Oraciones Ingles.

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 My cousin dariana is agreeable because she likes to be with all her friends

(Mi prima dariana es agradable porque le gusta estar con todos sus amigos)

 Mi hermana es una persona considerada, siempre me ayuda en las tareas del hogar
(My sister is a considerate person, she always helps me with the housework)

 My dad Andres is very decisive, he started studying math, which he always wanted
Mi papá Andrés es muy resolutivo, empezó a estudiar matemáticas, que siempre quiso

 Grandma Sofia is very fair, she always gives ice cream to her grandchildren equally
(La abuela sofia es muy justa, siempre le da helado a sus nietos por igual)

 Juan sebastian is a very honest child, he always tells the truth

Juan sebastian es un niño muy honesto, siempre dice la verdad

 My mother has always been a mature woman, she has been working since she was fifteen
Hana es una niña muy paciente, siempre espera a que su mama le de los dulces

 Hana is a very patient girl, she always waits for her mother to give her sweets
Sofia mi prima es una persona confiable, nunca cuenta las cosas que le cuento

 Sofia my cousin is reliable person, she never tells the things I tell her
(Sofia mi prima es una persona confiable, nunca dice las cosas que yo le digo)

 Carolina is unrealible person, she always tells everything that is said to her
Carolina es una persona irreal, siempre cuenta todo lo que se le dice
 My cousin David is sometimes very dishonest because he gets bad grades and says he is
doing well

 My mom is a very impatient person, she never waits for me when I'm late
Mi mama es una persona muy impaciente, nunca me espera cuando estoy retrasada
 Sebastian is an adventurer, he likes to travel around the world

 my parents are very ambitious people, they save a lot of money to buy a mansión
Mis padres son personas muy ambiciosas, ahorran mucho dinero para comprar una
 Carolina in unreable person, she always tells everything that is said
Carolina en persona poco confiable, siempre cuenta todo lo que se dice
 Mariana is easygoing, relates to the whole family
mariana es de trato facil, se relaciona con toda la familia
 my little brother is a very stubborn person he refuses to carry out orders
mi hermanito es una persona muy obstinada se niega a cumplir ordenes

 Felipe is very inmature, he neves assumes responsabilities

 My grand father is sometimes inconsiderate because he doesn´t

 andreaMaria andrea is a very disagreeable girl always treats her friends badly

 My sister is very indecisive, she does not know whether to study law or philosophy

 Camilo is very unfair, she always blames her sister for everything

 My friend camila is very careful with her skin care, she does not leave the house with hout
her sunscreen

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