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Depended writing

300 words long develop idea organized and accurant

question : 30 minute
agree or disagree smoking should be allowed inp

Smoking is an action by sucking the burning cigarettes that contain with

tobaccos and wrapped by special paper.
As we know that smoking have many bad effects, that will attack our
lungs, blood system, teeth, and other body parts too.
People usually smoke because they had already addicted by the taste of smoke,
or they haven’t any idea to solve their problems.
In several countries there is a policy that banned smoking in the public area.
Smoking has no benefit, for our soul and our body.
I, my self states the disagreement of smoking in public area, and it
shouldn’t be allowed, it will be explain with several reason below.
As we know smoking is bad for our health, by exhaling the fog of the
cigarettes, our lungs can also be contaminated by nicotine that produced by the
cigarettes. People that don’t smoke have higher risk than people who smoke,
when they exhale the death fog. If the government allowed the smokers to smoke
in the public area, the public area will contaminated just like air pollution and
brings bad effect to other people. More over if children exhale it, because
children respond are still weak, and that makes children keep exhales it.
So the first reason why smoking shouldn’t be allowed in the public area, is
because of the air pollution that caused by the fog of the cigarettes. The bad
habits is impropriate to be shown in the public, and other things can came out
when its not desire, for ex: children are still too young to understand things in
the world, so logically, children will copy other action.
Cigarettes ads have shown the bad effect of smoking, and some countries
do attached the picture of victims too, but people keep doing that anyway, and
allowing the smokers in public, will increase the quantity of smokers. People that
curious about smoking will try what they often see in public, it becoming a trend,
especially in the teenager age and after they doing it, they find a pleasure of
smoking, then It will be more and more new smokers.
Cigarettes also polluted our environment, because smoker usually throw
the rest of cigarettes / the filter after they smoke in impropriate places.
Have you ever imagine, if the cigarettes is still burning, and people throw it, it
can lighten up a fire, and the worst thing, is destroying people property.
So, it is better to prevent before it is happened. Smokers maybe haven’t
realized what they’re doing, but they will regret after they infected by disease, or
by the age of 30th when body get weaker.
In the end, I restate that I disagree if smoking is allowed in public area.
An isolated smoking area, is a best choice for people that never realize how
worth is their life.33
A clean public area reflected the clean minds and soul for its inhabitants.
Stop it before its haunted your life.

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