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Coronavirus - Global

The coronavirus disease is a member of the coronavirus family that

has come from animals. It has never been encountered before and
emerged in China in December 2019.The virus can be spread from
person to person so the best way to prevent illness is to avoid being

Take a look at some of the solutions below to try and stop the spread of the
coronavirus. What do you think are the most effective and why? Write down the
advantages and disadvantages of each solution.

Advantages: Stop spreading person to person, Decrease in infections, Prevent expansion in other cities
Or Countries.

Disadvantages: Find yourself isolated from your close family, Unemployment, Countries economy.

Learning from home

Advantages: More comfort, More time available, Study calmly and without much effort.

Disadvantages: Not everyone has the same tools, Detailed explanation of a topic by a teacher, Lack of
Social integration of classmates and teachers.

Advantages: Family junction, Family protection, Avoid infecting our families.

Disadvantages: Food shortages and high costs, Government aid is not enough, Radical change In lives.
Avoiding air travel
Advantages: Pandemic spread, Avoid infected tourists, If you avoid traveling you avoid
being infected.

Disadvantages: Economic loss, Unemployment, Little income to the country because there
are no tourists.

Closing borders
Advantages: Prevent the virus from leaving or entering other states, Stop illegal or drug
trafficking, They must quarantine where they are.

Disadvantages: Cross the trails, People are left outside their countries, Many are not in their

Transport restrictions
Advantages: Not many people are on the same bus, Contagion is prevented, People don´t
go out.

Disadvantages: No food reaches different parts, Congestions on buses, Little income to the

Avoid contact with others

Advantages: Little chance of being infected, Be safer.

Disadvantages: Want to be with the family, Want to be with colleagues.

Cancel flights
Advantages: Prevents the virus from spreading further, No further spread of Coronavirus

Disadvantages: Not be in your home country, No income, Lose money from already
bought trips.

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