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Name: Do Thi Kim Dung

Class: 19E4

Topic: Benefits of group work

Group work is becoming popular in universities nowadays. It might bring us
more advantages in comparision with working alone. I will focus on some major
benefits of group work below.
Firstly, I prefer working in a team because group work allows each person to
sharpen his or her strength. If the group members contribute their strong points
to the work, they can cease work faster than when they work individually. For
instance, I was involved in a undergraduateorsupport project in terms of
financial management several weeks ago. One person examined the importance
of financial management in students’ daily life, I and two other friends created
detailed plan and another friend of mine made the presentation of our project to
the teacher. She gave us a good response and additional points since we could
completed our work before due date. To be honest, we did a good job thanks to
division the work according to our strength.
Another reason why I choose group work is that it can improve the sense of
responsibility. Once joining in a particular group, all members are aware that
their performance affects the group progress, as a consequence, they try to do
their best and work hard to get the better results. What I mean is that in a group
working, even if a person does not have enough information or knowledge
related to his or her task, he or she might try to look for and observe the new
things with his or her really effort.
Last but not least, group work may help us establish a better relationship among
the team members. In this society, it is quite important for us to expand our
connection and working in a team is a wonderful oppotunity. Besides, people
have to communicate more if they are in a group, contributing to an increasing
interaction as well as a considerable improvement of communication skill. Let
me take a typical example, when I join to work in a team, I have chance to do
with people I have not known about them before and I learned not only how to
get on with others but also new things from them.
In conclusion, working with a team makes the things easier and helps the people
work more effectively. If we take into account all these factors, we may reach
the conclusion that working in a group has more advantages than working alone.

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