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This is a laser keyboard + added value

Good afternoon, classmates and teacher. My name’s Joseph and Today I’m
going to explain and describe a new product created by me and tell you about
its advantages.
This laser keyboard is inside of a beautiful modern box. It is a high-tech gadget
with a touch-sensitive screen. It weighs 140 grams. It’s 10 cm high, 6 cm wide
and 3.5 cm long. It has different colors and designs that you can choose when
buying based on your preferences and budget. It’s made from a variety of
metals, lightweight materials commonly found in the phone case, being the
most common aluminum alloys. This gadget is such small box that you can
carry wherever you go, this feature makes it portable. It’s connected via
Bluetooth or USB cable and is compatible with laptops, IPhone, IPad and
computers. Also, it has radio so you can listen to music anytime. You can
charge it for just 30 minutes and it can last 24 hours. This product has an added
value which makes it very unusual and innovative. As every keyboard, its main
function is to type by pressing any keycaps and making a word. Normally, you
need a small rectangle weightless plastic board, but in this case, you don’t need
it because you can use everything as a keyboard. It could be your own table,
chair, wall, floor, etc. this device creates a new keyboard made by laser lights
that you can set it up to change the brightness level and the alphabetic system.
Here is the new value, this cutting-edge box is able to turn itself into other
alphabetic writing system such as Thai, Latin, Korean, Chinese, French,
Japanese alphabetic one. It’s programed, in its data base, to have the most
spoken languages in the world. So, this way, our target market is those people
who teach more than one language abroad and constantly travel from a country
to other. Also, this product is for those who are interested and can afford it. If
you don’t want to buy other keyboard or change it many times because it broke
down or it’s not compatible, I highly recommend you to get one of these. This is
a great opportunity if you either want to work as a translator or go to other
countries. Or, simply, you’re curious and want to try it. The price is 1.000
American dollars.

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