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Waalaikumsalam wr.wb good morning too sir, let me answer your task :

Task 1

1. True
2. False, carbohydrates, fats, proteins are not only found there, there is only a large part.
3. False, because what is stored in the liver is glucose that is not needed.
4. False, because fat is also stored in the adipose tissue.
5. True
6. False, because carbohydrate are the main source of energy in most diets.
7. True
8. False,  protein is can not be stored for future use

Task 2

1. Cereals grains are one of the principal sources of carbohydrate in the diet
2. Glucose not needed for immediate is converted into glycogen
3. Carbohydrates are stored in the liver in the form of glycogen
4. The liver reconverts some of its glycogen when the blood sugar concentration goes
5. If excess much sugar is absorbed, it is excreted in the urine
6. A well-balanced diet is essential for growth and energy
7. Glycogen, derived from glucose, is stored for future used


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