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Versión: 1.0
File Name:
I. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................1

1. BACKGROUND:.................................................................................1

2. OBJECTIVES OF THIS MANUAL:..........................................................2

3. GUIDELINES TO FOLLOW:..................................................................2

4. FLEXIFORM:.....................................................................................3


RE-EMPLOYMENT – FORM NO. 8602........................................................3

2. TERMINATIONS – FORM NO.8608.....................................................7

3. INCOME AND DEDUCTION CODE – FORM NO.8606.............................9

4. CHANGE OR NEW INCOMES – FORM NO.8603..................................13

10. NEW DEDUCTIONS – FORM NO.8604...........................................16



7. WORKSHEET FORM – FORM NO.8607..............................................25


9. MATERNITY LEAVE OR UNPAID LEAVE – FORM NO.8611....................30

II. CONCLUSION.................................................................................32

III. ANEXXED.......................................................................................33

Versión: 1.0
File Name:
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

This User Manual establishes how to complete the flexiforms for the
payroll and will define broadly the points that should be considered at the
moment when you gather the necessary information for filling out the

A simple language is used and examples are shown seeking the best
understanding for the reader.

We are sure that this guide will help the staff responsible of this task.

TECNASA began operations in 1972 with the payroll management system
denominated TECNASA Payroll Module, a duly registered software.

TECNASA is an exclusive distributor of equipment and technical services

for self-services solutions, ATMs, Sales and Kiosk NCR. In 2002 we
started the operations of NCR in the Republic of El Salvador, with the
service excellence that has differentiated us throughout our trajectory.

In both countries, our work team is made up of more than 250

professionals, including engineers, software developers and specialists
certified in the latest technologies of the industry. Our experience in
systems integration includes: brands such as NCR, Microsoft, Hewlett
Packard, APC and Cisco. We serve to the corporate market, with the
added value that our customers may need for the most efficient
management of their technological operations. Given the high volume of
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

current customers and those who will be soon part of our portfolio, we
are developing a plan for continuous improvement, that includes a
training plan that help us to reduce the risk of errors in the data entry to
the system, strengthening internal and external processes and our quality
in customer service.

 Show clearly how to complete the payroll flexiforms
 To serve as a guide for future queries about the subject
 Document in an organized way the important points of
each flexiform.

 If the person in the Company in charge of completing the
flexiforms do it manually, it must be filled in legibly
 The information must be sent complete, without errors or
blots. All flexiform required to generate the payroll must
be clear in order to avoid confusion.
 Flexiform must be sent via SPM.
 The flexiform must be sent according to the date agreed
in the timetable, in order to comply with the
expectations established in the contract.
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

The instructions to complete each form and some examples below:


NO. 8602

This form is used to register the general information of new employees,

re-hires or tomake modifications to the general information of existing
employees. See in the Annexes Form No.8602.

You must choose among the following options:

I. New (N): to add a new employee in the payroll.
II. Change (C): To modify one or more of the employee
already on the payroll
III. Re-hire (R): In case it is a re-employment.

i. New employee registration:

 COMPANY: Enter the name of the company

 PAYROLL: Enter the number of payroll assigned to your
company (LID).
 FORM DATE: Enter the date
 EMPLOYEE NO.: You can send the employee number as
long as it is not a number that already exists for another
employee, refer to the personal report and place the next
number of the last employee hired. If you do not send it
TECNASA will assign the next number to the last one
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

 LAST NAME: Enter the last name (In CAPITAL LETTERS)

Example: PEREZ
 FIRST NAME: Enter the name (In CAPITAL LETTERS) the
(DE) of married goes after the name. Example: JUANA DE.
 DEPT.: Enter the department number, if you do not have
leave it blank.
 S.S NO.: Enter the social security number without hyphens,
when the Social Security matches with the personal ID, the
field is filled with 9999999 (seven nines).
 ID: Enter the personal ID number with hyphens, example:
8-200-321. Zeros “0” should not be placed to the left of it.
 DV. The check digit is a security number that the General
Direction of Incomes assigns to taxpayers to verify the ID
number. If you do not know the check digit (Dígito
Verificador) of the employee you can enter to this address: .
 BIRTH DATE: Choose the birth date. DAY/MONTH/YEAR
 SEX: Choose M or F.
 CONTRACT DATE: Enter the hire date of the employee.
 EMPLOYEE TYPE: There are 2 types of payment, if it is for
salary employees use “S” but if they payment is per hour
use “H”. If the payment is per hour, leave the salary field
 SALARY: Enter the salary of the period based on the
frequency of the payroll. A fortnight salary must go in this
field, if the frequency of the payroll is fortnightly but if it
is a monthly payroll, you must enter the monthly salary.
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

 RATE PER HOUR: In both cases either you pay for salary
or hourly you should always send the rate per hour of the
 TIME JOB PER WEEK: Enter the hours the employee works
in a week.
 A- Node
 E- Jointly Declared (spouse)
 JOB DESCRIPTION: Position held by the employee
 BANK: Name of the bank where the employees has the
 ACH ROUTE: If the company pays using ACH (bank file)
enter the route that corresponds to the employee’s bank.
 ACCOUNT NUMBER: Register the employee’s account
number (no hyphens).
 ACCOUNT TYPE: Select “32” if it is a saving account or
“22” if it is a current account.
 COST CENTER: For companies that use cost centers in
their accounting.
 DUE DATE: If the employee is temporary, enter the date of
termination of the contract. This is very important because
according to the Law 44 of August 14, 1995, it is
established that every employee with defined contract does
not apply to the unemployment fund or to the payment of
seniority premium at the time of the termination.
 EMAIL: In this field enter the employee email.

At bottom left of the form you must specify who enters and approves the
information placed in the form. If it is necessary enter additional
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

ii. Change in existing employees:

If the employee exist on the form and you want to make any changes or
changes to your generals, you must complete the following:
 Enter the number assigned to the payroll of your
company that you want to work with
 Enter the date of preparation of the document.
 Enter the employee number
 Enter the last name and the name of the employee
 Complete only the field(s) you wish to change,
department, e-mail, social security number, salary, rate
per hour, etc.

iii. Rehire of an employee:

In case that an employee is added back to the company’s payroll, it must

also be reported in the form 8602, use the employee number he had
previously and update the data as follows:
1) Enter the name of the company
2) Enter the number assigned to your company’s payroll
3) Write down the date the document was filled out.
4) Enter the employee number
5) Write the Last Name and the first name of the employee
6) Place the Social Security Number
7) Complete only the field(s) you wish to change, Last
Name or First name, department, e-mail, social security
number, salary, rate per hour, etc.
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

At bottom left of the form you must specify who enters and approves the
information placed in the form; If it is necessary enter additional


Here are the steps to follow when you need to use form No.8608 in order
to request a termination:
 COMPANY: Enter the name of the company
 PAYROLL: Enter the number of payroll assigned to your
company (LID).
 FORM DATE: Enter the date the form was filled out.
 EMPLOYEE NO.: Employee number of employee that will be
 LAST NAME: Enter the last name (In CAPITAL LETTERS)
Example: PEREZ
 FIRST NAME: Enter the name (In CAPITAL LETTERS) the
(DE) of married goes after the name. Example: JUANA DE.
 DEPT.: Enter the department number, if you do not have
leave it blank.
 TERMINATION DATE: Enter the termination date for the
employee. DAY/MONTH/YEAR.
 When placing the date, TECNASA system will
automatically pay proportional holidays, the XIII
proportional month, the salary of the period (for
salaried employees), seniority premium for permanent
employees. In the contrary if at the time of sending the
data of new hiring you specified that the employee was
temporary the system will not pay seniority premium.
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

 TECNASA will be able to calculate the compensation and

notice, as long as the accruals are in the system and
the company sends in writing that the employee should
be paid these incomes.
 TERMINATION CAUSE: Select the number corresponding
to the cause of termination of the contract, the options
can be:
 Resignation
 Retirement
 Death
 Transfer
 Mutual Agreement
 Justified Dismissal
 Unjustified Dismissal
 Defined Contract
 Probationary Period

 DEDUCT NOTICE: Select “Yes” or “No” if the notice must

be deducted from the termination payment.
 PAYMENT METHOD: Select from payment with check or
 SPECIAL BONUS PAYMENT: Select if a special bonus
payment must be made (Select Yes or No).

At bottom left of the form you must specify who enters and approves the
information placed in the form; If it is necessary enter additional
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services



It is used when it is necessary to pay an extra income to the employee

and the specifications of the income has not been previously created in
the payroll system.
The form 8606 is divided into two tables, the one that appears at the top
is used for the income and it must be filled out taking into account the
following points:

 CODE: Enter the income code (6 digits)


This code must be used in the form 8603 and should be placed where
it say CODE, in the same way as it was created, in order to pay the
income to the employee.
 DESCRIPTION: Enter the description of the code, for
example, Representation expenses, Transportation,
Bonus, Salaries in kind, etc.
 N/U: Select if it is a new code (N) or if it is a change in
in a code (U) that is already in the payroll system.
 ACCOUNT NUMBER: In this space must place the
accounting account number to which the income code
exception of income:
 03 = Salary
 73 = Representation Expenses
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

 74 = Awards
 75 = Bonuses
 80 = Subsistence Allowance
 81 = Production Premium
 82 = Salary in Kind
 84 = Gas
 AFFECT I.S.R.: If the income is affected by the Income
Tax use Y, if it is not affected use N.
 AFFECT S.S.: If the income is affected by the Social
Security choose Y, if it is not affected choose N.
 ACC. XIII MONTH: If the income affects the accruals of
the XIII month choose Y, if it does not choose N.
 ACC. VACATIONS: If the income affects the accruals of
vacations choose Y, if it does not choose N.
 AFFECT I.E.: If the income is affected by the
Educational Tax use Y, if it is not affected use N.
 ACC. PRIMA: If the income affects the accruals of
seniority premium choose Y, if it does not choose N.
 ACC. COMPENSATIONS: If the income affects the
accruals of compensation choose Y, if it does not choose

COMMENTS: If the income code subsequently needs a change, you

should only send the same form with the changes in the corresponding


USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

When a deduction is needed to be applied to an employee and the code

does not exist in the payroll system, it is necessary to create it.
Deductions details must be specified in the second part of form 8607.
 CODE: Enter the deduction code (6 digits).
There are deductions that are applied the twelve months
of the year, (MORTAGES, INSURANCE, PENSIONS), every
time you have a deduction of this type please assign a
different code that separates it from the deduction that
must be removed in December (Personal Loans, Car
Loans, etc.).
Example: Creditor Banco General, if an employee has a
mortgage loan assign to a deduction code BANGEH and
if he has a personal loan assign a code as BANGEP,
since these are different codes when December arrives
only the personal loan will be suppressed even when
they are from the same bank.

 DESCRIPTION: Enter the description of the creditor,

 N/U: Select if it is a new code (N) or if it is a change in
the code (U).
 DISABLE DEDUCTION: Choose Y to disable a deduction,
N to not deactivate.
 DEDUCTION FREQUENCY: Choose the frequency of the
 DELETE DECEMBER: If it is a deduction that must not be
applied to the employee in the month of December
choose Y otherwise choose N.
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services


deduction should appear in work letters and N if it
should not.
 ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTANT: Place the accounting
account to which the deduction code affects.
 PAYMENT BY ACH: Select Y if it is paid by ACH and N if
it is by check.
 GROUPED: Select Y if the deduction code is grouped and
N if it is not (If it is not grouped you must also use the
form 8604)
 ACH ROUTE: Bank route
 ACCOUNT: Enter the creditor’s bank account number
 TYPE: Select account type 22 = Current and 32 =

In the lower left of the form, you must complete the name of the person
who prepares and reviews the information and if you need to add
comments you can write them.
COMMENT: Be careful, if you issue a monthly check, do not send
instructions about issuing checks per period and vice versa.


In order to pay a new income or to make changes to existing incomes for

an specific employee follow the instructions below:
 COMPANY: Enter the name of the company.
 PAYROLL: Enter the code of the payroll assigned to
the company.
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

 FORM DATE: Write the date when you are filling out
the form.
 EMPLOYEE NUMBER: Enter the employee ID assigned
by the Company.
 DEPARTMENT: Enter the number that identify the
department in the company
 LAST NAME, NAME: Enter the last name, then enter a
comma (,) followed by the name, If the employee have
a married name, the (DE) goes after the name.
Example: PEREZ, JUANA DE. (Column 3 and 4)
 CODE: Enter the income code; if you are not sure,
refer to the Income and Deduction report per
employee to avoid errors. (Column 5).
 N/U: If it is the first time that the income is paid with
this code, enter N. If the entry code exist and you are
only going to place another amount, enter the U.
(Column 6).
 QUANTITY: Amount to be paid to the employee.
(Column 7).
 FREQUENCY: Identify the frequency of income as

S: Pay the incomes on the first and second fortnight

(biweekly or biweekly). If it is a weekly payroll, it will be paid weekly.
W: This frequency pays the income only on the first
fortnight (biweekly or biweekly); if it’s a weekly payroll, it pays the first
week of the month, then count four weeks and pay it back.
M: Pay the incomes only in the second fortnight of the
month to the biweekly or biweekly payrolls; if it is a monthly payroll, it
will pay the income only once a month.
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

C: For incomes that are only paid once or that are not
B: If you want to pay income every two weeks (biweekly
Example: The table below shows the biweekly, fortnight and monthly
Payroll 1 2 1 y 2 1, 2 and Current
Fortnight W M S C
Biweekly W M S B C
Monthly M C

According to the table, if the payroll is fortnightly and you chose the W
frequency, the employees will be paid only the first fortnight; If you enter
M, only the second fortnight; If you choose S, the first and second
fortnight; And if you choose the C, you will be paid only once. Weekly
payrolls re handled differently than the one presented in the table as it
may vary by company (check with the Payroll Specialist assigned by
Tecnasa to your Company).
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

 PRIORITY: Helps define the order in which different

deductions affect the employee’s salary. You can use
the numbers 1 to 9, then the letters of the alphabet
from “a” to “z”. (Column 8).
o EXAMPLE: If you have an income corresponding
to a fortnightly allowance for the amount of
$52.76 and another for gas for $100.00; You can
use the code “VIATIC”, for the first, with a
frequency W, priority 1 and the other code
“COMBUS” with a frequency W, but with priority
2. By doing this you pay to the employee the
allowance first for $52.76 and then the gas for
 TYPE: to enter type 1 means that the income has no
balance, type 2 means that the income must be paid
with frequency C which means only one time. 3 means
an income with balance (Column 10).
 DEFAULTER: If you want to pay additionally to the
income another income amount only place the amount
once on defaulter. Also if you want to deduct from the
income a negative amount put in defaulter the amount
to be deducted. (Column 11).

In the lower left of the form, you must complete the name of the
person who prepares and reviews the information and if you need to
add comments you can write them.
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services


 COMPANY: Enter the name of the company.

 PAYROLL: Enter the code of the payroll assigned to
the company (LID).
 FORM DATE: Write the date you are filling out the
 EMPLOYEE NUMBER: Enter the code assigned by the
company for the employee.
 DEPARTMENT: Enter the number that identify the
department in the company
 LAST NAME, NAME: Enter the last name, then enter a
comma (,) followed by the name, If the employee is
married, the (DE) goes after the name. Example:
PEREZ, JUANA DE. (Column 3 and 4)
 CODE: Enter the deduction code; if you are not sure,
refer to the Income and Deduction report per
employee to avoid errors. (Column 5).
 N/U: If it is the first time that the deduction is
applied with this code, enter N. If the code exists and
you are only going to place another amount, enter the
U. (Column 6).
 QUANTITY: Amount to be deducted to the employee.
(Column 7).
 FRENQUENCY: The deduction frequencies are equal to
the income and area mentioned below: (Column 8)
o S: If you chose this frequency the deduction will
be applied in the first and second fortnight of the
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

month (Weekly or Biweekly), if it is a weekly

payroll, the deduction will be applied from the
first to the fourth week.
o W: This frequency will deduct only on the first
fortnight (fortnight or bi-weekly), if it is a weekly
payroll, the deduction will be applied in the first
week of the month and will be repeated in the
fifth week.
o M: This frequency will only deduct on the second
fortnight (fortnight or bi-weekly form), if it is a
monthly payroll, it will make this deduction once
a month.
o C: It is used if you want to make the deduction
only once.
o B: Make the deductions every two weeks,
(biweekly payrolls).

Example: The table below shows the biweekly, fortnight and monthly
Payroll 1 2 1 y 2 1, 2 and Current
Fortnight W M S C
Biweekly W M S B C
Monthly M C

According to the table, if the payroll is fortnightly and places the W

frequency, the deduction is applied only for the first fortnight; if you enter
M, only on the second fortnight; If you choose S, it will be applied on the
first and second fortnight; and if you chose the C, it will be applied only
once. The weekly payrolls are handled differently than the one presented
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

in the table since it can vary by company (check with the Payroll
Specialist assigned by Tecnasa to your Company).

 PRIORITY: Helps define the order in which different

deductions affect the employee’s salary. You can use
the numbers 1 to 9, then the letters of the alphabet
from “a” to “z. (Column 9).
o EXAMPLE: If a biweekly payroll employee has a
mortgage deduction at the General Bank
(BGRALH) for the amount of B/.128.56 and has an
alimony (PENALI) for B/.60.00; in order for the
system to make the deduction of the alimony
first, you must choose for the PENALI code a
frequency S and in the field priority you should
leave the space blank; Then for the code BGRALH
with an amount of B/.128.56, you should choose
frequency S and the 1 in the priority field. This
way from the employee salary is deducted first
the alimony (B/.60.00) and then the mortgage

 TYPE: Type 1 means that the deduction has no

associated balance, type 2 means that the deduction
must be made only once and linked to the frequency C
(current period). Type 3 is to make deductions from
the employee’s salary until the balance is fully paid.
Type 5 refers to a deduction made as a percentage of
gross income. (Column 10).
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

o EXAMPLE TYPE 5: An employee has a salary of

$700.00 and the deduction equals 10% of his
salary, $70.00 is deducted and the amount is
placed in column 6 (Quantity).
 BALANCE: Updated balance of the employee’s debt. It
is used with Deduction Type 3 and 5 of previous point
(Column 11).
 DEFAULTER: Column 12 can be used in two
o If you want to make an additional deduction to the
already established, place the amount in this
column with positive sign, if you want to return
deductioned amounts, put the amount in negative.
o Holiday Deduction: When a person goes on vacation
for 15 or 30 days, use the defaulting column,
placing the amount that will be deductioned for the
vacation days taken.
o Special Flexiform: When a person maintains a delay
in the deductions, use the defaulting column to
place the amount.
 START DATE: Enter the start date of the deduction.
 IDENTIFICATION (I.D): Optionally an identification
code can be assigned to a deduction and this may
contain up 8 characters, example: The Mortgage Loan
 BANK AND ROUTE: If the company pays for ACH,
each bank has a special numbering, select bank and it
will show the route to you.
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

 ACCOUNT NUMBER: Record the employee’s account

numbers (no hyphens).
 ACCOUNT TYPE: Select if it is a saving account, 32.
And if it is a current account, 22.

In the lower left of the form, you must complete the name of the person
who prepares and reviews the information and if you need to add
comments you can write them.


The Form No.8605, of Adjustment and Manual Processing is a document

that will be great help to you. Whenever you need to make a correction to
your return and perform it outside the TECNASA system you must send
the change using this form.
 If you cancel a check or payment, send the canceled
amount in negative.
 If you cancel several checks, place all amounts in
negative, including the net (final total)
 If you pay holiday, send the vacation payment, with
your respective legal deductions and creditors; Place
the net paid to the employee.
 If you liquidate an employee, send the payment of the
termination, as well all legal deductions and creditors
if any; in the end place the net disbursed.

To make an adjustment follow the instructions bellow:

USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

1. Enter the name of the company, the code assigned to

the return and the date of preparation of the
2. Enter the number of the employee assigned by the
3. Enter the last name and then the employee’s name,
separated by a comma, Example: Gonzalez, Carlos.
4. Enter the number assigned to the department.
5. If the payment was made by check, write the check
number and the date (DAY/MONTH/YEAR) in which
the check was made.
6. If it is not a check, enter the date the adjustment
was made (DAY/MONTH/YEAR).
7. If the adjustment is a settlement payment, it is
necessary to set the date of termination
8. The form is divided into two parts, Income and
Deductions; To the left of the form, the income
appears, know what each box means so you can
complete the information:
a. If you pay the employee in hours, in the box
appears the HOURS column, where you can add
regular hours, overtime and sick hours.
b. If you have the cash amount to pay, enter the
regular income, overtime income, sick pay,
holiday income and income of XIII month, in the
column of VALUE.
c. In the lower left part you will see OTHER
INCOME, these are the employee´s income codes
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

and if you are going to use it you must fill in the

code box, priority, confirm if it is the first time
you pay it or it is a change and the amount to
d. At the end, total all incomes.
9. On the right hand side of the form is another box for
a. There is only one column of VALUE, where I.S.R.
appears, you must enter the withholding income
tax; In S.S., place the social insurance
withheld; In I.E., write the retained educational
tax and in P. Paid (Payed) place the amount of
account receivable to employees that have to
deduct; All these values are monetary.
b. At the bottom you can add OTHER DEDUCTIONS,
these are linked to the deduction codes that the
employee has and if you are going to use it, you
must enter the code, the priority, specify if it is
the first time or a change of amount in
deduction and the amount to deduct.
c. At the end, complete the deductions and place
the EMPLYEE NETWORK that will be the
subtraction between the employee’s income and

In the lower left of the form, you must complete the name of the person
who prepares and reviews the information and if you need to add
comments you can write them.
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services


We will make some observations regarding the calculation of the

 Overtime is calculated per week.
 In the overtime period surcharges are paid for working
more than 3 hours in a day or 9 hours in a week.
There is a surcharge for national holidays and works
on Sundays.
 Enter the start time and end time of the overtime in
military hours with a decimal point, 00 until 24 when
the overtime START at 12.00 MIDNIGHT, please place
the 24.00 and when the overtime FINISHES at the
12.00 MIDNIGHT place the 00.00.
 Paid hour values are with decimal point in minutes.

Example #1: 1.50 means you salary is for 1 hour and 30 minutes.
30/60 = .50 (30 min. between 60 equals to .50)
45/60 = .75 (45 min. between 60 equals to .75)

To complete the weekly extra hours form, follow the following

1. Enter the company name and the payroll code
2. Enter the employee number
3. Enter the designated number in the department
4. Enter the employee name and last name separated by
a comma, for example, MORENO, IVAN.
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

5. WEEK OF: The first day of the week in the form of

TECNASA, should always be on MONDAY (place the
date of the week in which you pay the overtime).
Example: If you are going to pay an overtime of the
day Friday, July 28, 2006, you must put in WEEK OF:
6. DATE: Enter the day when the employee worked the
7. TYPE: The type is related to a series of codes that
you must put and these automatically calculate the
over time.

These codes are:

 N (Normal): Over time after employee’s normal working
 FC: This code is used when the employee works on a
national holiday and this coincides with a normal working
day. (1.50 + 0.50)
 FN: It is used when the employee works a national
holiday and is given another day as compensation.
 FR: This code is used when the worker works the day
that he must have free as a compensatory day for having
worked on a National Holiday. (0.50)
 FD: This code should be used when the employee is
working on a National Holiday and this coincides with the
worker’s free day, called Sunday or any other free day.
(2.50 + 0.50)
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

 DD: Must use it whenever it is a DAY SUNDAY and is the

worker’s day off and not be give a compensatory day.
(1.50 + 0.50)
 DR: This code should be used whenever it is a SUNDAY
DAY, Which coincides with the employee’s normal
working day. You only pay with 50% surcharge. (0.50)
 DC: This code should be used when the employee works
one day Sunday, this being his day off and is given
another day off as compensation. (1.50).
 NN: You can use it for those employees who work from
Monday to Friday and the hours worked on Saturdays are
paid with a 50% surcharge on the base salary. (1.50)
 NC: You should use it when the employee works on their
day off and is awarded another compensatory day.
 ND: Must be used when the worker works on his day off
and is not awarded another compensatory day. (1.50 +
 NR: It should be used when the employee works on the
day he has awarded as compensation for working his day
off. (0.50).


In this document you should enter the changes in the employees,

referring to regular salary, hours of illness, over time, others. If there are
no changes for the period does not fill this form, TECNASA calculates the
payroll with the general information that is within the Outsourcing System
and employees will collect their full salary.
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

If you need to enter changes you must complete the form as follows:
1. COMPANY: Enter the name of the company which the
information belongs.
2. PAYROLL: Enter the code assigned by TECNASA to the
company; if the company has several payroll, specify
which one you are working with.
3. DATE: Enter the date when the form is filled out.
 PAYROLL TO PAY: You must identify the payment
date you are processing, DAY/MONTH/YEAR, (TABLE TO
PAY), example, from 08/15/2006 to 08/31/2016.
 EMPLOYEE #: Department number and full name
(remember to first place the last name and then the
employee’s name and must be separated by a comma).
4. In the REG column. (REGULAR), fill the data as follows:
certain period, place 0 (zero).
o IF THE EMPLOYEE IS MISSED , set the number
of hours to be deducted from the salary.
Whenever deductioning hours set this time to
NEGATIVE, the minutes to be deductioned in turn
divide them between 60, so these are converted
into tenths of an hour.

Example #1: -1.50, means that you are subtracting from the
salary 1 hour and 30 minutes.
30/60 = .50 (30 min. between 60 equals to .50)
45/60 = .75 (45 min. between 60 equals to .75)
First, you must establish the average hours that the employee works, this
is achieved by establishing how many hours he works per week.
Formula: Number of weekly hours is multiplied by 52 and divided
between periods, either 24 fortnights, 26 biweekly or 12 months.
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

Example #2 – Fortnightly Payroll

If works 40 hours weekly, 40 x 52 = 2080/24 are 86.67 hours
If works 44 hours weekly, 44 x 52 = 2288/24 are 95.33 hours
If works 48 hours weekly, 48/52 = 2496/24 are 104 hours fortnightly

¿What data should be included on the flexiform?

If you want to pay 3 days, that is, 24 hours to an employee who works 40
hours, subtract 86.67 minus 24.00, the result is 62.67, is what counts in
If you want to add an additional salary, set the number of hours to

 S/T COLUMN (OVERTIME): If you use the form No.

8609 (Weekly Overtime Authorization) do not use this
column. But if you perform the calculations manually
overtime hours place the hours already converted into
this column.

Example: If the employee works 3 hours in the day time, he/she

must multiply 3 x 1.25, being the 0.25 the hourly rate of time that
stipulates the law in the day time and it would be then 3.75 what
should be placed in the box.
5. The next column is ENF (illness), which indicates the
number of justified sick hours that will be paid to the
employee, as long as he or she delivers the
corresponding medical certificate and has enough
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

accumulated hours of Illness. Refer to the Labor Code.

Remember that if you pay hours of disability sickness
you must subtract from the salary the same amount of
hours and put them in negative.
 HOLIDAY PAYMENT: Below this box there are two
columns, in which has the dollar sign ($) is placed the
gross amount of vacation payable per employee. If you
do not have the exact amount to pay, indicate in the
box that says “DAYS” how many days you wish to pay
the employee for TECNASA to calculate them; It is
important to add that only calculations are made for
vacations of 15, 30, 45 days, etc. Not for holidays of
10, 20, 25 days.

 For the purpose of the balance sheet, it is important that
you write down the totals of each department and totals
of the company in each column in the worksheet. Failure
to do so in this way TECNASA reserves the right to
return the payroll for its respective corrections.
 The points that appear in the worksheet are used as a
decimal point.
 New employees who register on form No. 8602 (Change /
New Employee), must write them down manually in the
worksheet, in their respective department and tell us if
they need to deduct or add hours to their salary,
whether they charge or not.


USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

If the Company where you work decides to present to the employees a

detailed breakdown of the hours worked regular and overtime, through
the special encodings it can do.
The payroll that works with the special time sheet does not use the
regular worksheet. This special time worksheet should be completed in
detail and sent along with the other information, then we explain how to
complete the fields:
 DATE: Enter the date when the form is filled out.
 COMPANY: Enter the name of the company which the
information belongs.
 PAYROLL: Enter the code assigned by TECNASA to the
 PERIODS TO PAY: Enter the day of payment being
processed, for example from 15/Month/Year to
 EMPLOYEE NUMBER: Enter the code assigned by the
company for the employee.
 DEPARTMENT: Enter the number that identify the
department in the company
 LAST NAME AND NAME: In both boxes, enter the last
name and name corresponding to the number of
employee you placed.
 HOURS: Here it records the hours that are paid of
deductioned to the employee, has the facility of
placing up to two integers and two decimals in this
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

 CODES: To add the code to the previous hours must

be guided by the coding list provided by TECNASA, you
must be careful to fill this data.
 TOTAL OF HOURS AND CODES: Here it places the
mathematical summation of the entered data in the
boxes of hours and codes respectively.

 You have 8 spaces available to enter the
employee code and hours worked
 If this form fill in Excel, in the Totals boxes there
are formulas to do the summation automatically
and avoid errors.


In this document you must note the changes of the collaborators who will
be granted the status of Maternity Leave. If there are no changes for the
period do not complete the form, TECNASA calculates the template with
the general information that is within the System of Outsourcing and the
employees will collect their full salary.
If you need to enter changes you must complete the form as follows:
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

 COMPANY: Enter the name of the company which the

information belongs.
 PAYROLL: Enter the code assigned by TECNASA to the
 PERIODS TO PAY: Enter the day of payment being
processed, for example from 15/Month/Year to
 EMPLOYEE NUMBER: Enter the code assigned by the
company for the employee.
 DEPARTMENT: Enter the number that identify the
department in the company
 LAST NAME AND NAME: In both boxes, enter the last
name and name corresponding to the number of
employee you placed
 DEPARTURE DATE: Enter the date that reflects the
certification issued by the doctor.
 REFUND DATE: Enter the date that reflects the
certification issued by the doctor.
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services


Through this instruction manual it is left in a detailed how to proceed to

the moment of filling out the flexiform corresponding to TECNASA
Outsourcing Service. The user manual facilitates the work to the
coordinators assigned by the company, to help to reduce errors when
sending the information and is also a support in case of doubts when
completing the data of the payroll.
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

 Form No.8602 (Change of Existing Employee, inclusion of
new employee or re-employment)
 Form No.8603 (New Income)
 Form No.8604 (New Deduction)
 Form No.8605 (Adjustment and manual process form)
 Form No.8606 (Income and deduction code)
 Form No.8607 (Worksheet Form)
 Form No.8608 (Termination)
 Form No.8609 (Weekly Overtime Authorization Form)
 Form No.8610 (Special Time Sheet Form, with encodings)
 Form No.8611 (Form of Maternity Leave or Unpaid Leave)
USER GUIDE: TECNASA Flexiforms for
Outsourcing Payroll Services

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