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The boys had to climb down Marsden's Mistake to get to the beach. The Witch's Fingers stuck out just a stretch away from the bottom of Marsden’s Mistake. Climbing down Marsden’s Mistake was easy. Ben and Jake slid the last few meters down the mountain on the loose sand and gravel. “A bit faster going down than up!” Jake said as they slid to a stop. Ben laughed nervously, stood up and brushed the dirt off his pants. He tried not to think of how hard it would be to climb back up Jake said. “And why would a bear attack a bike, anyway?” ‘ “Maybe one of those circus bea : Ben said. “You know ~ the ones that drive the unieycles.” “Funny, Ben. Very funny. Stop worrying so much,” Jake said confidently. “You're just trying to Up close, the Fingers were mysterious, wild - and very inviting. The boys looked at each other and grinned. “They're awesome!” Ben said. Imagine a witch with hands that big!” “Wow!” Jake agreed. “They're so much bigger than | thought they would be. Don’t they make you think of the climbing wall in the school gym?” “Oh, no,” Ben answered. “We are not going to climb those Fingers. If the tide comes up, we'll be stranded.” “But the tide’s still on its way out,” Jake answered, “It can’t turn that fast. If we see it coming, we can get down. What's wrong? Are you scared?” Ben held one hand above his eyes to block the bright sunlight. “I don't think the tide is high until almost dinnertime,” he said. “The water is so far out in the bay...” “Come on. Think of how impressed the Buys will be at soccer tomorrow night,” Jake said. “Do you know anybody else who has climbed the Witch's Fingers? Ben shrugged and shook his head. “Okay, uess...wait a minute - I'm going to leave my jacket and backpack on the beach. It'll be easier to climb without them.” “Good idea,” Jake said. “I don’t think anybody will steal them, and we won't be gone that long.” The other Fingers don’t look that much higher. Let’s try the biggest one,” Jake suggested. “We have lots of time. | don’t know," Ben answered) “Remember the Marsden brothers? Also, | don't like the look of those black clouds over there.” He pointed to the other side of the bay. A blanket of dark clouds seemed to be moving in from the sea, It's not supposed to rain, and we're smarter than the Marsdens,” Jake said. “We won't make the mistake of falling asleep up there. I'm not tired, are you?” asked Jake as he headed toward the big Finger ” Ben answered. “Let's go. They began climbing, searching for pl their feet and hands in the slippery seawe jone near the bottom. I's higher than it looks,” Jake sal shoulder, breathing heavily, “and a lot harder'than the rbing wall at schoo! “We better be home for dinner,” Ben replied. “Mom won't let me Jeave the house for a week if I'm She's cooking a roast ghicken dinner tonight. Its my favorite!” They were about halfway up the big Finger when Ben heard a distant splash as a chunk of stone broke free, He looked down ~ way down. Water was beginning to splash gently around the base of the Finger. Jake - the water is rising,” Ben yelled. The wind carried his words away. Ben looked back up and continued climbing after Jake. They were close to the top. Ben thought of Albert and Angus Marsden, and then he thought of his mom. She always trusted him to make smart decisions. She wouldn't think rock climbing in the ocean was a very smart thing to do. She might say he had forgotten to pack his common sense. Suddenly, it became very dark. Ben looked up and saw a giant black cloud covering the sun. The whole sky began getting darker, and threatening purple-gray clouds rolled in heavily across the bay. The air had changed when the tide turned. Ben shivered AUS UR TCO RUN aC LoL ccleMm ell cto] oh ETO To Ra CoH eee Con cree teh tetera CRN Ala een emcee Ree OTe Cage arm OR UM amy Can teary tee PTC BUST Cel Ve're almost there,” Jake yelled. “We'll touch US TT Rano ato Mate rare (eT aa eae Ue Sem tee ent COTS a ate meme any emo Tt ts edt ae J aa eae Ts

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