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AlikVali: *Tytus had agreed to a friendly spar with his new found friend Azrya, a light smile held

his lips as
he moved into the arean. A hood pulled over his face keeping his eyes from her view, a long teal and
black trench coat with interior armor covered his torso, black pants and boots which were armored
covered his legs and feet. All of it made of a lightweight material, upon his back rested two katanas in an
X pattern, the hilts were black with teal between the laced fabric, the blade themselves though
appearing silver were made of black metal which was unbreakable by mortal means. His hands were
gloved though had small chains wrapped around them though would extend if he so desired them to do
so. Tucked in his boot was a small 4 inch blade made of the same metal as the katanas, though this one
was lighter and more aero dynamic which made it perfect for throwing. His eyes gleamed under the
darkness of his hood while he waited on her to come into view.*

EmpresAzryaSeverance: Wind blowing harshly, moving the cloak of the female that walked towards the
arena, her long silver locks blew around as it revealed her golden robotic optics. A slight glow coming
from them as she finally reached the steps to go down to the grounds of the blood stained floor. Her
boots, spiked and looking like they could cut someone in half, made light taps as she walked quietly
towards her spot in front of the stairs. Gripping gloved hands as she stopped and looked across the
empty arena to watch her opponent enter. Her mind already going through senarios and coming up with
plans for this spar. The straps that held her bow, sword, and quiver on her back shook across her chest,
tapping the ruby red gem that laid just above her chest, glowing and having a ominous aura swirling
inside it. She took a deep breath before letting it out as she adjusted the straps, her eyes going back to
the entrance on the other side as she folded her arms. Avoiding the spikes on her left arm as she rested
her hand just at her side. On her right thigh strapped to it was a dagger. Her midrift exposed as her belly
peircing and hip peircing shined in the moon light. Once he came into view, she dropped her arms, the
chains attached to her shackles on her wrist, which matched her ankles but those remained hidden in
her boots, finally dangled down and shined a little in the moon light. Her lips formed into a smirk as she
moved some of her hair back, the feathers in her hair wiggling a little but never moving out of place as
her hair fell back into place. "My my, this shall be fun. Lets start shall we." Her melodic greek voice
chimed out as she watched him.

AlikVali: >A low demonic chuckle slipped from his throat as he watched her walk down into the arena.
His eyes curiously scanned over her body and weapons, he knew there was a good chance that he would
have to tap into his magic along with his other abilities. Walking into the center of the arena he stopped
and his eyes stayed locked on her as he heard her words carried by the breeze. He gave a light nod as he
raised his right hand and with two fingers motioned her to began when she was ready then with ease
moved his hand up to the hilts of his katanas, he had no idea what he was going to be up against, but still
knew it would be good for him.*
EmpresAzryaSeverance: Her smirk forming more as she watched his gesture and she reached up, a
elegant, clawed hand wrapped around the hilt of her sword, her fingers grasping the object tightly as she
removed it from it black elegant sheath, it was about as long as her body, silver with black ontop of the
blade. Above her hand attached to the hilt of the sword appeared to be some sort of lever but she would
not reveal its properties, at least not if she didnt want to. The blade had a unique shape to it as it
glistened in the moon light. "Lets do this." She said softly as she held up her sword, running her hand
down it, but not for show. Blood started to go down the blade as she moved her hand down the blade.
Some fell to the floor and then the rest seemed to be sucked into the blade. The blade was made of a
mixture of a demons body and elven material. It could not be easily broken and held extra abilities from
the two materials making the blade. Which is why it was made up of two colors. She then disappeared. A
small cloud of dust coming up and swirling in her place where she once stood. When she reappeared,
she was coming up the left side, her sword in one hand as the other held up as a defense. Her gloves
where made of a thick materal and enfused with a metal that was melted down and made into the
spikes that came out of the backs of them. She locked her feet once a good distance and swung her
sword to go toward his midrift if made contact.

AlikVali: *though his eyes could not be seen they followed the movements she made to draw the sword,
and his head ever so lightly nearly unnoticeably nodded again as he watched her vanish, his eyes now
closed as he relied on his super human hearing, his ears twitched and caught the sound of her feet
making contact with the blood stained stones on his left. He would appear to be paralyized since he had
yet to move, though as she drew closer to him, his body seemed to vibrate. As the sword made contact
with the midrift it would slice through the figure standing there, a single drop of blood would fall from
the blade onto the stone as the figure vanished and his demonic chuckle could be heard though it would
appear to be echoing around her as an army of the figures began to appear and surround the outside of
the arena, leaving no opening . Suddenly they would flash in random patterns making it nearly
impossible to tell which one was truely him. Though after the third flash they all had thier katanas
drawn, she would feel a slight change in the breeze behind her as he would move in closely though he
would not yet use his blade but instead would lean his body back, in attempts to place a kick to the back
of her knee, with enough force that should it land it would have taken her to the ground.*

EmpresAzryaSeverance: Regaining her stance once her blade went through what seemed to be a illusion,
she watched as duplicates appeared around the arena, her lips formed into a smirk. "I like these odds."
She said as she watched their katanas point towards her at this point. The scent of blood hit her nose, his
blood, and she raised a brow before noticing the wind change behind her and she moved forward, his
kick missing and she knelt down quickly and then turned her body easily as she swung her sword up to
try to cut off his leg before he could pull it back. Mostly towards his ankle as she aimed, she moved her
right foot a little behind her for leverage and pushed herself forward a little to give herself a little more

AlikVali: >He was impressed by her so far, she was not making this easy on him and now the true game
had began. He felt the wind of her blade as she swung it upwards and towards his leg, it barely missed as
it swiped the bottom of his boot and sparks hit the stone, he smirked lightly now as he watched her
stance. It became clear she was far from amature and this would indeed be fun. He flipped backwards
landing on his feet as he placed the hilts of his katanas together and uttered something in a dead
demonic language and the two hilts fused into one, giving him the lentgh of her sword with the added
bonus of two blades. His fingers tightly wrapped around the center of the double bladed weapon now as
he stood with his right foot infront of his left and his body lightly turned more so towards her than
straight, his center rested more so above his left foot than his right though his balance was perfect and
he gave the blade a twirl in his hand before he would step forward and slash out at her right thigh on the
downward stroke and towards her left on the upwards.*

EmpresAzryaSeverance: When he had jumped back, she managed to get back to her feet as she also
stepped back. She had made contact but only with his boot. Taking a defensive stance as she watched his
blades fuse and become a double bladed sword and she chuckled. Her smirk only showing more as now
her canines shined in the moon light and a shimmer of excitement shined in her eyes as he came
forward and tried to slash at her right leg, which she allowed him to do, not even wincing but not on the
upward stroke, which she blocked with her own blade as she pushed it down. She moved her right leg
around and brought it down hard onto the blade of the sword, not to break it, she had a feeling that
would not be accomplished but to knock it out of his hands. Blood running down her leg as it dripped
onto the floor, her thight exposed as her pants where now ripped, but the cut wouldnt last as she started
to heal. The skin starting to regenerate and things going back to normal. She had been through so much
worse, so a cut like that was nothing to her. Of course it did not mean she was immortal by no means. If
striked enough and bad enough, she could be easily killed by being stabbed in the heart for example or a
vital but any where else it would take alot to take her down. As she brought her right leg down, with her
free hand, which happened to be her right hand, she grabbed the dagger from her thigh, luckily the cut
went between the straps of her holster, and threw it at him precisely as she aimed for his shoulder if it
made contact.

AlikVali: *He smelt her blood as the blade sliced through her skin and his own smirk grew now exposing
his rows of razor sharp fangs, and he watched as if in slow motion as she blocked the first blow with her
own blade and then as her leg came down onto his blade, he had to shake off the slight lust that sparked
in him seeing her exposed thigh, after all he knew better than even think about it. His eyes quick to catch
the dagger she drew, he allowed the blade to make contact with his shoulder and growled lowly though
the pain only fueled him. If she were still standing on his blade when he pulled it back it would have
been with enough strength to flip her off of it. His voice would echo lightly as he whispered into the
breeze < your good, first one to draw my blood.

EmpresAzryaSeverance: Once he pulled back, she did flip backward and landed on her feet as she held a
defensive stance and chuckled, her own gaze becoming more lustful and excited by this fight as she
watched him before chuckling and showing more of a caninic grin. "Your the first to draw mine in many
years." She said as she then ripped off the bottom part of the pants that only hung by a few strands.
Once done, she threw the material to the side and held up her hand, some of her blood had gotten on it.
She opened her mouth and licked off some of it as she closed her eyes only slightly and then licked her
lips. "Mmm.. I havent seen or tasted it in a long time." Her voice called out in the wind as she put her
hand down and held up her sword. "You are proving to be quite entertaining." She said as she tilted her
head a little to the left. "but you have yet to even begin to see my power." She said as she turned her
blade a little. "So come get it." She smirked towards him, her eyes determined and deadly as they locked
on him.

AlikVali: Thought you'd never ask >He taunted back as he reached up and pulled her small dagger from
his shoulder and flipped it in his hand so that the blade rested against the palm of his free hand. He spun
to the left and gave the blade a quick flick sending it flipping through the air back towards her. If she had
taken her eyes off of him to watch the blade she would have missed him moving up to her right although
he would be moving at an incredible pace. Once more he would strike out with his double bladed sword
though this time at her midrift while his own body would take on an angle in which he could move his
left leg behind her right so that should she try to back away it would have tripped her.<

Letting out a deep chuckle, she watched as he pulled the dagger out of his shoulder and then held it in
his hand. When he sent the dagger back, she knew this would be a difficult senario to get out of. She
kept her gaze on him, but sense she had more than super human hearing, she listened as the dagger
came at her. Even though quiet, the dagger still would make a sound, kind of like a pin dropping in a
quiet room, but only those with superier hearing would be able to hear it. She turned her body enough
letting it stab her in the left shoulder, ripping her jacket a bit, exposing her shoulder as she held up her
sword to block his sword from her midrift, but then she did something unexpected. She leaned her body
back, allowing her footing to become compremized as she moved back with impecible speed and then
with her sword, she pushed his blade up with hardly any strength at all, and then placed her right hand
on the ground and twisted her body quickly, before a blink of the eye can be made and sent her right
foot towards her face with full force which would send him flying if contact was made.

AlikVali: *He watched as she took the blow of the dagger in the shoulder, he hadn't noticed the rip yet,
though when she made the move she had with her feet he found himself a bit speachless, guessing it
was a good thing they weren't talking or it would have been akward. He felt her blade make contact with
his again and his body twisted gently after all he was aiming to kill her, his blade rolled along hers and
more sparks showered the floor as he dodged the kick she attempted to place to his face, his free hand
would come at her throat with a quickness, had he caught it he would have pulled her close and placed a
light tease of a kiss on her lips, just enough to mess with her mind before taking a step back and smirking
at her with his blade resting down at his side, though he was far from done playing with her.* [sorry if
that crossed a line, but you know demons like to play]

EmpresAzryaSeverance: When she tired to move to get some distance, she was grabbed by the throat,
which alone shocked her. His hand around her throat, she couldnt stand it. The collar around her neck
had a chain attached to it, not long at all but enough to be noticable. She felt trapped and a fire burned
in her as her blood started to pump up until her eyes went wide when he kissed her. Although light and
she knew he was only playing mind games, that is what demons do, and when he stepped back, she
shook it off and narrowed her eyes as he still had a hold of her throat. When in battle, she focused on
the situation at hand, and although her mind wanted to wonder about the kiss, she ignored it the best
she could and focused on him and how she would escape from his grasp. She quickly raised her sword
and aimed for the arm which was attached to the hand that had her in a hold. Granted she knew this
probably wouldnt work but she was going to attampt it. If he had payed attention to that, she would kick
off the ground and send her left leg at him, the spikes of her boot exposed and would carve right into his
side if making contact.

*He released her throat before her blade could slice through it, he noticed how her entire aura had
changed in that brief moment. Still he had enjoyed the feeling of her lips on his yet he would not push
anything more He knew better than to get side tracted by thoughts while having such a formidable foe.
His eyes shifted to her left leg that came up at him once more and instead of moving away from her he
moved in closer to her, as her leg would pass by his hip, the spikes on her boots drawing more of his
blood though at such a close position she would be able to see the steam that rose from his wound on
his shoulder and how he was healing already just as she was. Now with them so close he spun around
behind her though he was no longer using his blade, he had allowed them to rest against his side. Now
behind her he pulled up the blade and took a defenceive stance as he pushed the blade out before him
the tips aimed out to the sides of the arena. The air would feel suddenly electrified and though his eyes
would close he would hear her if she attempted to move in on him. Small black flames at first began to
form around his body dancing along his clothing and soon engulfed him entirely. He would appear once
more though on the opposite side of the arena, he would now be shirtless with his upper torso exposed
to her and his blade still in his hand, the hood that he had worn no longer there making his eyes visible
to her as he cracked his neck side to side and took off at a sprint towards her, his boots throwing small
debris into the air as he moved in at such a fast pace, his blade drawn across his chest though this was an
easy way of him to aim to her right or left. His eyes caught the sight of the rip in her jacket and he
chucked to himself, though as he grew closer his blade would once again aim at her midrift and being
pulled upwards instead of being swung down, if it had landed it would have given her a nice gash from
her belly button to her lower ribcage.<

EmpresAzryaSeverance: When he had released her, she stepped away. She reached up and quickly pulled
out the dagger from her shoulder as he stood and black flames danced around him and he disappeared.
When he reappeared on the other end, she smirked as she held her shoulder but had her hand getting
covered in blood. When he cracked his neck, she pulled her hand away and shook her hand sending the
blood to the ground as her wound healed. She was pumped. Her blood flowed through her now at a fast
pace and she reached up again and ripped off her jacket that was now covered in blood along with her
arm and part of her chest and back. She threw the jacket aside and then held up her blade as he sprinted
forward. The wind picked up as her hair started to move. Her own body becoming covered in darkness as
what would appear like a black smoke started to move around her. It was shadows and they shot out
from her and moved through out the area and she knelt down as she laughed a little before disappearing
completely like a cloud of smoke. When she appeared, she sprinted towards him, behind him, as she
held up her blade in defensive stance before swining it down towards his back.

AlikVali: *He kept his eyes on her as she gave her hand a flick, sending her blood onto the stone, his head
tilted lightly as she pulled off her jacket and he chuckled to himself. As the smoke began to form around
her he let out a light pleaseureable sigh when the wind brushed across his now nude upper torso,
however catching the shadows moving towards him, he stayed still with his blade resting sideways across
his chest once more. His ears tilted as he caught the sound of something moving up behind him and
turned at the precise moment to catch her blade with his own, his upper body flexed as he applied light
pressure to push her back. Though in such a close situtaion it was still possible to make pysical contact,
his abs flexed and he brought his left knee up towards her stomach,if it had made contact it would have
been enough to knock her off balance since she would aleady be attempting to keep his blade from over
powering hers.*

EmpresAzryaSeverance: Pushing agianst him, she kept her footing as she placed one foot back for
leverage. Now in a stance where she couldnt be moved easily but when she felt him move, she quickly
grabbed the dagger she had replaced back in the holster on her right thigh and brought it down towards
his knee as it aimed for her stomach. As she did this, she took a step forward and pushed harder to get
him to back up a little.

AlikVali: *his eys cloked firmly on hers as they stayed in the blade lock, though he felt her shift and knew
she had drawn the dagger again, his torso twisted as he applied more force behind his blade. The dagger
stabbed into his thigh right above his knee and he growled lightly though bit his bottom lip letting the
pain corse through him. His once silvered eyes turned a deep blood red crimso as his pupils slit into V's
though they never broke conact with hers. The force behind his knee rising would have pushed her
dagger in deeply though continued to attempt to make contact with her stomch though now the blow
would have more force behind it, if she wasn't strong enough to withstand it, she would have ended up
flipping and landing on her back unless her reflexes were quick enough.*

EmpresAzryaSeverance: It hit, She felt his knee make contact with her stomach, but this time it would
only send vibration through her body. When the shadows formed around her body earlier, it was her
changing her muscle tones. Letting more of her cerberus side show as she drew out the strong muscles
that the great hell hound held. It was not all that had changed, but for now it was all she would reveal.
Nothing in particular physically had changed as she looked the same but inside her, she had a all new
power surging through her very veins. Her skin would seem warmer and a look in her eyes would reveal
that something was different. She had hidden it up until now, but now she was showing her true
strength. "Hahaha... Good one." She said as she pushed a little more, only moving in closer as she leaned
in to whisper in his ear in a soft whisper. "But not good enough." She then quickle pulled back only
slightly and attempted to grab the dagger from his thigh. If able to she would quickly aim for his midrift
to cut across it from right to left.

AlikVali: *His eyes sparked brightly as she took the blow without being knocked back and his eyes had
caught something differant about her, though he would play along and act as though he hand't. He could
feel the warmth radiationg from her against his own rather cool skin, feeling her push back against him
once again he allowe dhimself to flip backwards away from her, she had managed to grab the dagger and
rip it from his thigh as his blood left a bloodline leading back to where he landed though he had landed
harder than he had meant cracking the stone under him, he slid backwards as he tried to stop himself
and bent forward sinking his claws into the stone to stop himself as he now looked at her from a
crouched postion and he flashed a fang filled smile at her knowing now was the time to step up his own

EmpresAzryaSeverance: When he jumped back, she stood once more as she watched him slide to a stop.
Her lips curled into a smirk once more as she held her sword to the side before slowly raising her hand. "I
have been saving this just for you. My sweet revenge." She said as she raised two fingers to her lips. She
had her pointer and middle fingers spread and then blew between them. By now, her blood had been
splattered across the floor. Black and toxic as she gave a blow and fire flew through her mouth and
towards him, not aiming for him but for the blood on the ground as it caught fire and the flames started
to turn black. She quickle jumped back and landed on a pillar as cracking noises started to sound as
explosions started to happen around him. Her blood was full of toxins and when mixed with fire it can be
very deadly. If he was able to escape, there would be only a small corner of the arena for him to escape

AlikVali: *there was no way he was going to stand there and do nothing. He watched as se blew flames
towards the blood, both his and hers which had given the floor a new coat . He had yet to use the
abilities from his fathers blood though now was as good a time as any as he balled his body into a curl
and slowly began to seep through the floor as if he were made of liquid. It wouldn't be long bfore the
arena floor would crack and split as collums began to sprout from it, Sure as rain there he was standing
atop one, his blood running down his leg from the wound in his thiggh leaving a small pulled around his
feet. His eyes shimmered as his hand rose and four more collums surrounded the pillar she was standing
on, atop each of them his very image, they all moved the same and at the same time, telling the true
him from the fakes would prove to be difficult. They all five held out thier right hand out infront of them
and bridges would grow from each collum to the pillar she stood on, they would be narrow and brittle,
as the five began to charge at her with thier blades all aimed at her the bridges would crumble a bit,
though as all reached her soft whispers would be heard all around her though in his voice.* Revenge is a
dish best served cold dear * If she had figured out which was the real him as the whispers had stopped
she would feel the tips of fingers trail lightly up her spine and once again on her stomach as he would
move from image to image attempting to keep her lost in the confusion*

EmpresAzryaSeverance: When he appeared once more, she smirked. She figured he wouldnt be killed so
easily, nor did she want to kill him. She watched as the other pillars appeared and the illusions stood
apon it. Moving as he did. When the all charged, she took a stance, it was a bit unusual as she held out
her sword and held her other hand behind her back and when she was ready to make her move, she
paused, feeling icy fingers go up her spine and to her stomach, she knew those could be no illusion and it
felt like they where moving around, like as if he was spinning around her. Studying on the fingers, she
then turned in the opposite direction and then brought her sword up to slice through the illusions until
she might reach the one that held him.

AlikVali: *He chuckled lightly as he watched the way she used the feelings of the chilled fingertip upon
her. He knew shew as catching on and the ground would quake beneath them as a sixth large collum
would rise this one large enough on the top that two would fit with ease and still have room between
them. He sank into the collum he stood on and left the illusions of himself to continue around her as
though he were still there though the true him would rise from a crouch upon the top of the larger
collum now . As her sword would come into contact with the illusions they would vanish from sight
though would leave a mark on the collum they stood on pointing to the larger one.*

EmpresAzryaSeverance: As her blade cut and destroyed the illusions, she watched as the new collum
appeared and markings appeared in place where the illusions first appeared. Watching ever so closely,
she didnt know what they ment, but something told her not to trust them. She then ran over and
jumped onto one of the pillars the illusions was on, she held up her sword as it started to become
covered in fire and shadow and then thrusted her blade right into the middle of it. Sending a surge
through it and making it explode after pulling her sword out and jumping to the next one. Doing this
until all of them where crumbling and falling to the ground as she jumped onto the pillar he was on,
standing across from him. She watched him as she rested her sword to the side and she tilted her head.

AlikVali: *he watched curiously as she leved the other pillars and shook his head,as she landed across
from him he winked at her as she tilted her head. Combat quaters had just gotten much closer and blows
would be harder to avoid as he gave a soft nod of his head and twirled his blade in his hand so that the
backside of the blade was to the ground. His left foot took a step forward and planted itself firmly, his
back was straight though his body was angled with his shoulder pointing at her, one of his blade tips was
pointed at the ground directly beside his left foot as the other was angled and pointed towards the sky
over his right shoulder. he eyed her figure and stance lightly as he would charge her suddenly, breaking
off a piece of the pillars top. His blade would slash upwards towards her top and if he had infact landed
the blow it would have ripped her shirt open and exposed her entire torso to him, he would then flip his
blade and bring it back down should this one land it would have sliced into her arm.*
EmpresAzryaSeverance: When he charged at her, she took a stance and when he swung, she tried to
jump back but he managed to cut her shirt. Not all the way but almost as it now hung there like two
flaps covering her chest. When she jumped back, she managed to move so he when he cut her arm it
was not too deep before she looked down at herself and chuckled. "Fine if its the goods you want, I shall
show them to you." She said as she then ripped off the rest of her shirt. A black lacy bra now the only
thing covering her chest as she threw the shirt to the side. "But I dont need that to defeat you. So get a
good look." Pushing her hair back as it started to change into a braid to reveal more of her skin. She held
up her arm and then licked the blood running down it all the way to the cut as the blood ran a little
down the side of her mouth and she licked her lips, revealing her tongue piercing as she looked at him.
"because you wont see them for long." She smirked before diappearing. "You think you can concure the
shadows. Lets see how you can compare." Her voice echoed through the wind as the wind picked up
more. Soon black spikes started to rise out of the ground and head towards him at a alarmingly fast rate
to try and slice him up.

AlikVali: *He raised a brow and looked at her as her shirt was nearly sliced into , though hearing her
mention that if he wished to see the goods she would show them to him, made him chuckle lightly. So
far every attempt he had made to get into her head had failed and it was beginning to drive him wild. [in
a good way] He heard her voice as it echoed in the breeze that swirled around him and his lips cracked
with a smirk as his devilish crimson eyes flickered. He felt the first spike as it rose directly behind him and
sliced his pants a bit , which made him react quickly by rolling acroos the ground and quickly leaping to
his feet, as more and more spikes rose. His eyes closed as he placed the tip of his boot on the tip of one
of the spikes and allowed it to lift him with it, now standing on the top of the spikes he would turn lighty
and place his other on the top of another spike as his eyes scanned around for her. It was becoming clear
though that neither was going to yeild to the other and the thought made him smile*

EmpresAzryaSeverance: Watching from a safe spot as the spikes ripped his pants, she raised a brow as
she chuckled a bit. Her eyes carefully scanning and watching as he stood on the spikes, for she only stood
below him on the destroyed arena ground but the reason being that there was still a cloudy dust in the
air from when she destroyed the pillars and they fell to the ground. She then held up her sword, still
unseen as she then started to twirl it. Speaking in latin, she said one word and soon a huge fire tornado
started to swirl around the collum, making it hard for him to escape if he could. When the tornado rose
about ten feet even above the collum, the spikes would start up again only this time more quickly and
bigger as well as from two different directions.

AlikVali: *his eyes had ot yet caught sight of her though he could feel her energy below him and as the
pillar and spikes began to radiate heat around him he stayed standing on the spikes until he saw nothing
but a wall of flames surrounding him and knew there was only one way out. He pulled the two katanas
apart leaving him with two seperate blades once more, his arms crossed over his chest as he held the
blades aimed downwards towards his feet, a light mist began to form upon his skin and coat him with
small unseeable ice crystals though this was far from normal ice it was indeed hells ice which would hold
up to the heat long enough for him to escape. He ran across the spikes tips sure and light footed until he
reached the edge of the collum and dove through the wall of fire into a free fall, he pulled his arms by his
sides and tilted his feet so that his toes would be pointing outwards behind him. Moving at this rate he
would look like a black steaming streak, just before he would have made contact with the ground he
flipped his body letting his feet make impact first. Theu hit with enough force they would throw stones
and chunks of broken pillars into the air as the shockwave mimicked that of a mushroom cloud. He rolled
his shoulders as he growled lightly his eyes now upon her once again as he moved up behind her and
lightly whispered.* mm trying to kill me, you are a woman after my own heart * He stayed close enough
to her that had she turned towards him her lips would have met his once again, so far that had seemed
to be the only thing that had, had some effect on her so far.*

EmpresAzryaSeverance: Watching as he fell, she stood in place as he sent a sonic wave through the air
clearing the cloud that had covered her. When he appeared behind her, she listened at he spoke only to
smirk and respond. "Kill you.. No.. I do not wish to do that." She said softly as she chuckled. "I think I
could say the same to you as it feels mutual." She could feel the steam coming from him as he was so
close. She knew he was plotting something so she had her own idea as she chuckled once more and
then leaned forward to voide his lips as grabbed his throat, quickly and used his own tactic against him.
She brought his face to hers as he had done so earlier and kissed him dead square on the lips. Not even
lightly as he had done so but a bit deeper. After a moment of letting that sink in, she let go and quickle
jumped back into the cloud that he had now made as she laughed and it echoed through the air.

AlikVali: *He listened to her as she replied to his comment and his own lips continued to hold their own
grin as he watched her evade his lips though feeling her hand land on his throat as he had done her
before his mind went blank, what followed next, her slightly rough and deep kiss sent a surge through
him. His own lustful prowless had betrayed him though he wouldn't complain about the outcome of it
and as she pulled away from him vanishing from sight once more his brow arched as he watched the
direction she went. Though her words echoed in his mind and his core temperature began to rise, the ice
melting off of him leaving wet footprints of blood and water as he walked. He licked his lips before he bit
down on his bottom one, he knew now was the time to make his move though it would be an
unexpected one. He placed his katanas on the ground and knelt down onto one knee, his voice flowed
from between his lips freely even at the risk of hurting his own pride, that no longer mattered as his eyes
stayed locked onto the direction she went. She would still hear him as he called out while still knelt with
his blades on the ground before him* Ah my dear Azrya, you have proven to be an amazing foe, the first
to ever draw my blood along with the first to ever.....* he paused for what would feel like an hour though
it hand only been mere seconds* I yeild to you. *he was a man and put his foolish pride aside he knew
when to back down and since he did not wish to kill her he knew this was the time.*

EmpresAzryaSeverance: Hearing his plea, his surrender, it threw her by surprise as she stood in the
cloud. Soon the wind shifted and the cloud disappeared revealing her as she looked at him. Her eyes
searching him but then she chuckled and gave a grin. "It was a tough beat." She then walked over and
stood right in front of him, a hand placed on her hip as she looked down at him. "I had a very worthy
opponent." She said as she placed her sword back in its sheath and then held out her hand to him to
help him up. She then took a breath and let it out as she shook her body a little and then looked at him.

AlikVali: *He looked up at her as the cloud vanished and she was walking towards him soon enough to
stand before him. He reached down and picked up his katanas and slipped them back into their sheaths
before he placed his hand in hers though instead of allowing her to help him up he attempted to pull her
down to him and chuckled lightly* Tough doesn't even began to cover you, and i myself have never had
such a spar, we will have to do this again sometime. Although i must admit your revenge was very sweet
indeed. * he would whisper into her ear if he had successfully pulled her down before him, however
even as he spoke his eyes wondered over her wounds and he tilted his head to the right exposiing his
neck to her unsure if feeding helped her heal or not all the same he would offer this would be another
first for him as well.* Should you require to feed to heal, feel free.. *he would motion towards his neck*

EmpresAzryaSeverance: When he placed his hand in hers, he yanked her down, which she did go down
to him. She blinked as she had a bit of shock on her face as she listened to him. A smirk formed on her
lips as she nodded. "You know we will." She said as she chuckled before watching as he exposed his neck
and told her to feed. She shook her head. "That wont help me plus I could end up killing you if I got
hungry enough. I will be fine but please..." She paused and tilted her head. "Feel free... If you can with
stand the poison in my blood."

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