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Bem iis a (ome an ma | EY THE HARHER INTRUSION contents 1. The Storm from Below The Erupting Storm Through the Maelstrom Riders on the Wind Flapping Thing ground! 2. The Unexplored Shore The Missing Crew The Ship Exploring the Island Into the Woods 3. The Treasure Hunter Playing Kayls Kaylss Tale Splitting the Party Removing the Curse Fighting Kayls ayls of the Debatable Luck Skeletal Minion The Tower of the Golden Mask Entering the Tower The Level 1: Room of Eyes Level 2: Temple Guardians ‘Temple Guardian Pile of Eyes Level 3: The Mask ‘The Golden Mask The Final Crew Member ‘The lll-made Beast Encountering the Beast The Ill-made Beast The Dungeon’s Enmity Escaping the Beast Escaping The Island ‘The Ill-made Beast Lives! The Dungeon Rises! Escaping the Dungeon CHARACTER SHEETS Dark Elf Paladin Half-ore Rogue Human Fighter Dwarf Wizard Human Commander Halfling Sorcerer 1B 14 15 16 7 18 MHA AGENTS 28 Investigative Abilities 20 General Abilities 20 Cherries 21 Chases 21 Combat 21 Health & Stabiliy 21 Cover, Network & Preparedness 21 Refreshes 21 ‘Ability Quick Reference 21 Heat 2 ‘The Supernatural 2 THE HARKER INTRUSION 3 1, THE MARRAKESH EXTRACTION 24 ‘What's Going On? 4 Finding Olivia Liv Py eating Inco the Hotel Py Hotel Room Fight 8 Searching the Room 5 ‘The Chase 25 Ending the Chase 26 ‘The Special Operatives 26 Debriefing Liu 26 2. THE GIBRALTAR TRIANGULATION 2 3. THE Lonbon connection 28 Making Contact 28 tes the Man Himself 28 The Kill Team 28 4. THE ROMANIA EXHUMATION 23 Groundwork 8 ‘The Excavation 30 ‘The Blood Is the Life 30 CHARACTER SHEETS Morgan 3 Green 2 Burroughs 3 All 34 Varoutte 35 Henley 36 a sie Neen —“TARKE INTRUSION Borus Galkin PUBLISHER: CATHRIONA TOBIN AUTHOR: GARETH RYDER-HANRAHAN ART DIRECTION: CATHRIONA TOBIN COUER: CHRIS HUTH ARTWORK: JEFF PORTER LAYOUT: CHRIS HUTH PLAYTESTERS: Michael Birt, Dara McMahon, Alex "KB" Altman, Boomer, Edel Ryder-Hanrahan, Neil Kelly, Chris Crofts, Christine Mansell, Mark MeCann 20| YOU LIVE InTHe SHADOWS. Maybe you mere a spy, before you got burned or turned or jus plain burn out, A criminal perhaps. A mercenary. Or maybe you once ried to bring secrets int the light hare be you might Journal once, a researcher mh {dq Nean’s Busck AcHNTS PLAYER CHARACTERS are called Agents, They're burned spies, cex-riminals, former special forces, and the lke. They have, shall we say, a very particular set of skills They're not part any organization oF agency — in this tampires. They are, however, very, very There at GUMSHOE two sorts of abilities in re are General abilities, things like Athletics and Hand-to-Hand and Shooting, where the outcome You olla die (46) when us abilities, used for obtai and leveraging expertise. Investigative abilities get the Agents to where they need tobe and let them find out what they need toknow; General abilities keep them alive Jon ‘enough to use that informatio INVESTIGATIVE ABILITIES — Investigative abilities are specialized fields of Knowledge and talents, Most people have 0 points in the vast_majoity Investigative abilities; as a highly trained Age but not all. That's why you work as part you've got points in afew of then of team, these If there's a clue to be f You never roll f abilities automatically find i if you have the right ability, For example delred a tle too dep Yow know too macht go back int the daylight, Yeu baow o out the vampires You know there strings from the darkness. You know they fod they have t bes they're monsters and do, witha fw others, 1 that you can trust, you mount your own shadow war against the undead. L © With Streetwise, you instantly spot the guy out of place = With A the dive bar ‘ounting, one quick los atthe auction house's records lets trace the buyer of the cursed statue back to an account in Switzerland, ‘= With Forensic Pathology, you find tell-tale seratches on the victim's wrists. Whoever held her down as the drained her blood was weari a sharp, bulky ring made of ion, = With Architecture, you spot the secret door inthe vampire's castle GUMSHOE uses these clues to ensure that the Agents always ave a clear path to follow. This isa thriller game, not a you follow the danger, dramatically defeat or escape the peril, then beat up the bad guys until they drop more clues. Rinse and repeat as you Fight y way up the enemy conspiracy. You can also spend points fron ive abilities for special benefits, plottwists, or bomases to General ability rll 12 “Hey, can I spend a point of Streetwise to he on good terms with the doorman of the bar, so e'll take my side and back sme up if there’ trouble?” 12 “Hey, can I spend a point of Accounting to siphon off some cash from this gangster's account? We'll need to buy more guns later” Welcome to Night's Black Agents the thriller Think Bourne if Treadstone was run by vampires. game of spies versus vampires, This adventure the GUMSHOE system that powers gives you a quick taste 9 sort of bi the game, and h-explosve npalgn. ‘© "I nced to bluff my way into the morgue Forensic Pathology to convince can I spend Thelong there? 1mT'm going to spend a point of Architecture to da good sniper’s nest — could I get 3 points of Shooting for that?” GENERAL ABILITIES —— General abilities work differently. When testing a General ability, you spend any pool in that ability and roll a d6. I the d6 result + number of points fr the number of points spent exceed a Difficulty Number set by the GM, you succeed. A Difficulty of 3 or 4is average yr example, say you're ina high spe car chase through the street of Paris, with the gendarmes on your tail. You need to make a Driv ess the ig test, and you g Difficulty is going tobe at least 5, You have a Drivis pool of 8; you spend 3 points Rr capel ens Sent peas for future Driving tess), and roll a d6.You add the result ofthe roll onto the points you spent to work out your result. 1 Climbing a sheer wall toppe with broken glass: Athletics 1 Repairing a siowmobile's engine ina blizaard: Mechanics 1 Hacking into a secure computer server: Digital Intrusion AGENTS m ABILITIES ¢ COMBAT CHERRIES Having 8 or more points in a particular ability grants a special talent called a cherry — if a pre character qualifies for a cherry, it's on the character's sheet. CHASES In chases, the gap between ppursuer i called the Lead, It usually at 5.AtO, the runner gets caught; at 10, the runner escapes, Both sides make tests using the appropriate ability (Athletics, Driving, ‘or Piloting usually. I'the pursuer succeeds and the runner falls, the Lead drops by 25 if the character ying to lee succeeds and the chaser falls, the Lead increases by 2. I both succeed or both fall, the 1 to favor the character who rolled better; ties go tothe runner. Cool stunts can the Dif suitable Investigative abilities drops ead changes by ulty for both sides; spending Difficulty for one side only (spend a point of Urban Survival ttake shortcut chrowgh the peltionised markt) COMBAT In combat, the Difficulty to hit a foe is called the Hit Threshold most people, 4 if they've got Athletics 8 oF more, and 5 oF more for certain Ws 3 for supernatural creatures. Cover can also {Threshold by +1 Attack with Shooting orf Hand-to-Hand for, well, hand-to-han combat, and Weapons for knives, swords, stakes, frying pans, rolled-up newspapers, and other lethal implements, (On hit, roll 1d6 for damage and add a modifier based on the weapon, adding +2 for firearms attacks at point-blank range 1 Fist kick: 1 Knife, bato 1 Heavy club, machete, rovised weapon: ~1 small firearm: +0 12 Sword, axe, shotgun, 9mm pistol or other heavy Firearm: +1 other very 1 Sniper rifle heavy firearm: +2 ‘SPECIAL COMBAT MOVES Only available if you've got 8+ in the appropriate ability 1 Autofire: Spend 3 Shooting to “buy” an extra damage rll, assuming your targets caught inthe open. Vampires are never caught © Called Shot: Increase your foe's Hit Threshold by +2 to by +2 be open. boost your d Jus ‘Weapons / Hand-to-Hand to In: Spend 3 Shooting / go next in the current round if you haven't acted already '= Smash: Spend 2 extra Hand-to-Hand toslam your foe into a hard surface, if there's one available, for +0 damage. ‘= Technothriller Monologue / Martial Arts: Once per fight, tall about what awesome martial art technique you're using, or lovingly dleseribe the precise firearm you're craling lke a child. Refresh 3 points in the appropriate ability HEALTH & STABILITY Health measures how much hurt you can absorb and keep going; Stability measures mental stress, Damage con ofl Health — if you're shot reduce your current Health by 6. For Stability, the “damage” depends on the situation, Seeing a supernatural creature causes a Stability loss of 3; watching that supernatural creature kill our loved one is a loss of 7 of 8. You get to make a Stability test against Difficulty 4 to resist the los, 10 you can get lucky and come thro Toah ath and uty work th ame wrap You Fncina une you Ota hat Il. From Oto =5, youre n rubles fee un ecard ifit’syour Health, then you've gottomakea s.The Difficulty your current Health score — if you're at Health ~3, then its Difficulty 3, For Health or Stability tests, you can Health testo stay consci spend points from the relevant ability to boost your die rol From ~6 to ~11, you're badly hurt to move,or too shattered tact, but you might recover. At —12 oF below, you're either dead of incurably insane Most NPCs are taken out when they 0 Health Wl significant ays might work like Agents at the Director's discretion, Every point of Medic spent restores 2 Health; Shrink does the same for Stability COVER, NETWORH & PREPAREDNESS These abilities work diferently othe others, Your Agent has a number of established false identities and covers. Spending phy. Instead of trying to sneak into the ‘exclusive casino, you spend afew points of Cover and declare that you spent as undercover as a rich playboy, Instead of trying to forge a passport, spend Cover and walk through security at the airport witha smile. The more points of Cover yo spend, the better the cover identity stands up to investigation, Network lets you bring in cont and allies from your old life. Need a trustworthy arms dealer, or a place to hide wa iend in the Berlin police, for an expert in Etruscan archaeology? Spend Network and you can create a suitable co xt from your past. The more points of Network you spe ‘useful or reliable the contact is Finally, ifyou need apiece of equipment ina hurry — a thermal c mera, a zplioe, « bottle of holy water, a few pounds of C4 — then use Prep like the other General abilities — spend P a Difficulty set by the Director. If you succeed, you always had that item with redness. T works and add them to a d6 roll agsinst you, ready tobe pulled out when needed REFRESHES Athletics, Driv Piloting ‘ofall ify Hand-to-Hand, and Weapons relresh » Shooting, 24 hours of game time, Other General abilities and Investigative abilities refresh atthe end of a scenario, ABILITY QUICH REFERENCE - “Most ofthe abilities are self-explanatory you know what Archacology or Shooting does. A few deservealitleextraexphiation, Diagno: identifying medical conditions and Assessing injuries, ailments, acting as a doctor. It overlaps a bit with Forensic Pathology, hich specializes in analyzing crime scenes and conducting autopsies, Human Terrain: Practical anthropology; the study of social structures and the power dynamics that underlie them. You've studied diferent igio ‘what strings to pull to manipulate people and cultures, and ean detern ropernatural power Like Occult Studies, Bullshit Detec 1 and know too many Data Recovery: Extracting data rystal-clear image of a face from blurry security camera footage, ora voce sample from a crackling telephone recordin discovered. It Gover actually ining access to the computer (that’s Digital Intrusion or Infiltration, pending you do it) or making the recordings (that's Photography or Electronic Surveillance). listening bugs, phone taps, hiddencameras, Traffic Analysis: This ability lets you based on their communicat activi rose-reference a serial killers attacks with phases of the moon, or determine a security team's patrol schedale Urban Survival: Knowing how HEAT + Heat. Minor crimes like Aecing arrest, oF be business or tourist district raises Heat by 3 or killing a police officer Heat drops when the Agents lic low for a while, or when they change jurist drops Heat by tring the Agents into wanted fugitives. ents out, it makes getting illegal THE DRACULA DOSSIER ——— “The Harker Intrusion” works as a short ee ee ees Peery pesdyrurenqfureyeryen gem ee eee er ee er Spe Sarge Se. eres ee eas that plan went disastrously ey mare their case notes, and of those notes ee eterna eee Se eer Cae ee err as et ees art) omy eer ett nee ets Se eer ear ee een aoa ee ee ren een een obtain an un-redacted copy of Dracula, re ee both Operation Edom and the Counts Pets eae) Seer etd THE SUPERNATURAL —— toolit for making supernatural covered, Want weird mutant monsters of the Marburg viras, or blod-drinkin alien stones? Want Renfck houls meapines, but we're going beck t Hie Stilts) ell Soe npteation, Th P campaign if yon haunted labyrinth, The player characters are the usual mix shady types that thew 1-MIS wheel artist Ali, ex-Turkish asset handler 1 Varoutte, ex-DCRI black bs Henley, ex-Scotland Yard bi ex MSF medic than five players ADDITIONAL NUMBER OF | INVESTIGATIVE PLAYERS | POINTS FOR EACH 2 “4 +12 letwork. shot, each PC has reduced ret oa litle digging, then Traffic Analysis that the email comes from Cryptography suggests that Criminology, or confirms that the litle bits of in the packag thicken fe just enough to prove the mysterious contact knows wh stalking Sere ee en are Lab-ours: The Gibraltar Tiangulatio The London Connection, The Romania Exhumation Marrakesh, Morocco, Narrow medieval alleyways, covered souks selling everything from Berber carpets and spices to computers and electronics, at breakneck speeds through the crowd, the smells taxis and trucks careen fof sweat and hashish and meat from the street-food stalls, Entertainers in brightly colored robes performing for tourists Faces peering down and la h echoing call of the muezzin, summoning h wi ows above the ite street. The the faithful to prayer Tall the players that they've traced Liu to the tourist area around Jemaa el-Fnaa, the great market square inthe heart ofthe city. There are plenty of cheap hotels and hostels inthe streets near there. The areas ded with both locals and tourists, and there's a heavy police presence WHATS GOING On? Asthe game begins thebad guysare loss and i going 0 a mect a contact of hers, aTurkish fixer named Hasan Si who's ‘going to smuggle her out of Morocco. The be ys have her under observation, and intend to capture her once she's off t streets. They intend to force her to reveal her source — the same mysterious person who just sent the Agents that data packe Tosave he, the A her before the bad guys take her out The gamestartsinthelateafternoon I'l ‘gocsdown,theA gentslosetheirbestweapon nst the Special Operatives (p. 26). FINDING OLIVIA LIU Give any of the player characters with val the following informat on for free 1 The Moroccan police are notoriously tough on anyone who threatens the val tour te I he comely Iebout eo Kina o iat Li they'll bring in someone from outside Morocco, a hired assassin or one of their own operatives. They won't use a local hitter. So, ook for someone out of place — they might be the assassin, 12 That said, they're probably using locals to find and track her. ‘The Agents can easily track Olivia Liv's hotel — the Riad Ro (iad isa large hhouse built around a courtyard; many of them have been converted into hotels) Let them suggest how they find the place Possible options include 1 Streetwise or creating a I-point Network contact to hit the streets © Cop Talk: She complained to the tourist police when some local youths were following her. The police took her details, including the address of her hotel = Urban Survival / Tradecraft: Reading the flow ofthe crowd, That hing guy over there is obviously w the street; those two there are ‘working together, They're keeping that riad under surveillance Alternatively, lurking at the Marrakesh airport with Tradecraft or Notice lets the Agents spot the Special Operatives (p. 26) whe also antic they arrive. They could ate their arrival by hacking imo airlines with Digital Intrusion, Data Re Trafic alysis to spot the passengers traveling from Bucharest via London, and whose tickets were purchased that morning Once the tral of the Operatives, the AgentscantrailthemastheyhuntLiadown, ‘Once they find the Riad Rouge, anyone with Urban Survival spc clearlylocalhired goons, watchingthefi door. There's a third motorcycle next to {brahim the third member of the team, Jalloun, is inside breaking into Olivia Li's hotel room, Offer the players a bonus clue if they make a L-point Not them accepts, that Agent spots a third ce spend. Ione of watcher ina cafe atthe end of the street this third man is white and untanned, BWANA rggesting he only just Morocco, and 's wearing an earpiece He's obviously running the show on the flew in from England earlier that day. Where. This guy is Hartness. He 1© The players could use Filch to steal Hartness' radio, It's Difficulty 6, reduced to 3if they spend a point ‘of a suitable Investigative ability like Flirting. Or, of course, they ‘could just beat im up with Hand to-Hand (Difficulty 4) and the radio, but that's going to at both Heat from the Moroccat writes and more bad guy goons. Hartness isn’t combat trained, so the Agents can take him down easily = With the radio, Agents can ‘eavesdrop on the enemy with Traffic Analysis, Using Hartness gets the same information tela few minutes ago, and is heading toward the old Jewish «quarter, the Mellah, They're going climinate her before she gets there > Offer the PCs a choice — they can keep interrogating Hartness, for go alter Liv. Irthey keep srrogating Hartnes, he says that the Gibraltar station authorized the snatch operation — Lin isa Journalist who's im contact with a secret source, and se within MIG wants that source. The Agents can follow this core clue to" The Gibraltar Triangulat (p.27). However, this delay raises the bad guy's Lead in the hase scene by 2(p. 25). GETTING INTO THE HOTEL Openly: If the Agents head through they can get Lia's room ha quick bribe ( I-point Negotiation or Streetwise the front doo number from the clerk spend) or by distracting him and checking the registry. If they bribe him, he'l shut the door and prevent Adil and Ibrahim from following the PCs; otherwise, the from outside fallow the fn, leading toa fight scene inthe corridor Ys in Y i Driving 3, Hand-to-Hand 4 (lbvahim: Hand-to-Hand 8), Health 6,Weapons 4 (Adit Weapons 6) Th HING THE ROOM search SEARC! Aq of the roo ATS UTLAGTUSST TT aso AGL i playing cat-and-mouse withthe bad 75: f7yiog to courtier o elimina hey're using Surveillance 1 sprinting through the st parkou rooftop h Athletics me ar or motorcycle 1 tnd antes pool pe a etree mee tocbc uber te Agnes nr vith Ls Bel the bad in Ree renien Taipan aa era z ear festa eaeratladton jaa meat rope Daley by iu aa aa pebpcisad cs sa : iy lak the PO oe ie ee ase ae tery Marumetiomante ENDING THE CHASE isl are or eT ae ee IF the Agents get the Lead doven to 0 re the Special Operatives show up then they can grab Liu, Reassure her that ql her side, and run, The Special nt’ starting Lead inthis case is ear when th . DO Cea ee aneaes ae aera Pa cea Ae er nreey eee eee) eee See eee Peer ee eee eet eee recy Pc reeeee eee the effect Pre es his Hand-to-Hand, Shooting, and one eee aca Speed, and reducing his Hand-to eee ere eta THE SPECIAL OPERATIVES are tll tectnically bum. One of them bi she's git ke tourists. Vampiralogy he way they avoid direct sunlight hey can — they're photosensii The plan was for the Jack to gra then for the sorceress to compel 1 alist into revealing her N hat the Agent fering, th 1 isto eliminate the Agents, then grab Liu, They wait until the Agents reach th arrow, shadowy alleyways of the Mella, then atack. The Jack intercept 0 th reeress waits for on he Agents to draw a weapon, then trie to use her mind-control powers tof that character to turn the weapon on the ther PC treat if redec THE SORCERESS eerie Pee aa) Pentre =I (knife) Ce eee en ere oon eee ae Corr Laer ne eer tery See Reet eget eee er at ree co Scars Aberrance to call upa horde of rats) command),S BANES in indice sunlight, she pe oeereren et (aise opponent's Hit Thre etd ets powers at all in direct sunlight Carpathian Mountains, and it turned for somethin the doesn know what the digging up #8 When ber, the guards at {ERANTRUSION a TT UT man with red eyes, hauntin = Archaeology (Core Clue): Looking at Liu's photos, it looks like they're castle, Combine “medieval castle in Transylvania with “vampires”... i could be bad. Very bad, It appear As of C4 exp a eT 1xsThe Marrakesh Extraction we Romania Exhumation worth checking out. The main pur ofthis opt al scene is to provid context and background for enthusiastic players, and to provide alternate clues pointing to the Romania and Londor Gibraltar is one of the few remaining cutpeats of th: Brlish Empire, ‘s/rocky headland off the of Spain thats home to some thi and people For most of its history, Gibraltar was a strategic aset, home to a naval base that Mediterranean, rim and finance, its still home toa small naval squadron, an infantry regiment and quite alot & major hub in the UK's SIGIN spies, as Gibraltar is intelligence) network A Lp the Age Network spend gets a rumor that there tive MI6 i Tradecraft (or O:point if is ex-British Intelligence) or = Data Recovery (Core Clue) Searching through the files sent she is based in London, Tracking down the source means “The London Connection” (p. 28 1 She doesn’t know who the bad guys pursuing her are, Hasan Safet told h that he'd seen alot of activity inthe Bri that might be worth checking out in “The Gibraltar Triangulation” (below). PEMA ne eet etn ae CERT Ga C1 a is in an old WWiL-era tunnel bored into | Archaeology (Core Clue) the side of the rock; data cables and pipes | They’ up something in run along whitewashed stone walls, and | the Carpathian Mountains, using the only light comes from dusty bulbs | a mining operation as cove hanging from the ceiling It's a maze of | at the ste of a ruined fortress, twisty tunnels locked off with rusting sec gates, Gettingin there requires Dilficult 4 Infiltration test tn recently shut down (Mil office wa de, it's clear that the ary Science maybe they thought the Liu operation drew ben stripp a plane for England. The Agents migh sa glimpse of one of the handlers fron Marrakesh, lik Hartness, diving off ti the shredder = Research: Some ofthese files are old be x do find the profect’s name, th it’s ealled OPERATION EDOM. 12 Traffic Analysis: There's 5 traffic about “boxes.assigns, jacks,” and “targets” At they're u r working with | Thte y The R = Cryptography (Core Clue): tb This leads to ata packet, trying to track down, It looks lke t MT No Escapet Ifthe Jack from Marrakesh is 8 one of the heary ste shut and locks, . and then the lights g0 inthe dark, He stall Agents thro the intent of tearing them apart with his vacapiric strength. This time, the only way to stop him isto kil hi | The darkness raises the Hit Threshold for Hand-to-Hand or We by +1, and Shooting by = For ced gate open requires a Difficulty 6 Athletics AES trap-ins: The Marrakesh Extraction, The Gibraltar Triangulation, The Rom Exhumation The Romania Exhumat Who isthe mysterious Source in London? Call him Harker, Ie doesn’t matter if he's actually a descendant (Legacy, in NBA jargon) ofthe original Jonathan and Mina Harker, or he’s just using that famous name as a nom de guerre Ie doesn’t matter becaus going to dle very s000. MAKING CONTACT The Agents can make contact with their Source using the encrypted email in the original packet (Data Recovery) 1 obtained fr by tracing his IP using from Gibraltar. Either way, the Source introduces himself to the Agents, and agrees to meet them in person, Harker claims to have obtained a dossier of vital information about Operation Edom, and believes thatthe Agents are better able to make use of it than he is, He tried to play spymaster, but after nearly getting Olivia Li kalled, his nerve has gone, Bullshit Detector confirms that this isa genuine oller — he's lost confidence in himself, this mysterious dossier from him. He knows he's being watched — he's kept on the move for the last week, and he's exhausted. He tells the characters to-meet him ata church in Plaistow, East the Church of St. Joshua to make the handoff, He doesn't give the tog 10 make do with whatever gear they there, s0 they've Agents much have with them (or use Preparedness) Architecture: It's a Victorian Gothic church, an unsightly mess of spires and rgoyles. Looks medieval but is only around 150 years old = Vampirology: You'll cross several rivers on the way there, not just the Thames. Consecrated groun surrounded by water — Harker knows that vampires are after him. f= Tradecraft or Shrink: This is sloppy. This s messy. Harker's got a death wish, Get what you can from hin then get away before he burns you, ITIS THE MAN HIMSELF As the Agents approach the church, Outdoor Survival spots a large bat circling around the spire. The area around the church is relatively empty. There's a Je car parked just outside, in the gravel Sarees Harker’, The door to the ¢ hs ae, and light streams out oft cross the stones In contrast to the Mediterranean heat of Moroceo and Gibraltar, there's a chil in the evening air that cu We the to the bone Agents enter the church yy find the corpse of a priest His throat ha been torn open, and Is back broken across the altar. The door leading up tothe bell tower is open, Isom or all ofthe Agents stay outside they sce Harker emerge onto ledge atthe top ofthe bel tower, clutching a briefcase He looks pal, terrified, hunted. There's something behind him, a deeper darkness dows. Red eyes gleam — and Harker takesa step forward intocmpty at He fll. Ifthe Agents parked outside the church, then he smashes into the hood and windscreen oftheir ar shattering the glass Otherwise, he smashes the jagged gravel. Either way, he’s dead instantly Another man steps out He's tall ruddy features, An ugly car blazes red on he ledge with a black moustache and his forchead — almost as red as his eyes, which glow with an unearthly light for an instant. Then he’s gone, melting away into the sudden thick fog that descends as if from everywhere and nowhere. The church is suddenly shrouded in icy mists, Military Science or Vampirology: Every instinct screams at you to ru Whatever that thing was, it's far beyond you right now, Grab the briefcase and runt I there are Agents in the church, then Harker’ briefcase got caught ona gargoyle bell tower, climb down to the gargoyle, grab as he fell. They've got to race up 1 the briefcase, and escape, If everyone's outside, then Harker keeps hold of the ls, and they can recover it from his corpse. Either way, ifthe players not hint, the Incredibly blatant and clear sigeal to run, don't take the hint — no, then they'I}be trapped inthe church when the Edom kil team shows up. THE HILL TERM Two black vans with tinted windows race to the church, Each van contains a four ‘man armed response squad from Edom, with orders to recover the Dossier and capture Harker and anyone else involved they cannot capture, they have orders to shoot to kill. Edom intends to disguise the ‘operation asa raid against a jihad terrorist cell s0 the local police have been warned tostay out of the way ‘This isacar chase, or posibly acar chase “The Agents need to geta Lead of 7 to exape into London punctuated bya shooto however, Dracula's freezing fog increases the Agent's Difficulties — but not those of by+1.The drive througha thick, almost Victorian fog at high speed while being chased by armed guards, and possibly with a dead man sil theirpursuers Agentsncedto spread-eagled across the front oftheir ar. A L-point Streetwise or Urban Survival spend lets an Agent know about ‘suitable place todump the car and escape (@ lockup garage, an underground car park, a derelict industrial estate). Dracula won't pursue the Agents agenda, and part of i involves distracting Edom with a hunt for the stolen Dossier. Any Agents captured by Edom are dead meat — if they're lucky, they'll be rendered to an interrogation site that ddocsn'tofficiallyexistand never scenagain. If they're unlucky, well, Edom needs to providealotofblood foritsspecalassets HILL TEAM GENERAL ABILITIES: Athletics 8, Driving 6, Hand-to-Hand 5, Health 7, Shooting 7, Weapons 4 wir THRESHOLD: 4 STEALTH MoDIFIE DAMAGE MODIFIER: + -2 (fis) 1 (combat knife), +0 (assault rifle) ‘ARMOR: I vs. bullets several passports, as wellas bundles ofeash in multiple currencies, Going through all BUTI GROUNDWORK QE aa the Agents hit the dig site a player can justify i, a different ability the same in the Edom = Photography: Ifthe Agents didn't the 11* cent 13 by the lo take out the s then a tee her. It looks lenly, as if aken hold that something still they could in Morocco beneath the ruins? 30 THE EXCAVATION The “mining operation” uscd explosive chargestocause landslide, gougingablack ‘wound in the hillside. Now, they're using 2 combination of earthmoving equipment and men with shovels to dig down further Large lumps of rock (Architecture Archacolog Esa ace ees a entities them as chunks ‘old monastery) jut out like white bo from the mud. Plastic sheeting protects the current excavation from the elements, Off to one side are a few portable cabins and tents, mud track leads up the hillside from the nearest road, but that track is always watched by armed guards At the dig, there are around a dozen armed guards, about the same number of laborers and engincers, three Edom olficers (a translator, an archaeologist, and a diplomat) — and, if the Agents didn't take her down in Morocco, the Romanian blood sorceress, who seems to be buttin heads with the Edom officers. Human, their disagreen rain or Vampirology guesses nt is over the nature of whatever they're looking for; she seems to have an almost religious reverence for the process, while they act more ike a bombs disposal team The Agents can sneak in with Infiltration (Difficulty 6, although Investigative spends can drop the Difficulty) Failing to infiltrate alerts the Capturing and using In (core clue) on one of the Edom officers reveals that Edom are on the trail of Nil whoever leaked the location of the dig site to Liu; f the Agents don’t warn their contact, he's doomed. See “The London Connection," p. 28 THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE At a suitably dramatic moment while the team are observing the dig site or sneaking around, the excavation breaks into an underground chamber con a metal coffin, This coffin contains a slumbering vampire. Edom's mission here is to reawaken the vampire once they've taken proper precautions, The sorceress dlemanals they open it immediately, but is argued down by the Edom archac opis they'll wait until the following dawn, before bringing down the blood from the storage container to revivify whatever's in the coffin, This gives the Agents a brief window to take out the monster before Ws awoken, Possible options 1 Stealing explosives and blowing up the coffin — Fileh (Difficulty 4 once the PCs have infiltrated the camp) Preparedness (Difficulty 6) to ‘obtain the explosive, then Explosive Devices (Difficulty 6) to plant them, Poi ing the blood packs with holy water Preparedness (Difficulty 6) or a Vampirol spend to have the water Conceal (Difficulty 4) to spike the packs without leavin o hand, then 1 Breaking open the coffin, cuting off the monster’ head, and filling its ‘mouth with garlic Mechanics (Dithculty 6) to cut the coffin open without being seen, then a Stability test (Difficulty 6) to withstand the ancient horror’ baleful gare and finally Weapons or Medic (Dificulty 4) to finish the monster off, Many of these tests fil, the PCs attract unwanted attention If, by some horrible mischance, the PCs aren't able to stop Edom from awakening this vampire, then they're in fora tough fight THE NEWLY WOKEN VAMPIRE GENERAL ABILITIES: Aberrance 10, Hand-to-Hand 10, Health 14, Weapons 8 ALERTNESS MODIFIER: +2 STEALTH MODIFIER: +2 DAMAGE MODIFIER: +0 (fist) or +1 (bite) ‘ARMOR: ~| (cough skin) FREE POWERS! Drain, Infravision OTHER POWERS! Spider Climb (spend | Aberrance to cling to a sheer surface), Serength (spend 2 Aberrance for a +1 damage bonus, smash down barriers throw foes) Vampiric Speed (spend 2 Aberrance to jump in or make an extra attack) test, Difficulty 6, for the vampire ‘0 approach a foe brandishing 1 crucifix or garlic, Even if he succeeds, che vampire must then make a Health test (also at Difficulty 6) to do anything other than smash the object it dreads Fe takes an Aberrance PGT S BI ACH AGES (Ea De UES OH UE f ACADEMIC INTERPERSONAL TECHAICAL ‘Accounting Archaeology Architecture Are History Criminology Diagnosis History Human Terrain, Languages Law Military Science Occult Studies Research Vampirology Bullshit Detector Bureaucracy Cop Talk Flattery Flirting High Society Interrogation Intimidation Negotiation Reassurance Streetwise Tradecrate Astronomy Chemistry Cryptography Data Recovery Electronic Surveillance 1 Forensic Pathology Forgery Notice (Outdoor Survival Pharmacy Photography Traffic Analysis Urban Survival MORGAN DESCRIPTION You were an assassin, until they sent you up against a man who wouldn't die. Now. you hunt the monsters, redeeming yourself by destroying things that shouldn't exist. BACKGROUNDS: Wer worker DRIVE: Slayer PREVIOUS PATRON: Best not to ask SOURCES OF STABILITY * SYMBOL Lucky silver bullet with your * SOLACE Gielriend in Pars, Natalie * SFETY A villa you own in Morocco covers hi : Ashleties Biosenss : Conceal ie serwone comaes Cover = swaee : —— Digi ntuion ee . —— — Diguise ee : pean oe = core wearons/enmoun/stta avd taplsve Devees : a ie a —— Gambling eee . —— Hand-to-Hand pe Bee . — Infiteration peguare : SES tac =a : = rea Ec WIT THRESHOLD [ 4] ee aan Piotne iano ‘SPECIALS er : fe . : ceparmdoas aioe SHeoTING MoE Anomaly succeed PetPaedness == oe oe Shotng eat sense . PARKOUR: Refresh 3 Athletics points with * ria a cool description of action ane arn conan sesant Open tcc for re rellance oc TECHNOTHRILLER monotocue: “Y2P0S ee Retesh 3 Shooting pons wih» coe — tesrpin a yo npr = = EZ serescaer 81234567839 0NI Brescons 8123456783 nI2 STABILITY te] a |: Lee ESL TAT ea HSH GREEN Accounting DESCRIPTION You volunteered as an © Archaeology —— did worker in some of the mose B Archiecture —— dangerous parts of the world. You SS ArcHistory —— uncovered evidence of an unseen ZO = Criminology —— force that seemed to feed on human S| Diagnosis, misery, an international conspiracy History —— that promoted atrocity and suffering Human Terrain n Ie has to be uncovered Languages and destroyed. . : BRCHGROUNDS: Medic : : DRIVE: Myscery el : : PREVIOUS PRIRON: Médecins Sans Law 2 renee (69 Military Science _____ SOURCES OF STABILITY ‘Occult Studies * SYMBOL A crucifix, given to you Research bya misoary : Vamptsogy rok reortmhenesiyor ATT ee young niece Athletics alee —— —— _ "SAFETY Family holiday home in Spain. Conceal ial aa COVERS: Cover eS Zz Bullshit Detector, = 1. ___ + Digital Intrusion ema S Bureaucracy a Diguise ie Cop Talk —_—— * Driving etka SS fiattery —— * : = = Flirting aS . . = High Society —— —— Network contacts Explosive Devices —_—— Slirmpion as aes (edeléstog, TX Cambing oi Negotiation oo —— — Hand-to-Hand wee Reassurance ee —— — Infiltration plo Serene aan a Hecate aaa ‘Tradecraft WEAPONS/ARMOUR/GEAR ‘MoD Medic fa FG, . —— Network ee EE = Plog aes =| Astronomy : men oe : S| chemistry = . SIS proparadnass yam S cryptography as —— Sense Trouble gaa &__ Data Recover) ae rooting ase © EccwoneSrretince war meson C41 Sink n Forensic Pathology 1 ae Surveillance at Sera ‘orger} feapons Bt Beet ctl! Fs SPECIALS oe 3 3 ATHLETICS MOS: Automatically SEE Notice nat TILT ramnount Reh 3Athetes pokes earn aes FE “ntnstcotaecepeonstacton” — «yyy gg ea 8 swt framacy Equine monms” nowie wre: Photo Throw Weapon witout penty Be Be lsisislaleh SSS Zvizoeserecwne Ta Sa TATA ea iPHIUMSH BURROUGHS SS Architecture —— —— _ Ayear ago, a man bled to death in the S arcHistory back of your caf, and whispered thar History ilicaas | igad Human Terrain. —t ____ BACHGROUNDS: Whee! Artist ; Languages. 1 AWE: Patriotism Law tL = SOLACE A congresswoman in Washington ae Military Science you can trust Vampirology pores AGT =o eee casa ee = Bullshit Detector 4 . Digital Intrusion. ae ‘= Bureaucracy 1 NETWORK CONTACTS: Diguise Sele! GB Cop Talk my —— — Driving ea SS Flactery Ls —-—— ¥ . S Flirting peas oes . . = High Society 1 oe —— —— Explosive Devices = Interrogation ere eh eo ae ane aot oe marae F es See oes) 2 : oe a ne S| eee aa creas ee ef Forensic Patholo; EES te surveillance ay 87 onan THEFT AUTO? Spend one | B {smite esa Sea val areg a ary seaniard beet or pane = aememenvertentes E) Balle COMBAT INTUITION: You use your Sense Traffic Analysis pean Urban Survival NI 5 TS Ua mis ALL S Accounting —1____ESORIPTION You worked forthe Turkish & Archaeolory a rational inteligence agency. running S Architecture << ‘pies into Russia and the former Soviet & Are History —— bloc. Four of your operatives got killed z= Criminotory —— ina single night, and you relied you'd 3 Diagnosis gotten too close to something big. You History were forced out ofthe agency — you Human Terrain wane back in, but you need proof of the Languages existence of a vampiric conspiracy to . : make them believe you. : . BACKGROUNDS: Asser Handler a) : : DRIVE: Restoration Law —— —— PREVIOUS PATRON: Mit Isthbarae Military Science L_ Tesh (MIT) Oceule Studies —— —— sounces oF singiuiry Research <1 svman Your laptop Vampirology <1 «soit Brother sil an agene with MIT —— = tv A hotel room in London, rented Athletics pig under a false name Conceal sevnepents couens Cover sigue re Digital Intrusion gue & Bureaucracy : Diguise pages B Cop Talk . Driving ——s SS Fiattery x . “ S Flirting . : : High Society network contacts Explosive Devices aoe interrogation EOE = aid essen Intimidation RES —— — Gambling aaa Negotiation pls —— Hand-to-Hand ereeas Reassurance seo —— — infiteration ea Streetwise coms —— = Mechanics SaenOTD Tradecrate —1 —_werpons/anmoun/ean mod Medic aaa sear — Network vipeatie senigamiee |) — Piloting eer = Astronomy ae ae . S Chemistry + —— Preparedness samen = Cryptography + —— Sense Trouble Bsa Neee Sata Recovery sa Shootin nae = | electronic Surveitance —— MT THRESHOLOE 3 ] Shrink pg eee Forensic Pathology Surveillance a penne Forgery ~ ee cas Weapons e 3 SURVEILLANCE Mos: Automatically eee succeed ata Survelance test. = Outdoor Survival §— = Pharmacy ana = a1294s678 sini Photography sree ae Taicanyss 5 Be Urban Survival pecans 2 A je Beizs¢se7eswne a ACADEMIC INTERPERSONAL TECHNICAL ‘Accounting Archaeology Architecture Art History Criminology Diagnosis History Human Terrain, Languages Law Military Science Occult Studies Research Vampirology Bullshit Detector Bureaucracy Cop Talk Flattery Flirting High Society Interrogation Intimidation Negotiation Reassurance Streetwise Tradeceatt Astronomy Chemistry Cryptography Data Recovery Electronic Surveillance Forensic Pathology Forgery Notice (Outdoor Survival Pharmacy Photography Traffic Analysis Urban Survival HA ea TTS UAROUTTE —— — DESCRIPTION DCRY had a warrant to bug 1 Romanian company. and you led a team of four into their offices at night to wire the place. There was a monster there — ic killed the rest of your team and left you for dead, Next morning, the offices were empty burned, leaving no proof except the scar where it bit you and the corpses of your men, BACKGROUNDS: Black Bagger DRIVE: Revenge PREUIOUS PATRON: Direction Centrale du Renseignement Intériur (DCRI) SOURCES OF STABILITY * SYMBOL Scar on your left hand, from the monster's teeth *= SOLACE The widow of one of your fellow agents * SREY Your former home in Paris covers NETWORK conTRCIS WeAPons/AAMOUR/GERR HIT THRESHOLD [ 4 ] SPECIALS INFILTRATION MOS! Automatically succeed on an Infiltration test PARKOUR: Refresh 3 Athletics points with a cool description of action ‘OPEN SESAME! Open basic locks for free No sLipUPS: Spend Filch on a 2-for- | basis after rolling the die DT, Athletics Conceal Cover Digital Intrusion Diguise Driving Explosive Devices Filech Gambling Hand-to-Hand 6 Infiltration 8 Mechanics 2 Medic Network Piloting Preparedness Sense Trouble 2 7654921 @12345678s0nK Drescoes 6123456789 0NIZ WEALTH STABILITY se] 36] ACADEMIC INTERPERSONAL TECHNICAL LS ‘Accounting eae Archaeology Architecture Arc History Criminology Diagnosis, oe History Human Terrain Languages law ! Military Science Occult Studies Research Vampirology Bullshit Detector Bureaucracy Cop Talc Flattery Fliting High Society Interrogation Intimidation Negotiation Reassurance Streetwise Tradecrate Astronomy Chemistry Cryptography Data Recovery Electronic Surveillance Forensic Pathology Forgery Notice ‘Outdoor Survival Pharmacy Photography meee Tratfie Analysis, Urban Survival HENLEY DESCRIPTION Youre a gamekeeper turned poacher turned... well the metaphor breaks down. You worked for Scotland Yard, investigating financial crime and money laundering until you went to the private sector You knew K&B were dodgy, but you had gambling debts and you were tired of losing. le was only when you were on the inside that you realized how dodgy K&B were — they were a front for something terrible something with minions everywhere You blew up their offices in Canary Wharf and vanished into the criminal Underworld, determined to bring them to justice. BACKGROUNDS: Bagman DRIVE: Atonement PREVIOUS PATRON: KAB Financial Services SOURCES OF STABILITY + SmBOL Your gun += S01GE The barman inthe King's Arms 1 SHFE1 Scotland Yard couens eTWoRK contacts wenPons/ARMoUR/GEAR HIT THRESHOLD [ 4] SPECIALS EXPLOSIVE DEVICES MoS: Automatically succeed on one Explosive Devices test PARKOUR: Refresh 3 Athletics points with a cool description of action PERFECT HOLDOUT: Flawlessly hide ‘one small object around your body TT a GEE Athletics Conceal Cover Digital Intrusion Diguise Driving Explosive Devices Filch Gambling Hand-to-Hand Infileration Mechanics Medic Network Piloting Preparedness Sense Trouble 4921 sieniz HEALTH a 123456768 De: 012345678 4921 sieniz STABILITY. 3-6 players. ‘with a fair wind behind you and igs of the Icons lighting your wa That was before the unnatural storm shipwrecked you. Pe it was before a gigantic living dungeon St out of the ocean and vomited a swarm onsters. "That was before everything went wrong. Now you've got to—quite literally—salvage the situation. Reunite your crew, repair the ship, plumb the mysteries of this strange island, and escape before the living dungeon returns. You're right on the precipice of doom here, in At Land's Edge. At Land’s Edge is a stand-alone adventure but also acts as a prequel to The Eyes of the Stone Thief, our monstrous living dungeon campaign. NIGHT'S HL sa EY THE HARHER INTRUSION Once, you were a spy. From Moscow to Ce ee) SS Ree ea ee ee missions. Surgical strikes. Now, you know Ce Ree LR eee CoA tL curt DO ac oes PUR Ru Rea cere Wiped out your old networks, blackened your name, left you broken and burned. CS LE he CRUE Cem aed Teeter ee eee ce en Ce ee eS nd there. She knows too much, and won't see the dawn unless you save her. With six Oe eC eee Tires start version of the award-winning Nights Cue eC Lcd everything you need to go hunting vampires... e 8

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