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You are beautiful

You are smart

You are funny
You are kind
You are unique
You are worthy of Love and Affection
You are never too much
You are always enough

You are precious

You are a diamond, a rose a pearl
The most stunning of all God’s creation
You are worth more than you could ever imagine
Your worth surpasses all earthly things
Because in the eyes of the Lord God
You are Loved
And you are worth dying for

You are Powerful

You are strong
You are Capable


These women changed the world forever

And inside of you

Each and every one of you
Is a woman with that same power, same strength and
same world changing capability

having women teachers is very important for children as female teachers can give the students motherly

For ever child that says

“I’m not smart enough.”
“I don’t get it.”
“I can’t.”

There is a teacher who says,


For every child who needs

Basic skills
Someone to believe in him or her
There is a teacher who will do whatever it takes…

And instill a love for learning
So for every teacher who works with our children
Building a better future for all of us
One child at a time
Even when it seems like no one is watching
Or that people have forgotten
Just how special teachers really are
We Salute You

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