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Cloakmaster Jarvis

The DM Lair
Luke Hart

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Copyright Notice
Copyright 2018, Lucus Hart, the DM Lair,

Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC.

System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls,
Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R.
Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave
Cloakmaster Jarvis
• Mithsanki Warrior (MM 160, CR 3, 700 XP)
• Mithsanki Knight (MM 160, CR 8, 3900 XP)
• Brain Eater (MM 222, CR 7, 2900 XP)
• Minotaur (MM 223, CR 3, 700 XP)
• Gith Hound (per hell hound, MM 182, CR 3, 700 XP)
• Bugbear (MM 33, CR 1, 200 XP)
• Bugbear Chief (MM 33, CR 3, 700 XP)
• Gargoyle (MM 140, CR 2, 450 XP)
• Zemmogoth (MM 313, CR 5, 1800 XP)

DM Notes
• Designed for 5 characters at level 7, 8, 9, or 10.

Plot Overview
• Cloakmaster Jarvis Clayton is the leader of the Midnight Thieves in the Baydeep region.
o Jarvis is a Mithsanki. Tall, gaunt, green skin, pointed ears.
• Jarvis Clayton Motivation: He is using the Midnight Thieves as a means to an end. He’s not
really invested in their goals (establish thieve guild in Baydeep and kill Lords of Baydeep).
o Jarvis’s larger Mithsanki nation has given him the task of supplying them with food and
o He uses the wierdust production as a front to get victims hooked on the drug and then
snatch them for food.
o Jarvis also raids other worlds in addition to Sormul.
o The Shadow Thieves are just a convenient front to get pawns to help him.
o Jarvis also enjoys the intrigue.
• Cloakmaster Jarvis is setup in warehouse 54 on Adder Lane.
• The true Crimson Ropes, lead by Dain Flintlock, have already assaulted the warehouse.
• The true Crimson Ropes have been keeping an eye on the Shadow Thieves, content to let the
heroes wipe them out, but they had to move on Jarvis because they feared he would escape.
• Dain will reveal that the heroes have not been working for the Crimson Ropes. He’ll tell them
that Etis Bright works for a half-drow named Shindia Darkeyes. Shindia works for some shady
organization that the Crimson Ropes have been unable to learn much about.
• Jarvis and the other Mithsanki escaped (plane shift).
• Dain has a powerful wizard working on opening a gateway to the Astral Plane to where Jarvis
went when the heroes arrive.
• The Mithsanki have special collars powered by their psychic energy that compel collared brain
eaters and slaves to obey their orders.
o For a collar to work, a Mithsanki must snap it on a captive and channel psychic energy
into it to activate it. Lucus Hart © 2017 Page 1 of 24

Cloakmaster Jarvis

• While traveling through the astral plane, they notice a massive shard of rock hurdling through
the plane.

Meeting with Etis Bright

• Etis and the kendu meet the heroes in the City of the Dead.
• Etis tells them that only Cloakmaster Jarvis remains and the Midnight Thieves will have been
expelled from the region.

Jarvis’s Warehouse
warehouse 54 on Adder Lane

• The true Crimson Ropes have already assaulted the warehouse
o Dain Flintlock lead this assault. (Dain was recruited into the Crimson Ropes recently.)
o They believed Cloakmaster Jarvis was going to escape before the heroes could get to
• The Crimson Ropes believe the heroes are working for the Zenobar.
o They have been keeping tabs on their meetings with Etis Bright (a known Zenobar
o They also know about the gnome’s wierdust production operation.
▪ They believe the stall to sell potions in the marketplace is a front.
o They haven’t done anything about the heroes just yet because they have actually been
doing the city a favor in taking out the Midnight Thieves.

Topside of Warehouse
• Full of crates and barrels (miscellaneous goods, and quite a bit of wierdust and raw ingredients
to make wierdust)
• There is an office in the back.
• Behind a mostly empty bookcase is a wooden staircase that leads down.

Tunnels Below Warehouse

• The staircase creaks horribly as they descend, alerting the Red Sash guards at the bottom.
• Room with 8 people who look like a cross between fighters and thieves, all heavily armed and
• The guards heard them coming and will demand to know why they are there.
o The guards know who they are and believe them to be agents of the Zenobar.
• When things start to get close to combat, Dain Flintlock emerges from a side passage.

Dain Flintlock Interaction

Immaculately dressed black-haired dwarf with silver clasps in his well-oiled beard. Rather tall for a dwarf
and quite muscular.

• Dain challenges them, states that he works for the Crimson Ropes. Lucus Hart © 2017 Page 2 of 24

Cloakmaster Jarvis

• When the heroes say they do, too, he laughs and says he knows they work for the Zenobar.
o He explains stuff noted in the Backstory above.
• Let the heroes persuade him that they didn’t know anything about it.
• Dain says that to prove their innocence, they can help the true Crimson Ropes by taking out
Cloakmaster Jarvis.
o Dain explains that Jarvis escaped the compound via planar travel.
o They have a wizard at work now to open a gate to the location that Jarvis went.

The Astral Gate

• Dain takes them down some tunnels to a small room.
• A wizard is casting spells there.
• After a while, the wizard announces that he has divined the location Jarvis traveled to.
• The wizard opens a planar gate for the heroes to go through.
• The wizard gives them a small gem (Gem of Returning) and tells them to crush it on the floor
when they are ready to return.

The Astral Plane

(DMG 46)

• Great silvery sea, the same above and below

• Swirling wisps of white and grey streaking among motes of light like distant stars
• Vast empty expanse
• Far in the distance there is a massive object that resembles a meteor. Flame and debris are in its
wake. It appears to be hurtling through the vast.
• Closer, there is another large object that looks like a gigantic, spherical chunk of rock

Movement Rules: Speed = 3 X Intelligence score (for example, INT 10 = 30 ft. speed)

Describe difficulty moving as they just sort of float there. Lucus Hart © 2017 Page 3 of 24

Cloakmaster Jarvis

Mithsanki Astral Ship

As they travel toward the chunk of rock, the Mithsanki astral ship comes at them.

In the distance, approaching you is large ship, some 100 feet long. Its hull is covered with alien
protrusions. It appears to have multiple decks, including elevated forecastle and poop deck. It appears to
be crewed by humanoids, though it is difficult to make them out from this distance.

Crew: Mithsanki Warriors, Minotaurs, Brain Eater


• Evasion: The players may try to avoid the ship. (Let them!) If they do, the ship docks at the
Mithsanki base while the heroes are in it and reinforcements arrive from behind to attack them.
• Fight: If the heroes confront the ship, the Mithsanki want to capture them.
o They send a brain eater and minotaurs at them.
o When that doesn’t work, the Mithsanki start making passes on their ship, firing ballistae
at the heroes. The heroes will have to engage them or get picked to pieces.

Wave One
Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
Difficulty Deadly Hard Hard Hard
Adjusted XP 8600 8600 10,000 11,400
XP Awarded 4300 4300 5000 5700
Brain Eater 1 1 1 1
Minotaur 2 2 3 4

Battle Notes: Brain Eater can use Misty Step as a bonus action.
Loot: 400 cp, 200 sp, 50 gp

Wave Two
The ship starts at 400 feet away. It takes ~6 rounds to close with the ship. So, the Mithsanki will get 2
shots each with the ballistae before the heroes close on the ship.

Ballista (DMG 255): +6 to hit, range 120/480, one target, 16 (3d10) piercing damage.
• One action to load, one action to aim, one action to fire.
• There are 4 ballistae on the ship, and each Mithsanki mans one of them.

Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10

Difficulty Hard Medium Medium Medium
Adjusted XP 5600 5600 5600 7000
XP Awarded 2800 2800 2800 3500
Mithsanki Warrior 4 4 4 5

Battle Notes:
Loot: 3 coral gems (100 gp each), 800 sp, 400 gp Lucus Hart © 2017 Page 4 of 24

Cloakmaster Jarvis

C7- Captain’s Quarters

This room must be the captain’s quarters. It is wood-paneled with a luxurious bed, gilded dresser, and a
table made of polished humanoid bones. Polished, bone-white skulls of various creatures hang on the
walls. A large, iron trunk stands in one corner. On one wall hangs a large tapestry depicting tall, gaunt
alien creatures battling brain eaters.

This is Cloakmaster Jarvis’s quarters when he is on the ship. He uses the trunk to stash spoils from raids
but empties it out when he docks at his base.

Dresser: 5 sets of fine clothes, very alien looking and made for someone tall and lean

Trunk: (DC 20 lock) (glyph ward trap: 2d10 physic damage to everyone in the room, DC 12 Intelligence
Save for ½ damage; and Jarvis is telepathically notified that someone opened his truck) empty

Tapestry: shows a massive battle between Mithsanki and brain eaters. 1000 gp value.

C20 – Hold
• There are some crates and barrels through the hold (C20, C21, C22).
• Minotaurs sit on crates and are arm-wrestling on a barrel.

Crates - Hold salted meat. (DC 15 History to recognize that this is human and elvish flesh.)

Barrels: Some barrels hold water and others hold some sort of alien fish in a brine solution.

Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10

Difficulty Easy Easy Easy Easy
Adjusted XP 2100 4200 4200 4200
XP Awarded 1400 2100 2100 2100
Minotaur 2 3 3 3

Battle Notes:
Loot: 400 cp, 200 sp, 50 gp

C19 – Hold
• Stuffed in this area are 14 captives.
• The Mithsanki captured them on a raid to the Prime Material Plane.
• They are from Sembia.

G1 – Dock
The landing has steel posts fixed with thick ropes for the ship to moor to. Lucus Hart © 2017 Page 5 of 24

Cloakmaster Jarvis

G2 – Storage
• Stuffed full of amphorae and crates.

Amphorae: Contain an exotic beverage similar to feywine. DC 15 History to know it is not native to the

Crates: Contain salted meat. DC 15 History to recognize that this is human and elvish flesh.

G3 – Slave Barracks
Sleeping mats, a large wardrobe, and a hole in the ceiling. Nine burly dwarves stand beneath the hole,
large axes in their hands. They stare at you blankly and say nothing.

• The dwarves (thugs) are compelled by their collars to attack anyone not Mithsanki (or
accompanied by one) who tries to go up the hole to other levels.
• Removing their collars returns them to their normal selves.
• The dwarves are from the mountains near Dona’s homeland.
• They know of other slaves that the Mithsanki use in the kitchens.

Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10

Difficulty Easy Easy Trivial Trivial
Adjusted XP 2250 2250 2250 2250
XP Awarded 900 900 900 900
Dwarves (thugs) 9 9 9 9
Loot: none

Wardrobe: Contains common clothing and boots fit for the dwarves.

Vertical Shaft A
Vertical shaft runs up for a little over 100 feet. There are strange carvings all along its length.

Carvings: DC 15 Arcana to recognize these as alien magical runes of some sort. DC 20 to know they are a
magical trap of some sort.

Shaft Trap: When a living creature that is not Mithsanki or wearing a slave collar gets 50’ up the shaft,
the trap is triggered.

• If Triggered: Psychic energy emanates from the runes all up and down the shaft, dealing 4d6
psychic damage and stunning everyone in the shaft, DC 14 Intelligence save for ½ damage and
not stunned.
o If stunned, may repeat saving throw at the end of each turn.
o And an alarm sounds: a loud humming sound.
o The alarm triggers the gith hounds and minotaurs above to attack.
• Disarming: Dispel magic (DC 13 spellcasting check) suppresses the trap for 1 hour.
• Bypassing: If the heroes put collars from the dwarves on, they don’t trigger the trap. Lucus Hart © 2017 Page 6 of 24

Cloakmaster Jarvis

F1 – Color Pool
The floor of half of this room is covered by a russet-colored, shimmering, rippling pool.

Russet Color Pool – leads to Gehenna (see DMG 63 and Yugoloths MM 311).

F2 – Gith Hound Lair

An alcove off to the side contains broken humanoid bones with bits of flesh hanging from them. The
stone floor of the far side of the chamber is littered with bedding that appear to be made from skins.

Bedding: They are made from the skin of humanoids, mostly elves and humans. Serve as the hound’s

The gith hounds are trained attack dogs of the Mithsanki. Instead of breathing fire, they breathe a cone
of psychic damage.

Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10

Difficulty Medium Medium Medium Medium
Adjusted XP 4200 5600 7000 8400
XP Awarded 2100 2800 3500 4200
Gith Hound 3 4 5 6
(per hell hound)

Battle Notes:

F3 – Guard Room
A large table and oversized chairs stand in part of the room. The far side of the room is littered with
debris and bones. Another vertical shaft leads up into the ceiling.

Minotaurs sit at the table playing some game that involves shouting at each other and pounding the
table. They are making tons of racket.

Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10

Difficulty Easy Easy Easy Easy
Adjusted XP 2100 4200 4200 5600
XP Awarded 1400 2100 2100 2800
Minotaur 2 3 3 4

Battle Notes:
Loot: 400 cp, 200 sp, 50 gp Lucus Hart © 2017 Page 7 of 24

Cloakmaster Jarvis

F4 – Butchering Room
Counters with cleavers and knifes on them. Wooden crates stacked about. One large wooden drum. The
floor and counters are crimson with blood.

This room is where the Mithsanki slaughter captives, butcher and salt their flesh, and then package the
meat in crates.

Crates: Empty.

Large wooden drum: about 2/3 full of coarse salt

F5 – Cells
Perhaps two dozen humanoids – mostly humans and elves – sit about this chamber. They look abused
and their clothing is dirty and torn. Smells of sweat, urine, and feces.

• These are humans and elves that the Mithsanki have captured on their raids to the Material
• The captives await slaughtering and processing in the butchering room.
• All of the captives have witnessed others being butchered, and they are terrified.

M1 – Minotaur Barracks
Beds, large table, wardrobe, two chests. Smells musty and rank.

Chest A: 2000 cp, 5000 sp

Chest B: 1000 gp

Wardrobe: minotaur clothes

Battle Notes:
• One of the minotaurs uses the halberd of life stealing.

Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10

Difficulty Hard Hard Hard Medium
Adjusted XP 5600 7000 8400 8400
XP Awarded 2800 3500 4200 4200
Minotaur 4 5 6 6

Battle Notes:
Loot: Halberd of Life Stealing

M2 – Tunnel to Bugbears
Slops steeply upward and goes on for quite a way, turning loops along the way. Lucus Hart © 2017 Page 8 of 24

Cloakmaster Jarvis

B1 – Poison Workshop
Workbenches full of alchemical equipment, two cabinets, large brass gong.

Bugbears work here creating poisons and other compounds for their assassination work.

Workbenches: Alchemist’s Supplies x 10

Cabinet A: vial of acid X 10, alchemist’s fire (flask) x 5

Cabinet B: Poison, basic (vial) x 10, Poison (carrion crawler mucus) x 5, Poison (serpent venom) X 5,
poison (midnight tears) x 1

Battle Notes
• The bugbear closest to the gong will ring it in order to alert the bugbears in the rooms.

Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10

Difficulty Easy Easy Easy Easy
Adjusted XP 2000 2400 3000 3000
XP Awarded 1000 1200 1500 1500
Bugbear 5 6 4 4
Bugbear Chief 1 1
Battle Notes:
Loot: 500 sp, 200 gp

Ambush in the Tunnels

Run this fight if the gong was sounded. If the gong wasn’t sounded, see next section.

Battle Notes

• Bugbears maneuver in the tunnels to surround the heroes.

• Then they attack from the rear first, trying to get a surprise round.
• One of the bugbear chiefs is wearing the ring of spell storing (see magic sheet for spells it has).

Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10

Difficulty Hard Hard Hard Hard
Adjusted XP 7250 7250 9000 10250
XP Awarded 2900 2900 3600 4100
Bugbear 4 4 4 3
Bugbear Chief 3 3 4 5
Battle Notes:
Loot: 500 sp, 200 gp Lucus Hart © 2017 Page 9 of 24

Cloakmaster Jarvis

Bugbear Locations if Gong Wasn’t Sounded

Bugbears are in the locations below. Loud battle in one room may alert the occupants of other rooms.

• B2 – 1 bugbear (asleep)
• B3 – 1 bugbear, 1 bugbear chief (awake)
• B4 – Empty
• B5 – 2 bugbears (asleep)
• B6 – 2 bugbear chiefs (awake)

B2, B3, B4, B5, – Rooms

Rugs cover the floor, bed, table, trunk.

Each room has the below interact objects.

Secret Door: (Perception DC 25, unless they explicitly search under the rungs) Trap door under rugs.
Fifteen-foot ladder leads down to tunnels.

Trunk: bugbear clothes, boots, 100 sp, 50 gp

B6 – Bugbear Boss Room

Rugs cover the floor. Bed, desk, chest, wardrobe.

Chest: (DC 15 Lock) (trapped) pouch with 6 100gp gems; potion of healing X 9, potion of greater healing
X 4, potion of superior healing X 2
• TRAP: Poison dart, auto-hit person opening the chest, 1 piercing damage and 2d10 poison
damage; DC 15 Constitution save or poisoned for 1 hour.

Desk: Parchment, ink well, binder full of papers (see below)

Binder: contains meticulous notes of assassination jobs the bugbears have done

Wardrobe: bugbear clothes Lucus Hart © 2017 Page 10 of 24

Cloakmaster Jarvis

GY1 – Dining Hall

Rows of tables, Mithsanki eating, servants serving food, one servant is Selise Felone

Encounter Notes:

• Mithsanki are distracted as they eat (disadvantage stealth checks) but attack any intruders they
• Servants, including Selise, flee to their barracks.
• If Selise sees Dona, or Dona calls out to her, Selise will try to go to her. The Mithsanki will try to
use her as a hostage.

Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10

Difficulty Medium Medium Medium Medium
Adjusted XP 4200 5600 5600 7000
XP Awarded 2100 2800 2800 3500
Mithsanki Warrior 3 4 4 5

Loot: 500 gp

GY2 – Kitchens
Ovens, counters, cooking implements, cabinets above the counters, several servants cooking

Servants: Mostly human and eleven females.

• If hear battle in GY1, will flee to barracks.
• If heroes enter via south corridor, they will shirk away in surprise, but otherwise do nothing.
• Selise Felone is in the kitchens

Selise Felone Interaction Notes

• She is losing her identity under the brain eater’s influence and becoming a mindless slave.
• She barely recognizes Dona, and is only mildly relieved to be rescued.
• She can confirm that the merchant sold her and Quara to Reoke, and that not long ago Reoke
gave her to Cloakmaster Jarvis.
• She can describe Jarvis as a Mithsanki with a massive silver sword.
• She knows the way to Jarvis’s quarters is through a maze on this level, but that’s it.

GY3 – Servants Barracks

Bunks for about twenty servants, three wardrobes.

• The servants may have fled here. They will be cowering in their barracks.
• Most of the servants have had their minds burned away and are unthinking slaves that obey the
Mithsanki without thought. Lucus Hart © 2017 Page 11 of 24

Cloakmaster Jarvis

GY4 – Brain Eater Barracks

Thin wood partitions make “rooms” for brain eaters, beds, dressers, half of room covered in hide
bedding, brain eater in room.

Dressers: Contain robes cut for the mindflayers.

Encounter Notes:
• One (or two) brain eater is in his “room”, awake, and he’ll attack.

Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10

Difficulty Easy Easy Easy Medium
Adjusted XP 2900 2900 2900 8700
XP Awarded 2900 2900 2900 5800
Brain Eater 1 1 1 2

GY5 thru GY10

Each room: Two beds, wardrobe, small table, chest.

LOCKED DOORS: Doors covered with runes. They are opened by triggering the correct runes with
psychic or arcane magic. DC 15 spellcasting check while using magic from a cantrip.

GY7 & GY10: contain one Mithsanki sleeping

Chest: (each) 1d12 X 10 gp, boots, other generic items.

Wardrobe: (each) finely made clothes fitted for the Mithsanki

GY11 – Maze
Footfalls echo a lot as does any noise.

LOCKED DOORS: Doors covered with runes. They are opened by triggering the correct runes with
psychic or arcane magic. DC 15 spellcasting check while using magic from a cantrip.

Encounter Notes:
• The brain eater and bugbears know the heroes’ exact location when they enter the maze.
• Some bugbears will circle around behind them and take them in the rear.
• Others prepare ambushes.

Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10

Difficulty Hard Hard Hard Hard
Adjusted XP 7400 7800 10000 12800
XP Awarded 3700 3900 5000 6400
Brain Eater 1 1 1 1
Bugbear 4 5
Bugbear Chief 3 5 Lucus Hart © 2017 Page 12 of 24

Cloakmaster Jarvis

Random Encounter
This is a patrol of Mithsanki that can be used at any time to attack the heroes. Typically when they are
taking a short or long rest, and they haven’t “earned” it. (After this battle, they’ll have earned it…)

Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10

Difficulty Hard Hard Hard Hard
Adjusted XP 5600 10000 11400 11400
XP Awarded 2800 5000 5700 5700
Mithsanki 2 2 2 2
Gith Hounds 2 1 2 2
Brain Eater 0 1 1 1

Death Maze Fountain Rooms

In the middle of the room is a large fount of dark water. Half a dozen leering stone gargoyles are perched
up along the walls.

Gargoyles. The gargoyles are just stone statues. These rooms are to set the tone and to make the heroes
think that the gargoyle statues are just gargoyle statues. Then, when the gargoyle statues in DM1 –
Basin Room are actually real, living gargoyles, it’s a surprise.

DM1 – Basin Room

A long basin of dark water stretches the length of this room. At least a dozen gargoyles are up along the
wall near the ceiling, leering down at you.

Basin. The water in the basin is about seven feet deep. Hiding in the water are bugbears, using thin
reeds to breathe.

Gargoyles. Some of these gargoyles are alive. They move to attack when the heroes are all in the room,
or when the first hero reaches the north exit.

Battle Notes:
• If the heroes didn’t already fight and gain the ring of spell storing, one of theses bugbear chiefs
is wearing the ring of spell storing (see magic sheet for spells it has).
• Bugbears use carrion crawler mucus poison on their weapons:
o DC 13 Constitution save or be poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned, also paralyzed.
Can repeat save at end of each turn, ending effect on success. (DMG 258)

Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10

Difficulty Hard Hard Hard Hard
Adjusted XP 6900 9750 11500 11500
XP Awarded 3450 3900 4600 4600
Gargoyle 3 4 4 4
Bugbear Chief 3 3 4 4 Lucus Hart © 2017 Page 13 of 24

Cloakmaster Jarvis

Bugbear Loot: 3d6 x 10 gp

DM2 – Four Squares

zemmogoth mercenaries working for Cloakmaster Jarvis patrol this area.

Encounter Setup Notes:

• Once the heroes come into this area and are in a decent position to spring the combat, have one
of the zemmogoths come around a corner, or have the heroes come across it as they move
around a corner.
• Then, place the other zemmogoths in nearby areas where the heroes haven’t explored. As battle
is joined, these zemmogoths join in. This will create tension as monsters enter the battle that
the heroes weren’t initially aware of.

Battle Notes:
• Zemmogoths use darkness as much as possible to gain advantage, give heroes disadvantage,
and frustrate spell casters (who typically need to see their targets).
• Zemmogoths use teleport to pop form place to place in the darkness, confusing the heroes as to
where they are.
• If the battle is turning into a cake walk, a zemmogoth has a 30% chance to summon another
zemmogoth (1 time per day). You can also just have it automatically be successful.

Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10

Difficulty Medium Medium Hard Hard
Adjusted XP 5400 5400 10800 10800
XP Awarded 3600 3600 5400 5400
Zemmogoth 2 2 3 3

Zemmogoth Loot: 3d10 x 10 gp

J1 – Lounge
Fancy couches, gilded table.

LOCKED DOOR: Door covered with runes. It is opened by triggering the correct runes with psychic or
arcane magic. DC 15 spellcasting check while using magic from a cantrip.

J2 – Jarvis Bedroom
Massive ornate bed, wardrobe, large chest.

Bed: under the bed in a locked coffer (DC 13) is 400 pp

Wardrobe: 5 pairs of fine clothes (15 gp each) and tooled, black leather boots

Chest: (Locked, DC 15) (Trapped, 2d10 psychic damage to everyone in the room, DC 15 Intelligence save
for ½ damage) 4500 gold pieces Lucus Hart © 2017 Page 14 of 24

Cloakmaster Jarvis

J3 – Jarvis’s Study
Large desk, shelves on walls covered with knick-knacks.

Shelves: Dozens of small silver figurines (worth 1500 gp total).

• Maps and notes detailing nearly a hundred “meat farms” where the Mithsanki harvest human
and elven flesh. They have a raid rotation that ensures each farm has time to recover before
they raid it again. Many of the locations appear to be on entirely different worlds.
• In a desk drawer there are several scroll cases containing the following scrolls: chromatic orb,
expeditious retreat, invisibility, gust of wind, locate object, lightning bolt, blink, tongues, wall of
fire, hallucinatory terrain, dimension door, conjure elemental, contact other plane

J4 – Jarvis Audience Hall

When the heroes first enter the room:

There is a short hallway that ends in double doors. The doors are covered with intricate carvings of
Mithsanki battling brain eaters.

This hallway is an illusion meant to pull the heroes into it. Once the heroes get to the end of the hallway
and try to open the doors, the illusion drops, and the real doors to J4 slam closed.

Tall ceiling, fluted columns with leering statues on them, dais, throne, one Mithsanki with a silver sword
on the throne; other Mithsanki stand in front of the throne.

Encounter Setup Notes:

• The Mithsanki on the throne is Cloakmaster Jarvis (Mithsanki knight).
• In front of the throne are the Mithsanki warriors.
• Off in a corner under the effect of greater invisibility is the Mithsanki sorcerer.

Battle Notes:
• Cloakmaster Jarvis and Mithsanki warriors engage in melee with the heroes.
• Mithsanki sorcerer…

Mithsanki Sorcerer
• Per Mithsanki warrior with following exceptions:
o AC 15, Charisma 16 (+3), Doesn’t have multi-attack
o Dagger (instead of greatsword): 1d4+1 piercing damage plus 2d6 psychic damage
• 7 level spellcaster. Ability is Charisma, DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks

o Cantrips (at will): eldritch blast, blade ward, message, shocking grasp
o 1st level (4 slots): magic missile, shield, mage armor
o 2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, hold person
o 3rd level (3 slots): lightning bolt, counter spell
o 4th level (1 slot): greater invisibility Lucus Hart © 2017 Page 15 of 24

Cloakmaster Jarvis

Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10

Difficulty Deadly Deadly Deadly Deadly
Adjusted XP 10600 12000 13400 14800
XP Awarded 5300 6000 6700 7400
Mithsanki Knight 1 1 1 1
Mithsanki Warrior 1 2 3 4
Mithsanki Sorcerer 1 1 1 1

Mithsanki Loot: 3d10 x 10 gp

An Exit
Crushing the Gem of Returning alerts the Crimson Ropes wizard that the heroes are ready to return, and
he opens a portal for them.

Dain Flintlock Interaction

• Dain congratulates them.
• Dain asks if they would consider working for the REAL Crimson Ropes.
• If they agree, he says that he’ll be in contact with them in a tenday or so after they’ve rested up.

If the heroes decide to go after Etis Bright, run the “A Meeting with Etis Bright” adventure.

Story Reward (defeating Cloakmaster Jarvis): 500 XP each Lucus Hart © 2017 Page 16 of 24

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