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Business Horizons (2015) 58, 411—420

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Is it all a game? Understanding the principles

of gamification
Karen Robson a,*, Kirk Plangger b, Jan H. Kietzmann a, Ian McCarthy a,
Leyland Pitt a

Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University, 500 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 1W6, Canada
King’s College London, University of London, Franklin-Wilkins Building, 150 Stamford Street,
London SE1 9NH, UK

KEYWORDS Abstract There is growing interest in how gamification–—defined as the application

Gamification; of game design principles in non-gaming contexts–—can be used in business. However,
Experience; academic research and management practice have paid little attention to the
Mechanics; challenges of how best to design, implement, manage, and optimize gamification
Dynamics; strategies. To advance understanding of gamification, this article defines what it is
Emotions; and explains how it prompts managers to think about business practice in new and
Behavior change; innovative ways. Drawing upon the game design literature, we present a framework of
Motivation; three gamification principles–—mechanics, dynamics, and emotions (MDE)–—to explain
American Idol how gamified experiences can be created. We then provide an extended illustration of
gamification and conclude with ideas for future research and application opportu-
# 2015 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All
rights reserved.

1. Press play to start employees and customers with game-like incentives

(e.g., competitions among financial traders, leader-
Games are everywhere. We play games while trav- boards for salespeople, participation badges).
eling, while relaxing, or while at work, simply to However, increasing engagement and rewarding
create enjoyable experiences for ourselves and for desired behavior with such incentives has always
others. Firms, too, have long motivated their been hard to perform at scale. Only now, at a time
when much of what we do is mediated by digital
technologies and social media, may firms change
that behavior by turning traditional processes into
* Corresponding author deeper, more engaging game-like experiences for
E-mail addresses: (K. Robson),
many of their customers and for their employees. (K. Plangger), (J.H. Kietzmann), This process is commonly referred to as gamifica- (I. McCarthy), (L. Pitt) tion.

0007-6813/$ — see front matter # 2015 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
412 K. Robson et al.

Gamification has potentially wide applications in real-world simulations (Keys & Wolfe, 1990), or
contexts such as healthcare, sustainability, govern- game theory in organizational settings (Camerer,
ment, transportation, and education, among others. 2003). It does not. Rather, gamification is the appli-
For instance, more than 75 energy companies are cation of lessons from the gaming domain to change
already using Opower, a service that equips homes behaviors in non-game situations. ‘Gamified’ expe-
with sensors enabling residents to compare their riences can focus on business processes (e.g., cus-
household energy consumption with that of neighbors, tomer acquisition) or outcomes (e.g., employee
and broadcasting their achievements on Facebook sales). Moreover, these experiences can involve
(Wingfield, 2012). Samsung Nation, Pepsi Soundoff, participants–—or players–—outside of a firm (e.g.,
and other online loyalty programs use points, levels to co-develop products with customers) and/or
(e.g., gold status), or badges to drive customer en- within it (e.g., to improve employee satisfaction).
gagement and deepen the relationships they have While firms’ use of such game-like experiences to
with the brands they use or aspire to use. Drivers of control behavior and increase loyalty and engage-
a Nissan Leaf can collect points for driving in an ment is not new, efforts to date have neither sought
ecologically friendly manner, and can compete with to learn from formal game design principles nor
their friends on Facebook. Xerox employs gamification been labeled gamification. In fact, the term gami-
to train managers who collaborate online to complete fication only started to attract widespread attention
quests, and Salesforce uses challenges and leader- in non-gaming contexts in 2010 (Zichermann & Cun-
boards to increase sales. Microsoft has gamified the ningham, 2011). We suggest the heightened interest
relatively tedious but important process of translating in gamification today is the result of three recent
its Windows 7 operating system into different lan- developments.
guages and adapting it to work in different cultures. First, over the last 20 years with the growth and
Although studies suggest that 70% of the world’s importance of the computer game industry, game
largest public companies will have at least one ga- designers and researchers have invested significant-
mified application in the next 2 years (Gartner, 2011), ly in studies to better understand what makes a
there are warnings that about 80% of current gamified computer game engaging and successful. This has
applications will fail to meet business objectives led to a number of theories and lessons about the
(Gartner, 2012), primarily because processes have design and management of gaming experiences, and
been inappropriately gamified. A likely reason for to frameworks about incentives that motivate indi-
this is a lack of understanding of what gamification is, viduals to play. In the next section, we build on this
how gamification works and, more specifically, how work and introduce three important gamification
to design gamification experiences that inspire player principles that are based on the gaming literature’s
(e.g., employee, customer, citizen) behavior changes lessons: mechanics (i.e., the goals, rules, and re-
and result in desirable outcomes. wards), dynamics (i.e., how players enact the me-
However, the academic business literature offers chanics), and emotions (i.e., how players feel
little direction to, or understanding of, gamifica- toward the gamified experience).
tion, its design principles, and the key underlying Second, the pervasiveness of social media and
psychological motivations by which gamification mobile and Web-based technologies has changed
changes behavior and achieves organizational goals. how individuals and organizations participate in,
Thus, we begin by defining gamification and describ- share, co-create, discuss, and modify any type of
ing its application in organizations. Next, we explain experience (Kietzmann, Hermkens, McCarthy, &
the psychology behind the promise of gamification. Silvestre, 2011). Today’s firms can request and
We then introduce a framework, rooted in game generate previously unattainable amounts of data
design, that includes three principles for creating about people and their opinions, feelings, and be-
gamification experiences: mechanics, dynamics, havior. The quantity and quality of the resulting
and emotions (MDE). Next, we link the MDE frame- insights has only now become useful for producing
work to employee and customer engagement by gamified employment or consumption experiences
illustrating its application in the popular reality at scale, which in turn will yield new data.
television show American Idol. Finally, we present Third, firms are continually looking for new and
concluding remarks on gamification and present impactful ways to better connect with, learn from,
ideas for future research and application. and influence the behaviors of employees and cus-
tomers. Three recent developments provide a rich
2. Gamification defined landscape of opportunities to innovate in this re-
gard: (1) new knowledge about the design and
The term gamification could be misleading, suggest- management of gaming experiences (2) combined
ing that it represents the use of actual games, with the advent of social media and technology and
Is it all a game? Understanding the principles of gamification 413

(3) the heightened interest in providing more en- positive or negative, such as loss avoidance–—and
gaging experiences. should generally lead to satisfying outcomes for
the players. Through this mix of rewards and emo-
tions, employees and customers in a gamified expe-
3. Why gamification works rience repeat the behavioral outcome desired by the
organization in a habitual or routine form (Duhigg,
Gamification can change stakeholder behavior be- 2012). Through tapping into rewards and emotions,
cause it taps into motivational drivers of human an effective gamification experience will motivate
behavior in two connected ways: reinforcements individuals’ behavior changes in business settings. In
and emotions. First, both positive and negative order to understand how to design an effective ga-
reinforcements encourage repetition of behaviors, mified experience, we examine the fundamental
as operant conditioning (Skinner, 1938) and the law principles that underpin gamification by introducing
of effect (Thorndike, 1905) show us. These ap- the MDE framework.
proaches have long been used in psychology to
explain a range of human behaviors as well as
behavior modification. They also posit that behavior 4. Gamification principles: The MDE
changes can be motivated either through extrinsic framework
or intrinsic reinforcements. That is, while external
factors such as money or fame can certainly moti- As with any emerging area of endeavor, the termi-
vate human behavior, emotions are also powerful nologies central to gamification are still in flux and
motivators for behavior change (Higgins, 2006). In are often used fluidly, without categorical separa-
either case, behavioral learning theory and operant tions. To move the practice and research of gami-
conditioning argue that all behavior is motivated by fication forward, in this section we introduce the
reinforcements. In addition, behaviors which lead to roles of game designers, players, spectators,
satisfying outcomes are more likely to lead to re- and observers, and we define three gamification
peated or ongoing behavior changes while ones with principles–—mechanics, dynamics, and emotions
unsatisfying outcomes are far less likely to be sus- (MDE)–—adapted from the game design literature
tained (Skinner, 1938). (Hunicke, LeBlanc, & Zubek, 2004). Specifically,
Successful gamification involves the repetition of our MDE framework is developed from an approach
desired outcomes. Through the motivational mech- to design games that highlight the need to understand
anisms of reinforcements and emotions, desired game mechanics, dynamics, and aesthetics (Hunicke
outcomes become automatic behavioral processes et al., 2004). In game design, ‘aesthetics’ describes
or habits (Duhigg, 2012). Habits are formed through the desirable emotional responses (e.g., fantasy,
providing cues that elicit behaviors and then re- submission, fellowship, discovery) evoked in players
warding the behavior, thus forming a behavioral loop when they interact with the game. As these aesthetic
that requires less and less cognitive resources as the responses are largely computer game-specific, we
desired behavior is repeatedly reinforced (Duhigg, use the term ‘emotions’ as it better links to the
2012). Gamification can produce desired behavior engagement outcomes that businesses can attain
change through the formation of habits by reinforcing from employees and customers. In the coming sec-
the reward and emotional response of the individuals tions, we provide specific recommendations on how
participating in the experience, thus requiring fewer to apply each gamification principle and then discuss
cognitive resources each time the desired activity is how these collectively form the MDE framework that
reproduced. creates a gamified experience.
Gamification can create desired behavior change
in business contexts through rewarding desired em- 4.1. Designers, players, spectators, and
ployee and customer behaviors, thus leading to more observers
satisfying outcomes for employees or customers than
in a non-gamified context. The reinforcements that All parties involved in gamified experiences can be
motivate behavior changes can come in a variety of described using two fundamental dimensions
forms, including extrinsic (i.e., prizes, money) and adapted from Pine and Gilmore (1998): variations
intrinsic (i.e., fun, enjoyment) rewards. Regardless in participation and connection with the gamified
of the form, the appropriate reinforcement or mix environment. Player participation describes the ex-
thereof is key to motivating a successful behavior tent to which the individual either actively contrib-
change through inspiring affective responses from utes to the experience or is merely passively involved
individuals. Thus, a well-designed gamification in it. Player connection describes the type of envi-
experience should include reinforcements–—whether ronmental relationship (absorption vs. immersion)
414 K. Robson et al.

that unites the individual with the experience. In potential players or spectators, as they can assume
absorption, the experience unfolds before the person new roles by seeking out ways to become more active
and occupies the person’s mind, whereas in immer- or immersed in the experience. In a non-game set-
sion, a person becomes part of the experience itself, ting, an observer could include employees in other
either physically or virtually. departments or offices in the firm. These employees
There are four types of people involved in gami- have no direct contact with the players, but are
fied experiences–—players, designers, spectators, aware of the gamified experience and follow the
and observers–—all of whom vary in the extent to outcomes to see who wins.
which they are involved in a passive or active sense Of course, any people involved in gamification can,
and in whether they are predominantly absorbed or through their actions, change the extent to which
immersed in the experience. First, players are those they participate in the experience and are connected
who compete in the gamified experience. They are to it. A player, for example, can decide to watch and
the real performers, those who actively compete in cheer for another player; in doing so, he/she takes on
the experience and are highly immersed. Players a more passive role and is more immersed in the
can include potential, new, or existing employees experience than absorbed by it, thus becoming a
and/or customers of a firm. Thus, players can be spectator. Consider an employee whose shift is over:
internal or external to the firm. he or she is no longer a player in the experience, but
Second, designers are the decision makers in he/she may assume a spectator role by supporting
organizations who develop and design, as well as and cheering on colleagues who are just beginning
often manage and maintain, the gamified experi- their shift. However, we argue that the majority of
ence. For instance, in the context of improving the roles these types of people play in a gamified
employee engagement, these designers could be experience will fall onto one end of the spectrums of
human resource managers; or, in the context of passive versus active and immersed versus absorbed
boosting customer engagement, these designers (Pine & Gilmore, 1998). In sum, designers set up,
could be customer relationship managers. It is these manage, and maintain the gamified experience that
designers who will need to understand the MDE the players compete in. Spectators are part of the
framework in order to design and implement an gamification environment and can influence player
effective gamification strategy. These designers behavior. Observers are outsiders who can witness
are highly active when setting up the experience, the experience, but do not impact the experience in
but once the experience starts they are predomi- any way. Understanding the individuals that are in-
nantly involved in a passive sense, overseeing the volved in a gamified experience is fundamental to
experience and ensuring that it is meeting organi- understanding gamification. Next, we turn to the
zational goals. basic gamification mechanics essential to construct-
Third, spectators are those individuals who do not ing the experience.
directly compete in the gamified experience but
whose presence will influence how the gamified 4.2. Mechanics
experience works. Spectators are part of the gami-
fied environment (e.g., audience members) and are Mechanics are the decisions that designers–—those
therefore highly immersed in the experience. While who wish to gamify a non-game context–—make to
taking a mostly passive role, they indirectly impact specify the goals, the rules, the setting, the con-
the experience by contributing to the atmosphere. text, the types of interactions (i.e., opponents), and
In a non-game setting, for example, a spectator the boundaries of the situation to be gamified.
could include a supervisor who contributes to the These gamification mechanics are known before
atmosphere by serving as a visible authority or a the experience starts and they remain constant.
source of support. Such a supervisor is not involved In other words, they do not change from one player
in designing the gamified experience or in compet- to the next, and they stay the same each time a
ing in the experience, but is present to ensure that player engages in the experience. In chess, for
the experience progresses smoothly and, in doing example, the mechanics include decisions that have
so, alters player behavior. determined the number of pieces, how pieces move
Finally, there are observers. These are outside and take other pieces, the number and pattern of
individuals who are passively involved and absorbed squares on the board, and how a winner is decided.
in the experience. They have no direct impact on the In terms of organizational control theory, mechanics
gamified experience and are merely able to watch equate to the organizational systems and technolo-
it from the outside. However, the presence–—and gies that managers can use to induce the required
quantity–—of observers will impact the popularity behaviors and outcomes (McCarthy & Gordon,
of the experience. Furthermore, observers are 2011).
Is it all a game? Understanding the principles of gamification 415

There are three different types of mechanics–— increase the likelihood that certain behaviors will
setup mechanics, rule mechanics, and progression be repeated in the future. To signal their progress,
mechanics–—which are tremendously important not achievement rewards are often used. These could be
only for games, but also for gamified experiences. virtual victory point systems that players accumulate
Setup mechanics are those considerations that as they progress–—such as scores, levels, progress
shape the environment of the experience, including bars, or resources (e.g., strength)–—but they can also
the setting, what objects are needed, and how be real rewards (e.g., currency). In particular,
the objects are to be distributed among players achievement rewards with social significance (e.g.,
(Elverdam & Aarseth, 2007). For example, the setup badges, trophies, leaderboards) indicate the social
mechanics will determine who a player is playing standing within a community and are powerful pro-
against: Is the competitor known or unknown, in- gression mechanics. Progression mechanics provide
ternal or external, a single competitor or a group? important feedback that signals a player’s success
These decisions impact the overall context of the toward victory. However, the achievement rewards
gamified experience. Designers must consider spa- must be desirable for the players; otherwise, the
tial dimensions to determine where in the real or the experience loses its salience. The distribution of
virtual world the experience will take place, and extrinsic rewards is also an important aspect of
temporal dimensions to regulate when the gamified progression mechanics since they may be either
experience will happen, whether it is real time- or zero-sum (i.e., some players win and some lose) or
turn-based, or whether it has a finite end or infinite positive-sum (i.e., overall the rewards are above
play. Design choices regarding player structure limit zero). Designers must plan this distribution carefully,
who can play and whether the experience is for as mistakes could be very costly to the organization
single or multiple players; allow single or multiple and possibly bankrupt the gamified application’s
teams; and include real friends, strangers, or even budget. Furthermore, having too many rewards–—
computer-controlled allies and enemies. especially top rewards–—may dilute the overall
Rule mechanics shape the concept or goal of the strength of rewards and the meaning of player wins
gamified experience to be pursued (Elverdam & and/or status levels.
Aarseth, 2007). They not only prescribe the actions Gamification mechanics are the foundational as-
that are permissible but also the constraints (e.g., pects of gamified experience: they determine who
time restriction) that limit those actions in order to the key parties are, how they interact, how to win or
create pressure for players (Kelly, 2012b). Some rule lose, and where and when the experience takes
mechanics are highly deterministic and invariably place. Mechanics form the structure that the gami-
produce the same result if the player input is iden- fied experience exists in; however, on their own,
tical each time. Other rule mechanics are non- mechanics are not enough to create an experience
deterministic, especially when elements of chance that will motivate behavior changes in target em-
are involved or when players are allowed to interact ployees or customers. Emerging from this structure,
with each other. Rule mechanics can be topological, both dynamics and emotions animate the experi-
too, and specify what happens when a player lands ence and are key dimensions in creating the desired
on a specific real or virtual spot. Think about how a behavior change. This interdependent relationship
player collects a reward for ‘passing Go’ in Monopoly between the three gamification dimensions signal to
or how in a gamified geo-location setting people are designers what changes, if any, need to be made to
rewarded for going places and for checking in to the mechanics to ensure that the organization’s
locations they’re visiting. Time-based rule mechan- goals are met. These components of a gamified
ics spell out whether players have to act within a experience are discussed next.
time period or how resources build up or deplete
over time. Objective-based rule mechanics specify 4.3. Dynamics
the effects of a specific circumstance being met
(e.g., completing one level unlocks the next). Gamification dynamics are the types of player be-
Progression mechanics describe different types of havior that emerge as players partake in the expe-
instruments that designers embed to affect the ex- rience. Contrary to mechanics that are set by the
perience while it happens (Elverdam & Aarseth, designer, the gamification dynamics are produced by
2007). In the context of gamification, progression how players follow the mechanics chosen by design-
mechanics are particularly important: they dictate ers. These dynamics describe in-game behaviors and
the reinforcements present in the experience. That the strategic actions and interactions that emerge
is, as behaviors with rewarding outcomes are more during play (Camerer, 2003). In a game context, the
likely to be repeated (Rothschild & Gaidis, 1981), mechanics of the multiplayer card game Poker in-
appropriate progression mechanics are used to clude shuffling, trick-taking, and betting, from
416 K. Robson et al.

which different dynamics like bluffing, cheating, Figure 1. MDE framework of gamification principles
conspiring, and bragging can emerge. In gamifica-
tion, mechanics such as team-based player struc-
tures can lead to dynamics such as cooperation,
while an individual player structure may lend itself
to a more competitive dynamic. Beyond player
structure, the presence of both spectators and ob-
servers has a number of implications with respect to
player dynamics. For example, in negotiation games
when players know they are being watched–—by
observers or spectators–—Lewicki, Barry, and Saun-
ders (2014) suggest that a number of player behaviors
result. For example, players are more competitive
when they know they are being watched, as they do
not wish to look bad in front of others. Relatedly,
players are less willing to quit, concede, or settle.
Ultimately, possible dynamics include competition,
cooperation, coopetition, cheating, and many other
Gamification dynamics are difficult to predict and also shows how small changes in one principle can
thus can lead to unintended behaviors and out- impact the other two and create different experi-
comes, which can be positive or negative in nature. ences. Furthermore, the MDE framework helps clarify
Designers do not know exactly what will happen how designers and players perceive gamified expe-
(LeBlanc, 2004). Consequently, the challenge for riences differently (LeBlanc, 2004). Specifically, ga-
designers is to anticipate the types of dynamics that mification designers’ foremost focus is on selecting
can emerge and to develop the mechanics of the appropriate mechanics in order to retain control over
experience appropriately. the experience, followed by a focus on dynamics, and
lastly on players’ emotions. For players, on the other
4.4. Emotions hand, emotions are key. The adrenaline rush resulting
from surviving a vicarious adventure or mastering a
Gamification emotions are the mental affective mental challenge and the associated dynamics
states and reactions evoked among individual play- is more important than the rules that make them
ers when they participate in a gamified experience. possible (Lazzaro, 2004). In optimized gamified
Emotions are a product of how players follow the experiences, players’ emotional responses and
mechanics and then generate dynamics. As with the dynamics that emerge during play shape the
games, the emotions in a gamified experience mechanics that govern play and vice versa. As
should be fun-oriented and appealing, not only on a result, understanding gamification mechanics,
a pragmatic level but also on an emotional level dynamics, and emotions and how these principles
(LeBlanc, 2004). Assuming that players will not relate to one another is key for successfully gamifying
continue to play if they do not enjoy themselves, an experience.
creating player enjoyment should be seen as the
single-most important player engagement goal for
gamification (Sweetser & Wyeth, 2005). Such fun 5. Gamification at work: The case of
and enjoyment can come in many different forms, American Idol
including positive emotions such as excitement,
amusement, amazement, surprise, wonder, and In what follows, we use a very well-known and
personal triumph over adversity. While fun should ratings-busting TV show in America, American Idol,
be part of the experience, a mix of emotions is often to illustrate how the different gamification princi-
felt by the players. This could include negative ples can motivate desired behavior changes among
feelings, such as disappointment at losing or sadness employees and customers. We use American Idol for
at not achieving a reward. three reasons: (1) it exemplifies how to increase
In sum, the MDE framework outlines the interde- engagement and change behavior through gamifica-
pendent relationship of the gamification principles of tion, (2) it demonstrates how to improve both
mechanics, dynamics, and emotions (Figure 1) and customer and employee engagement, and (3) it
illustrates how these principles can be applied to- illustrates how gamification can become a success
gether to create and extend the player experience. It story.
Is it all a game? Understanding the principles of gamification 417

First, American Idol is not just an entertaining aligning the mechanics, dynamics, and emotions it
show, but also an excellent example of how to developed for contestants with those developed for
increase the engagement and change the behavior audience members (Amegashie, 2009; Ciulla et al.,
of both employees (i.e., the artists who hope to 2012; Meizel, 2011).
secure record deals) and customers (i.e., viewers
who watch and vote) through gamification. Tradi- 5.1. American Idol mechanics
tional talent searches were much less engaging
because they relied on individual talent scouts to As designed by its setup and spatial mechanics,
bring their discoveries to recording companies in American Idol hosts auditions online and in various
hopes of securing a contract. Likewise, the older cities in the U.S., takes place in front of a live studio
model of engaging audience members was based on audience of more than 7,000 members, and is broad-
the weekly popularity of songs as measured by radio cast to millions via television and the Internet.
airplay and Billboard Charts–—which stimulated Temporal mechanics are employed such that once
sales. Simon Fuller and his team, the designers of a week, for an average of 10 weeks, American Idol
American Idol, cleverly gamified these two very contestants take turns performing songs based on a
traditional practices, which we argue are not unlike weekly theme (e.g., Motown, Elvis, Number 1 hits).
many other business processes. For instance, Regarding player structure, American Idol creatively
American Idol is an example of gamifying traditional combines some of the choices involving both con-
human resource management: All contestants enter testants and their supporters (i.e., observers and
into a contractual agreement with 19 Entertain- spectators) in the experience. Spectators include
ment, the production company behind American members of the live studio audience and individuals
Idol, before they ever set foot on a stage. Much like at home watching on their television who vote via
other employees, they work on a probationary peri- voice calls, SMS texts, or the American Idol website
od before some of them receive continuing con- (Amegashie, 2009; Ciulla et al., 2012). Observers
tracts. As regards audience experience, we argue are those fans who are not part of the studio audi-
that American Idol illustrates how traditional prod- ence and who do not participate in the experience
uct development and sales experiences can be ga- by voting, but merely view the show for personal
mified. Firms often solicit the input of customers enjoyment. The players, spectators, and observers
during the development of a product or service all consent to be involved in American Idol. This is
(e.g., in beta releases or usability tests). The audi- important, because when consent to participate
ence of American Idol is in essence a very large and in games is present, positive affects increase;
highly engaged focus group where the opinions of when consent is lacking, positive affects decrease
customers are collected to select and improve the (Burawoy, 1979; Mollick & Rothbard, 2014).
firm’s offerings. In the case of American Idol, setup mechanics
Second, most gamification activities are focused are plentiful and varied, and any number of com-
on improving either customer or employee engage- binations is possible. However, what these me-
ment. By including the talent search (i.e., engaging chanics have in common is that they are all
potential new employees) and record sales (i.e., decisions that influence the experience before it
engaging customers) in one show, American Idol commences. One of the most basic rule mechanics
demonstrates that these two can be combined. for American Idol is that the popularity of contest-
The result is a two-sided gamified experience that ants is highly dependent on comparisons with other
increases the engagement and changes the behavior contestants (Amegashie, 2009). Time-based rule
of employees and customers at the same time. This mechanics in American Idol spell out whether play-
is particularly interesting in the context of managers ers have to act within a time period (e.g., when
looking to grow their engagement with communities spectators can vote, again and again, for their
inside and outside the firm simultaneously to build favorite contestants on American Idol) and how
value for the brand internally and externally. resources build up or deplete over time (e.g., votes
Lastly, American Idol illustrates how the resulting collected by each contestant cannot be carried
gamified experience can become a success story in its forward into the next round, and the score is reset
own right. American Idol has not only produced such each week). Contestants at the top of the popu-
hugely successful entertainers as Carrie Underwood, larity scale will move forward, making popularity
Kelly Clarkson, and Jennifer Hudson–—through and votes from spectators key to the progression
gamified employee engagement during the talent mechanics of American Idol. The ultimate reward
search–—and sold millions of albums–—through gami- in American Idol is being the finalist–—as voted by
fied customer engagement leading to sales–—but it spectators–—and thus receiving a lucrative record-
has also created a highly profitable TV show by ing contract and fame.
418 K. Robson et al.

5.2. American Idol dynamics the show’s recording labels identify and sign popular
contestants. As of 2012, over 59 million albums and
American Idol primarily leverages the contestants’ 110 million singles and digital tracks have sold in the
desire to win and spectators’ desire to see their United States alone (Ciulla et al., 2012).
favorites succeed. For the contestants, time pres-
sure and opponent play are included to reward
competitive dynamics and motivate individual con- 6. Game on! The value of gamification
testants to perform at their best in solo perfor-
mances. In other cases, winning conditions that All organizations need to motivate and engage
require working with other players (e.g., duets or stakeholders, whether these stakeholders are vot-
group performances) are included to drive collabo- ers, students, patients, employees, or consumers.
rative dynamics. Audience members as spectators Gamification is an approach to achieving this: It
cheer on singers; their role is significant because the employs lessons from the gaming domain to create
audience contributes to dynamics of the experi- experiences that motivate and engage individuals in
ence. non-game settings. The goal of our article has been
to advance the understanding of gamification con-
5.3. American Idol emotions cepts, applications, and impacts. To do this we have
provided three contributions. First, we defined ga-
Participants in American Idol undergo a number of mification and explained how it has been used to
emotional responses. For contestants, emotions are design highly engaging processes in a range of ser-
even more powerful–—often visible through the tears vice industries. Second, we introduced the MDE
of joy and sorrow–—and include nervousness, exhil- framework to show how gamification mechanics,
aration, pride, and euphoria–—even frustration. dynamics, and emotions are used to create gamified
Spectators experience anxiety as the time to cast experiences. Third, using the case of American Idol,
votes runs out, and both spectators and observers we illustrated how MDE was used to transition a
experience excitement when the winners are an- traditional talent search to an important cultural
nounced, followed by happiness and relief or sad- phenomenon that engaged not only the contestants
ness, depending on the outcome of their favorite but also a whole nation of viewers. From these
contestant (Ciulla et al., 2012). Aspirations for contributions we present five summary guidelines
the emotions associated with a big win help over- to help firms capture value using our gamification
come smaller emotional disappointments that play- framework:
ers experience–—which helps explain why people
continue to play even when they lose most of 1. What’s the goal of the game? A process should
the time. These desired and aspired mental states not be gamified simply for the sake of gamifica-
are the reasons why players start and continue to tion itself. It should be driven by goals that can
participate. But, of course, these emotions do not be financial, social, or environmental. Firms
emerge by themselves: They are shaped by the should assess the potential to use gamification
interplay of mechanics and dynamics. to produce and adjust behaviors and outcomes
American Idol is a successful example of how a needed to attain those goals. Focusing on one
gamified talent search can motivate people–—sing- goal, not two or three, minimizes complexity and
ers and numerous fans–—to participate actively in ensures that mechanics, dynamics, and emotions
the selection and marketing of the next pop star do not conflict or offset each other (Kelly,
(Amegashie, 2009; Ciulla et al., 2012; Meizel, 2011). 2012a). Firms should also identify different ga-
The setup mechanics are carefully designed (e.g., mification measures and targets and understand
with its real-time and its online presence), as are how the intended mechanics, dynamics, and
rule mechanics (jury member voting, viewer phone- emotions would drive and moderate these mea-
in balloting, and performers singing for survival or sures. It is important to determine the causality
elimination) and progress mechanics (posting the between the gamification measures and the busi-
voting tally in real time). Together these mechanics ness goals.
fundamentally support the collaborative and com-
petitive nature of the talent search competition, 2. Recognize all the different roles. Most gamifica-
and in turn give rise to the powerful emotional tion examples focus only on the connection be-
attachment felt by contestants and members of tween the designer and the players. This is
the audience alike. The MDE alignment has resulted important because it promotes an in-depth under-
in more than 100 million votes–—the record is cur- standing of the links between mechanics, dynam-
rently 132 million votes during season 11–—that help ics, emotions, and player-related outcomes.
Is it all a game? Understanding the principles of gamification 419

However, it is also important to understand when life of a gamified process. Designers must rec-
to incorporate spectators and/or observers and ognize that this phase exists, and they must be
how their participation can energize and direct able to adjust and conclude the process so that
different behaviors and outcomes in a process. players, spectators, and observers will be will-
Spectators and observers played a very significant ing to return and engage with new gamified
role in the success of American Idol. processes.

3. Gaming the game. People will want to try and References

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