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Kindergarten Reading: My Family

This is my family. We went

shopping! My Mum and
Grandmother went to a clothes
shop. They bought so many things!
My Dad doesn’t like shopping, he
just played on his phone! It was a
fun day.
Kindergarten Reading: My Family

This is my family. My Grandfather

came to visit. He sat on his
favourite chair. He read me a
story. It was so good! My Mum
and Dad came to listen in as well.
It was a fun evening!
Kindergarten Reading: My Family

This is my family. My Uncle and

Auntie came to visit! We went out
for dinner. We had a delicious
meal. After the meal, my brother
took a picture of us. We will
upload it on Facebook! It was a
great evening!
Kindergarten Reading: My Family

This is my family. We went hiking

with my Auntie! It was very cold
outside. Mum wore a blue wooly
hat and scarf. My Auntie wore a
long yellow coat. It was a long
walk but fun! It was a great day!
Kindergarten Reading: My Family

This is my family. It was dinner time.

We all helped my Mum to cook
dinner! My Dad started cutting the
vegetables. My Mum and I chose
the fruits for dessert. My brother
was lazy, he did nothing but drink!
I can’t wait to eat.
Kindergarten Reading: My Family

This is my family. We went for a

picnic! It was a nice sunny day.
My Dad and I went fishing. My
Uncle was sunbathing. My Mum
and baby brother were playing
with each other. It was a fantastic

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