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Protective mechanisms in GER include Clinical Manifestations:

(1), gravity,  Heartburn is a burning, tight sensation felt intermittently

upright posture allows gravity to augment esophageal o beneath the lower sternum and spreading upward to the
acid emptying; throat or jaw.
(2), peristalsis, acid clearance begins o may occur after ingestion of food or drugs that decrease
with peristalsis that empties the refluxed content from the LES pressure
the esophagus; and o occurs more than twice a week, is rated as severe,
(3), saliva, the final phase of esophageal occurs at night and wakes a person from sleep, or is
acid clearance depends on the swallowed saliva, associated with dysphagia.
which has a neutralizing pH around 6.0.
 Dyspepsia
The LES is closed at rest, with an average pressure of o Pain or discomfort centered in the upper abdomen
about 20 mmHg, which prevents gastric content from  Regurgitation – hot bitter sour liquid coming into the throat
refluxing into the esophagus or mouth
 Hypersalivation (water brash)
Acid reflux occurs when the basal LES pressure is within  Respiratory symptoms (wheezing, coughing, dyspnea)
1–4 mmHg of the intragastric pressure  Nocturnal discomfort & coughing –
 Otolaryngologic symptoms (hoarseness, sore throat, a
Transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxation
globus sensation, choking)
(relaxation without swallowing) is the main mechanism
of acidic and nonacidic reflux – gastric distention  GERD-related chest pain can mimic angina – burning ,
squeezing , radiating to the back neck jaw or arms. It is
high-fat diet (delayed gastric emptying), relieved with antacids
foods that lower LES pressure (alcohol, chocolate, Irritation and inflammation by gastric secretions
caffeine, and onion), and acidic foods (citrus,
tomato products, and carbonated beverages)
Long-term use of PPIs has been associated with decreased
Obesity may lead to GERD through bone density,14 chronic hypochlorhydria, and increased risk of
chronically increased intra-abdominal pressure and Clostridium difficile in hospitalized patients.15 Long-term PPI
increased frequency of TLESRs ( use has also been associated with pneumonia.

Heartburn vs Heart Attack

 Heart burn is associated with food and
hence gets worst in terms of causing pain
after the intake of food. However, a heart
attack can be caused even at the resting
 For connecting pain of Heart and stomach,
it is best to take antacid first and check for
effectiveness. The best natural antacid to be
taken at home is lemon water with a half
teaspoon of black pepper. Note: Refer to a
chemist or your Doctor
 Heartburn does not cause symptoms like
shortness of breath, while a heart attack
does affect the breathing.
 Heartburn usually causes bloating while
heart attack does not cause any.

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