qualitative and mixed-method experiments. Quantitative
forensic techniques. Data from participants is obtained by using an
online survey featuring a mixture of quantitative and qualitative issues.
After permission was given to the students and their guardians, the
participants were independently interviewed in compliance with a 23
open question procedure. Major statistics have been presented
concerning the experiences and viewpoints of Suburbia High School
workers and African American students.

 Conclusions:
The research results indicate that the decline in university success
of the African American student subgroup of Suburbia High School is
most likely a result of a mixture of the two factors: a) the actual or
assumed low levels of socio-economic awareness within families of
these pupils, and b) insufficient school-level and behavioral resources
for them. The two causes lead to low educational performance with
increased disengagement of pupils, bullying, and dismissal and reducing
teacher perceptions of their African American students ' academic
A further study is needed to assess more accurately the
socioeconomic conditions of African American under-performing
students in high school Suburbia to determine when workers correctly
experience higher poverty levels. The assumption by the workers,
however, is still troublesome that African American students tend to
have lower income. Analysis has associated students' weak socio-
economic standing with decreased teacher success standards. The
student's responses in this study also showed this influence.
Finally, a third observation is that in Suburbia High School
colorblind bias and the teacher's prejudice are clear. The punitive
procedure of the School to treat all pupils fairly regardless of color or
ethnicity leads to unequal results for its African American and low-
socioeconomic classes. Such students also tend to benefit from poorer
teacher attitudes and academic success standards.

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