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Mental Health is an important
aspect in our world. With that being
said we sometimes ignore people that
need our help. Over the rest of the

semester, I am going to start a

website that raises awareness as well
as sell jade jewelry in which 60% of
the cost will go to a mental health
organization of the buyer’s choice.
What inspired my choice of jade is
that the awareness color for mental
health is green. As the business
progress I would like to sell other
colors for other awareness’s. On the
website I want people to have
resources and be able to learn more.
I would like for schools to be able to
use the articles and links to teach
their students. For now, and how I
budgeted everything I would only be
doing it until the end of the school
year. With that being said I hope it
does well so I can continue and help
a lot of people. That people get to
wear this sign around their neck
showing the world what they know
and how they helped.
Mental Health is a topic we don’t
address as much as we should. We
should make people feel comfortable
to talk about it with their doctor,
friends, or parents but that’s not the
case. So many people are battling

with a mental illness that they are too

scared to get help with or no one
wants to help them with. There is
even the possibility they your doctor
helped you, but no one wants to help
you get better or grow as an
individual. Giving people a space to
talk to others and more information
of the topic can hopefully raise
awareness. As well as donating
money would help other
organizations create awareness as
well. Like I stated early I believe that
everyone benefits even if you don’t
have a mental illness. Hopefully with
the work I do people will become
more aware and help others in the
future. According to studies it is not
taken seriously because it is not a
physical disease or illness. It is even
proven that physicians don’t take it
as seriously. There are a lot of
groups and website that try to
educate people about mental health.
With that being said it obviously still
isn’t enough and I don’t think you
can ever have too many resources
out there.
This is something that we should
be paying attention to more, but we
are pushing it aside. This pandemic
has brought more people depress
and anxiety. There has been more

suicide with teens and overall people

are just more down. I choose the
route I did because it is the safest to
do in the conditions we are
experiencing today. I would not want
to knock door to door asking people
for money when money is very
important right now as well as the
possible spreading of COVID-19 to
others. In addition to our Weebly
website I want to start another
website that gives people access to
articles, other organizations, and
people to talk too. Along with the
website I want to have a shop tab
where I will sell jewelry and around
60% of the cost would go to a mental
health organization of their choice.
Another idea I had for the website is
that I write a blog post or article
every Friday about a topic involving
mental health. I hope that more
awareness can be achieved from my
project. I think I am the best one to
do this because I bring a fresh
perspective to the topic as well as
the incite of a teenager.

I know that as a 16-year-old I won’t

make a huge difference, but I will try
to promote the website and other

resources that people can use. Every

Friday I will choose a topic wither is
be a type of mental illness or talk
about an organization that people can
donate too. I could check the daily
views or the website or how many
people ask for help. Also, I hope that
the jewelry I make get well known so
we can make large donations to
organizations. Before that I will make
prototypes and see what works best
and if people would actually buy it.
To give people reassurance that their
money is going to the organization
they choose I will send them a
conformation picture of their

I will use my social media and ask

friends to promote the website or tell
their friends about it. Our generation
seems to be very passionate about
mental health and they like to help
the community. With that being said I
think it will hopefully bring in a lot of
support and awareness. I know that
talking about what’s going on in your
head is scary, but I want to give
people a safe place to talk about it.

The funding I would need for this

project would go towards the website
and maintain a website that entices
people as well as the supplies
needed to make the jewelry. I know
that funding I need is pretty high, but
it is something that I passionate
about and I am willing to use my own
money as well to fund my project. To
sustain the website and replenish the
supplies I will use the other percent
of the cost.

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