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1. Hi guys, I’m going to (tuː) talk (tɔːk ) about Turkey (ˈtɜːki).

Let’s go

2. The first (fɜːst) one, if you go(gəʊ) to Turkey (ˈtɜːki), you must(mʌst) visit the blue mosque
(mɒsk) of the sultan(ˈsʌltən) Ahmet Camii, it’s in Istanbul (ˌɪstænˈbuːl). In Turkey (ˈtɜːki)
there are many mosques(mɒsk), but I think this is fantastic (fænˈtæstɪk).! only see it¡

3. The next one is: If I travel to(tuː) Turkey (ˈtɜːki), I will eat Kebab (kəˈbæb) (the kebab(kə
ˈbæb) is meat (miːt), is currently (ˈkʌrəntli ) cooked (kʊkt) with many(ˈmɛni) kinds(kaɪndz)
of meat (miːt), but the most(məʊst) popular (ˈpɒpjʊlər ) is lamb (læm). In Spanish kebab
(kəˈbæb) means (miːnz) “carne a la parrilla”)

4. If you go(gəʊ) to (tuː) Turkey(ˈtɜːki), you will be able(ˈeɪbl) to take a Turkish(ˈtɜːkɪʃ )


5. If you go(gəʊ) to(tuː) Turkey(ˈtɜːki), you must(mʌst) visit Efeso. This is a very old(əʊld) city,
and it’s one of the seven wonders(ˈwʌndəz) of the ancient(ˈeɪnʃ(ə)nt) world(wɜːld).

6. If you go(gəʊ) to(tuː) Turkey(ˈtɜːki), you shouldn´t kiss your(jɔː) girlfriend(ˈgɜːlˌfrɛnd) in


7. If you go(gəʊ) to(tuː) Turkey(ˈtɜːki), you shouldn’t speak very(ˈvɛri) loudly(ˈlaʊdli).

8. If you go(gəʊ) to(tuː) Turkey(ˈtɜːki), you must be respectful(rɪsˈpɛktfʊl) with the old(əʊld )

9. If you are in Turkey(ˈtɜːki), you shouldn’t take photos(ˈfəʊtəʊz) to the police(pəˈliːs). If you
do this, you will be in a problem(ˈprɒbləm).

10. If you go(gəʊ) to(tuː) Turkey(ˈtɜːki), you shouldn’t sneeze(sniːz) at(æt) the dining(ˈdaɪnɪŋ)
table(ˈteɪbl). The people in Turkey(ˈtɜːki) think that it is a disrespectful(ˌdɪsrɪsˈpɛktfʊl )

11. And the last one and my favorite(ˈfeɪvərɪt). If you go(gəʊ) to(tuː) Turkey(ˈtɜːki), you must
respect(rɪsˈpɛkt) street animals(ˈænɪməlz). There is a belief(bɪˈliːf) that if you kill a cat, you
must build a mosque(mɒsk) to be forgiven(fəˈgɪvn)

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