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Composition. Write about 400 words on Markets.

Use the basic material provided in the


The modern market can be defined as a place for customers and sellers or
merchants to trade, or we call it buying and selling. The merchants or sellers we are talking
about usually provide customers with various items and commodities, and customers buy
commodities and items from the seller for personal use, but what if the customer asks the seller
to provide different items or items? Sometimes, this small problem usually affects the seller's
market "position" or market interest because they cannot provide the specific goods people
want. The characteristics of a modern market, we can directly select the goods we want to buy,
and we cannot bid on the goods, because the goods already have a fixed price.
Modern society usually requires something different from the common market, or
we can call it a "custom order", which means that society "Demand" goods to sellers and sellers
need to find "supply" for social needs. Modern markets usually have their own supply lines to
satisfy market interests, but when the market wants something different, sellers must provide
market interests for profits and increase their market value in the global market to compete
with other sellers, so what do they do? They must find another supply line that meets the
interests of customers, either from the city or the countryside.

The decision that all sellers need to find another supply line for the benefit of the
market brings high opportunities for their market value and popularity, but of course, high
opportunities require higher risks, that is, the risk of not being able to meet customer needs and
losing others Competitor’s risk and other risks. This kind of risk is indeed high, but sellers
usually take risks in order to obtain a higher value. Sellers need strong connections to reduce
the risk for a better market itself, but the global market always tries to compete with others. In
order to fully meet the needs of society itself, this is why sellers must keep pace with the times
to monopolize the market and occupy the global market itself. They must communicate with the
team to find the previous supply line of other sellers. They also need to negotiate with
suppliers. In order to provide better prices and better transactions to ensure that they can meet
demand without losing the high risk of gaining a foothold in the market. This is a modern
market, and demand requires supply in a unique way to obtain market benefits.

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