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Alcoholism in minors

The alcoholism in a global context is considered a big problematic in

which there is the need to consume high levels of alcoholic substances
and causes a big physical dependence of it.
Some experts say that alcoholism in Young people is very dangerous
and not healthy for the teens that can bring serious consecuences in
their future. The rest of the people, like the adults, say the same thing,
but the underage do not think that and do not visualize the future
problems the alcoholism can cause neither.

The first fact that all people know and is considered a real and
correct argument is that when minors grow up, they can be sick and
sometimes they can die, if they had been drunk too much. An article
made by “El Tiempo” say that “In 2012, some 3.3 million people died
from an illness, injury or accident related to excessive alcohol
consumption. and this is not a good situation”. “The 5,9 % of the deaths
of the world are attributable to high alcohol intake”. – said “El Tiempo”.
All these data are derived from a report by the World Health
Organization (WHO), made with information from 194 countries. That is
a bad situation for the teens and for the world.

Another argument not to be ignored is that teenagers lose special

moments with important people, like family and friends. Also, they lose
several jobs and academic oportunities right in the moment they start to
introduce theirselves into this.
It is important to mention that some Smart and brilliant Young people
with very special talents have arruined their careers because of this so
there is a point when they do not even care about what they do wrong
so they prefer to continue buying liqueur, and drink all night long.

In addition to that, teenagers do not think straight so they do not

make the right decisions about their lifes or even worse, do things they
could regret in the future. All of this happens for a reason and that is
because maybe in the past these people had some kind of trouble with
relatives or friends and they thought alcohol could help them to forget
or be away from those difficulties. A group of students made a research
on october 10th municipality on 2000, and with this research they
found that from the ages of 15 to 19, 44,5% of people drink alcohol,
from the ages of 10 to 14, 35,1% drink alcohol, and people with ages 10
and less, 20,2% drink alcohol. All that means that Young people from
the ages of 14 to 19 are the ones who mostly consume alcohol.

In conclussion, drink a lot of alcohol is not a very good thing, it can

take people without even notice it to a dark way, the way to the adiction.
It starts just like a simple game or something fun to do, but it ends as a
big serious issue.

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