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A)hello meli how have you been

B)Hi , very happy I was on TV last week.

A)wow that's really exciting a few years ago I used to act in plays.I
always wanted to be on television

B)Do you mean that acting in plays you did not appear on television?

A)Well, no. What I mean is that I didn't go out much

B)ahhhh ok, hahaha now if I understood you, I have been very bored at
home, and I decided to buy some items online that's why I called you
A)what do you think of a red pants at 2000 and a blue pants at 1000

B)red pants are more expensive than blue, also blue is more beautiful
than red
A) think I have decided on blue, changing the subject where you will
spend your next vacation?

B)I went to the Amazon rain forest last winter. The trees and other
plants were beautiful, and I saw a lot of animals, but it really rained a
lot! it was wonderful. this year i would like to go to mexico i want to
know its gastronomy

A) I propose something We’re going to Newyork this year.

B) Fabulous, Can you do me please?
A) tell me
B) Could you please send the trip information to my email?
A) No problem, I send you the trip information
B) Thanks , we'll talk later.

A) I liked talking to you, I keep in touch to organize the trip,


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