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-It is known for being a village of squatters or informal settlers, these are the people who occupy private

land without having the proper title or right to do so.

Informal Settlements have been a huge problem that the Philippines is facing right now. It all started in
the Second World war where victims from different parts of the country take refuge and built houses all
over metro Manila, one of this is the Intramuros. About 4.5 million people are homeless or living
in informal settlements in the Philippines, with its population of about 106 million, according to the
statistics office. About 3 million of them are in Metro Manila. These people often live with fears,
knowing that they do not have permanent housing and sufficient living space. There were about 894
families whose known for being an informal settler living inside the walled city. The purpose of the pitch
is to have them the proper way of living, good sanitation for their safety. We wish to make Intramuros
stays being a historic district to have good ambiance and to make people safe for those tourists visiting
the place, students, those who lived and work in the walled city. Informal Settlers in Intramuros are
destroying the authenticity and beauty of the history of the place itself.

1. Why is there is tons of informal settlers in Intramuros?

- Because of losing their houses during the war lead them with no choice to reside in Intramuros.
2. Why informal settlers choose to reside in Intramuros?
Because for them it is not easy to earn much money to afford building their own homes, instead they need
to be resourceful they lived in the city even it is illegal just to survive from living. Therefore, the
government or the land owner in Intramuros let them temporarily reside there.

3.Why most of the informal settlers dont want to be relocate to other place
Because they lived there for many years already that makes it memorable for them but they should
follow the law that they should not be in Intramuros for a long time.
4. Why they should not be in the intramuros?
Because Intramuros is a very historic place and has this reputation they need to protect, informal
settlers may ruined the image of the walled city if they insist to be relocated.
5. Why it takes a long time for the government to relocate or to solve the problem with the informal
Intramuros Administration allotted 410 million for the relocation of informal settlers. And because of
politics, every term there is a need to elect new the officials which causes the delayed of the program
to be solved.

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