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PROJECT Aubrey Dunaway

November 25, 2019


"Helping Hawaii Harness Hunger"


Hungry families are a continuous battle every day. Especially in these
times now, people have stopped[ALD1] donating food because money is
tight, and they can't afford to donate, and less food is being dropped off.
Many people are scared to go by and donate because of covid precautions,
and there is nowhere else to directly donate canned goods. My proposal is
to set up numerous canned food drop offs around my safe neighborhood
that would be checked daily as a second handed food bank. That way I
would be able to directly drop canned goods off to the Hawaii Food Bank.
My goal is 150-200 pounds of cans a week, this would help bring my
community together and help hunger in Hawaii during these hard times.
My family has a lot to offer and I live in a nice neighborhood, I even asked
around at my neighborhood dog park and many people were open to the
idea, I could set up food drop offs in front of my house, at the dog park,
and near the bus stop. This is a great community gathering and something
small to do better. Many have done a lot to help but stopped because of

I chose to address this issue because I need to take safety precautions for covid
reasons. For people not to gather but still feel connected in a way. It is also a way
for lots of food to come in throughout the weeks instead of smaller portions.
There could just be people donating food, but then they can’t find the time to
donate or its too little to make a contribution so it wouldn’t make all the
difference, people need easy access like drop off in their neighborhood. I would
make 5 big drop off boxes and place 2 cans in each, that’s already 20 cans, when
people see there are already donations they would be more likely to help. It
could be anyone in my neighborhood. Every week I would check the box and
weigh it at home to try and reach my goal of 150-200 pounds. Within a month I
should raise close to 600 pounds. I want to achieve more donations and
community involvement during these times. I believe I am the best one to
propose this because I care about my community and those that can’t live in it.
I’m young and egger to make change for something I believe in.
James Kennedy
November 25, 2019
By placing 2 cans in each box at the start of the week (Sunday), by the end of the
week (Saturday), I would collectively in total want to have gained 150-200
pounds of food in canned goods. I will measure my first time over the course of
one month to raise near 500 pounds, if I reached that goal then I will know my
project was a success. There on after I would hope it would increase and make it
more public to other communities and neighborhoods around me that are close
to drop off food to collect.

To share my work to the public, I would make signs around my community to get
the word out just like how they do for garage sales, it would have directions to
the drop off’s which include the 5 locations, another way is by creating an
Instagram account because social media is the best way to get your work out
these days. My goal is to make more people aware and recognize you can do little
things that will add up and make a bigger difference and you can do that right in
your community.


Cardboard- 1.00 (need 5): Total-5.00
Canned foods- 0.00 (need 10): Total-0.00
Zip ties- 2.00 (need 40, comes in pack of 50): Total-2.00
Grand total- 7.00
The Car board boxes are to hold the canned goods around my neighborhood, I
plan to put then where they won’t get wet but are still visible, like by the bus
stop there’s covering, by the dog park, by the elementary school, by my house,
and by my neighbor’s house where they agreed to let me place drop off boxes, the
canned food is from my home so it’s free, and the zip ties to reinforce the box and
make sure they stay in place. I would only need $7 for this project because
overtime I would just replace the boxes if they get damaged, and I raise the
money by myself from recycling every 2 weeks.

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